The greater part of the Peirce Collection, exclusive of the correspondence, was microfilmed in 1963 - 64. Upon completion of the microfilming, errors in cataloguing were discovered. Because any extensive revision of the microfilm was prohibited by the expense involved, the microfilm, apart from a very few changes, was left alone. Asterisks placed before manuscript numbers have called attention to discrepancies between what was filmed and the revised catalogue descriptions, except where an entire manuscript was removed from the folder reserved for it, in which case, for the sake of convenience, the catalogue description and the microfilm correspond.

MS. 1 Six pages added from MS. 1250 (a p. 14 continuing p. 13; pp. 14, 14, 15, 16, 18 of one or more drafts); 1 p. from MS. 525.

MS. 21 Two pages added from MS. 278.

MS. 45 Contents removed to L 299.

MS. 74 Two pages added from fragments.

MS. 96 Contents removed to MS. 145.

MS. 106 Sixteen pages removed to MS. 1095, of which they form leaves numbered in red 1263-1278 and in blue 776-761.

MS. 113 Four pages added from fragments. MS. 145 Eleven pages added from MS. 96.

MS. 157 Seven pages added from fragments; one page from MS. 839

MS. 244 Four pages added from fragments.

MS. 263 One page added from fragments.

MS. 278 Two pages removed to MS. 21; two pages removed to MS. 531; one page removed to MS. 881; one page removed to MS. 1147.

MS. 283 One page (p. 20) overlooked in the microfilming.

MS. 299 A single-page variant added from MS. 1572.

MS. 316a The notebook is missing. It was not filmed.

MS. 317 The photostat has been misplaced; it belongs with MS. 620.

MS. 348a For the film of these pages, see film of MS. 1571.

MS. 355 Two pages added from MS. 358.

MS. 358 Two pages removed to MS. 355.

MS. 397 Six pages (pp. 7-12) added from MS. 950.

MS. 403 Six pages added from MS. 934. For pp. 24-29, see film of MS. 934.

MS. 422 Only the typescript was filmed. The manuscript (pp. 453-456) was added subsequently.

MS. 443 Two pages added.

MS. 473 One page (p. 2) overlooked in the microfilming.

MS. 478 One page (p. 8) overlooked in the microfilming.

MS. 500 Contents removed to L 376.

MS. 514 One section (pp. 9-40) and several unnumbered folded sheets from prior drafts were added to L 231.

MS. 522 One page added from fragments which continues the comparison of CSP's symbolism with Schroeder's begun on pp. 38-41 of the notebook.

MS. 525 One page removed to MS. 1.

MS. 526 Three pages (pp. 2-4 of Paper I) added from MS. 839

MS. 527 Two pages added from fragments.

MS. 529 CSP's annotated copy has been placed here.

MS. 531 Two pages (one double page) added from fragments; two pages added from MS. 278; and two pages removed to L 183.

MS. 536 Two pages added from MS. 839.

MS. 558 One page (p. 15) added from MS. 1572.

MS. 570 Two pages (pp. 2 and 4) were overlooked in the microfilming.

MS. 574 One page added from fragments.

MS. 586 The notebook is missing, but a positive of it was made by Carolyn Eisele so its contents have been preserved.

MS. 595 Pages 23, 30-32, 38 are rejects of MS. 787. These pages, together with the contents of MSS. 804 and 805, yield some consecutive runs and give some idea of the extent of revision in the final draft of MS. 787. See also below notes to MSS. 717 and 787.

MS. 620 A photostat, formerly part of MS. 317, has been placed here.

MS. 693 One page added to Vol. 3; one page added to Vol. 6.

MS. 707 One folded sheet removed to L 340.

MS. 717 Among the fragmentary pages are pp. 2-3, 8, 21-24 and discarded pp. 8 and 24. These pages are from a draft of the Short Logic (MS. 595). Also MS. 1214 contains partial drafts of MS. 595, and MS. 739 contains pp. 30-32 which are continued by pp. 33-34 of MS. 595. It is likely that other parts of the Short Logic have been scattered throughout the section on Logic. See MS. 903 for fragments of other drafts of MS. 717.

MS. 739 Pages 30-32 are continued by pp. 33-34 of the Short Logic (MS. 595).

MS. 748 This MS. was filmed as if it were a single work. Subsequently it was determined that it actually consisted of several different parts which, because of their importance, have been catalogued under MS. numbers 748 a-d.

MS. 764 Seven folded sheets (28 pp.) added to L 231; two folded sheets (8 pp.) added to L 256.

MS. 787 See MSS. 804 and 805 for rejected pages of MS. 787. These pages, together with pages numbered 23, 30-32, and 38 in MS. 595 (which are also rejects from MS. 787), yield some consecutive runs and give some idea of the extent of revision in the final draft of MS. 787. See also MS. 812 for two missing pages (pp. 8-9).

MS. 802 One page added from MS. 1347.

MS. 804 Rejected pages of MS. 787. MS. 805 Rejected pages of MS. 787.

MS. 807 Pages 16-20 continue a letter draft from CSP to Lady Welby, probably of a letter draft of December 14, 1908.

MS. 812 The two numbered pages (pp. 8-9) are two of the missing pages in MS. 787.

MS. 839 Three pages removed to MS. 526; two pages removed to MS. 536. one page removed to MS. 937; and one page removed to MS. 157.

MS. 842 One page ("Contents") added.

MS. 845 Pages 21-31 added from L 338.

MS. 852 Pages 11-14 added from MS. 1008.

MS. 875 Three pages removed to MS. 962.

MS. 881 The final page (p. 100) added from MS. 278.

MS. 896 The single page is part of MS. 339 and has been removed to that place as a14r and inserted between pp. 108 and 109. MS. 339 has been refilmed with the inserted page.

MS. 919 Two pages removed to MS. 922.

MS. 922 Two pages added from MS. 919; five pages added from MS. 964.

MS. 930 Three pages added from fragments.

MS. 934 Pages 24-29 removed to MS. 403.

MS. 937 One page (alternative p. 8) added from MS. 839.

MS. 949 Two pages added from fragments.

MS. 950 Pages 7-12 combine with and complete MS. 397.

MS. 956 See MS. 968 for part of this draft.

MS. 957 One page added from fragments.

MS. 960 Eight pages removed to L 307.

MS. 962 Three pages added from MS. 875.

MS. 964 Contents removed to MS. 922.

MS. 968 Part of draft of The Architecture of Theories. For the remainder see MS. 956.

MS. 997 One page added from fragments.

MS. 1008 Contents removed to MS. 852.

MS. 1009 One page removed to L 463.

MS. 1072 Page 5 was not filmed. It is blank except for the number.

MS. 1095 Sixteen pages added from MS. 106.

MS. 1104 One page added from fragments. MS. 1147 One page added from MS. 278.

MS. 1250 Six pages removed to MS. 1. See note to MS 1.

MS. 1347 One page removed to MS. 802.

MS. 1361 One page added from MS. 1575.

MS. 1513 Sixteen pages, most of them identifiable items for The Nation, added from fragments.

MS. 1538 Two pages added from fragments.

MS. 1554 Part of a notebook, containing a list of CSP's books by shelves, added.

MS. 1571 Two pages removed to MS. 348a.

MS. 1572 One page removed to MS. 299; one page removed to MS. 558.

MS. 1575 One page moved to MS. 1361.

MS. 1596 Two letters removed to L 62a and L 70.



The chronological listing includes not only those manuscripts which Peirce himself dated but also those manuscripts which the several editors of Peirce's manuscripts have dated with varying degrees of confidence. For precise information concerning the dates, both Peirce's and the editors', the reader is referred to the manuscript statements themselves. A word of caution: When more than one year is indicated for a manuscript, as in the case of the Logic Notebook (MS. 339), which covers a period of over forty years, the first year alone is noted in the chronology.



Although for many of Peirce's published writings no manuscripts are extant, there are among his papers some which were published in the Collected Papers and elsewhere. The purpose of this index is to enable the reader who has a bibliographical item in mind to determine at a glance whether there is a corresponding catalogue entry. Only catalogue entries which involved some publication either in whole or in part are noted. The principal exception concerns Peirce's drafts of reviews, which, for the most part, are incomplete and fragmentary, although a few of them were published. The bibliographical items are Burks's, supplemented by Fisch's, and the omission of any item means that there is nothing among Peirce's papers corresponding to it.

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