An index of the Catalogue, exclusive of the correspondence, with the numbers referring to manuscripts, not to pages.

A posteriori 341, 741, 744
A priori 334, 349, 741, 744, 926
see also Belief, fixation of
Aahmes 1275-1276, 1295-1296
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood324, 620
Abduction 293, 315, 470. 473, 475-476, 478, 692, 767, 857, 873, 939, 1147
and pragmatism 1584
see also Hypothesis; Retroduction
see Collections
Absolute, the 119, 121, 200, 284, 318, 63o, 822, 857, 904
Abstraction 48, 402, 467, 733, 916, 1105
Absurdity 375
Accident 403, 641, 732, 934
Acetylene 1030-1035
generator for 1035
Achilles and Tortoise 45, 165, 814-815
Action 283-284, 290, 939, 992
Actuality 138, 303, 393, 686, 858, 930
see also Existence; Fact; Secondness
Addition 40, 46, 173, 176-177, 179, 185, 190
logical 571
Adduction 764
Adirondack Summer School Lectures 1334
Aerodynamics 1010-1015, 1385, 1456
air-sailing 1011, 1013-1014
airship ascension, Lake Constance1012
airship of Count von Zeppelin 1012
commercial value of 1013
Langley's theory of soaring 1013
mathematics of 1015
mechanical flight 1011
problem in 1010
Aesthetische Briefe (Schiller) 310, 619, 683

Affirmation517, 744
Agassiz, Louis902
Aggregation430, 515, 1047
Albertus Magnus861
Alcuin 584
Algebra 75-90, 165, 177, 192, 199
notation and signs of 532, 583
theorems of 430
theories of 429
see also Boolean algebra; Logic
Aliorelations 534
Almagest 1304
Almanac 1503
Alpha graphs
see Graphs, existential
Alphabet 1181
history and composition of 1186
Semitic 1245
Ambiguity 382, 413
Ampliative reasoning
see Reasoning
Amusements 1521-1539
backgammon 1526
chess 1527-1531, 1533
riddles, puzzles, jokes 1521-1523
tit-tat-too 1525
whist and other card games 186, 202, 1388, 1524, 1534-1536
Anaximander 1275
Anaximenes 1275
Anesthetics 649
Anglo-Saxon 1189
Animal breeding 1362
Anselm, Saint 890, 1009
Anthropomorphism 293, 745
Anti-aliorelations 534
Anti-cock-sure-ism 827
Anti-concurrencies 534
Antilogarithms 221
Apprehension 422, 647, 739
Aquinas, Saint Thomas 309
Aratos, Phainomena or Heavenly Display of 1299-1302
Archeology 163
Archimedes 1275, 1279, 1282
Architectonic, philosophical 969
Argelander, F. W. A. 1058
Argon 1036-1037
Argument 295, 313, 341, 357, 409, 651-652, 695, 730, 734, 742, 823
classification of 592, 594, 784, 811, 1573
critic of 589-591
definition of 641, 849
see also Abduction; Deduction; Induction; Inference; Reasoning
Aristophanes, The Clouds of 1229
Aristotelian logic 200, 284, 413-414, 661, 741
Aristotelians 1139
Aristotle 283, 309, 322, 328, 341, 400, 447, 475, 477, 559, 584, 606-607, 636-637, 646, 723, 741, 746, 749, 758, 764, 779, 816, 850, 976, 991-993, 1275, 1280
Arithmetic 167-169, 171-185, 187-19l, 199, 581, 589, 1263
chronology of 1263-1264
fundamental proposition of 47
see also Bibliography; Number
Arnauld, Antoine 654
Art 604, 745
see also Esthetics
Art chirography 1539
Assent 792
Assertion 284, 297, 334, 517, 636, 664, 744, 792, 804-805, 1408
see also Judgment
Association of ideas
see Ideas, association of
Assurance 669-670
Astronomy 163, 684, 1049-1059
history of 427, 652, 1275, 1298-1299, 1327
genera and species of 427
reviews of books in 1371a, 1392, 1399, 1447, 1472, 1479
Atheism 641
in England 1870
see also God; Religion
Athenian schools 606
Atmospheric effects 1096
Atomic weights 244, 1040
proposed changes in 1044
residuals of 1048
see Valency
Attention 681
Authority, method of
see Belief, fixation of
Autobiographical references 310, 319-325, 619, 630-632, 645, 657, 687-689, 694, 764, 771, 842, 847-848, 1578-1583, 1601-1644
see Probability
Avicenna 290
Awareness 680
Axiagastics 1334
Axioms 4, 43o, 517
of mathematics 98-99, 928
of metaphysics 928

Babylonian science, history of 1263, 1275, 1292, 1299, 1303
Backgammon 1526
Bacon, Francis 348a, 585, 764, 1000, 1341, 1571
Baconians 1139
Bain, Alexander 325, 400, 1462
Balance 191
Baldwin, J. M. 1469, 1509
see also Dictionary, Baldwin's
Balfour, Arthur 329, 938
Balzac, HonorÈ de 819
Basque 427, 852
Battery formulae 1573
see Esthetics Becoming 945
Being 345, 357, 732-733, 933-934, 939, 1140
infinite 318
modes of 49
pure 313
and reality 385
and substance 403
see also Categories; Firstness; Secondness; Thirdness
Belief 335, 371, 502, 517, 628-629, 668, 675, 681, 755, 830, 839, 852, 863, 873, 1378, 1438
association of 939
and doubt 288, 596, 598, 939
final (ideal) 367, 372, 1009
fixation of 333-334, 366, 407, 596, 598, 1002
genuine 939
religious 861, 890
see also Action; Conduct; Habit
Belmont, O. H. P. (Mra.) 276
Bentham, Jeremy 816
Berkeley, George 328, 641, 663, 816-817
Frazer's edition of 641, 1439
Berkeleyianism 322, 609
Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin, refutation of 1030
Beta graphs
see Graphs, existential
Bibliography 1408, 1542-1553, 1558, 1571, 1573, 1575
Biography 1318-1323
comparative 1120
Biology, genera of 427
Birds, flight of 1013
Blancanus, Josephus 1268
Bleaching process 1348
definition of 125
dynamics of 427
and mind (soul) 680, 879
Boethius 685, 996, 1408
Bolzano, Bernard 622
Book of Psalms 889
Boole, George 93, 280, 475, 551, 563, 622, 816
Boolean algebra 303, 342, 344, 354, 417-418, 430, 515-516, 529, 532, 535-536, 561-564, 566, 573, 581-582, 736, 741
inadequacies of 1
whist in 1524
Boswell, James, Life of Johnson 1257
Bradley, Francis H. 684
Brahe, Tycho 1285
Brain-forcing 1117
Breadth 384, 421, 430, 469, 664
informed 384, 1147
Brooke, Lord 1181
Brown, Gould, The Institutes of English Grammar 1219
Brown, Robert, The Phainomena or 'Heavenly Display' of Aratos 1301
Brute force
see Secondness
Brute will 650
Burlesque 1303
Business (banking)
and science 1332
Byzantine logic 994

Calculus, differential 92, 237
Dionyaian 1324
Gregorian 1324
Campanus, age of 1312
Can-be 334, 663, 680
Cantor, Georg 114, 201-204, 300, 458, 469, 816, 821
Cantorian 1170
Capacities 320
Cardinal number
see Number
Carnification 1116
Cartesianism 1000
Cartography 1349-1355
Carus, Paul 958, 1288
Casuistry 1334
see also Ethics
Categories 13, 307-310, 312, 385, 403, 438, 515, 717, 720, 744, 895-915, 991-992, 1111, 1135, 1335
Aristotelian 477, 991-992
kainopythagorean 141
Kantian 895, 897, 921
see also Firstness; Secondness; Thirdness
Causality 379, 858, 916, 963
Causation 891
and force 443, 446
see also Determinism; Necessitarianism Cause
external and internal 517
final 682, 919
formal 1571
Causeries du Lundi 1256, 1593
Cayley, Arthur 302, 546, 806, 1401
Celestial worlds 916
Cell 901
Cenoscopy 280, 283, 299, 326, 1139
doctrine of 145
study of 1574
Censua number 137, 156, 161-162
Census theorem 137, 161, 318
Century Dictionary, CSP's definitions for see Dictionary, Century
Certainty 334-335, 668, 829, 939
Chaldean 1277
astronomy 1298
metaphysics 13
see Tychism
Chances, doctrine of
see Probability
Change 680
Chaos 13, 965
Chemistry 427, 643, 704. 927, 1030-1048, 1210, 1585-1586
curves and graphs of 300, 1038, 1406, 1048
Egyptian 1276
method of 1047
reviews of books in 1453, 1466, 1471, 1473-1474, 1508
Chess 1527-1531
Child, Francis j. 632
Chirography 1186
see also Art chirography
Christianity 846-847, 887, 893
Clairvoyance 298
Class 200, 295, 693
see also Collections; Multitude
Classification 649, 725, 839
of arguments 592, 594, 784, 811
of the arts 1135
biological 902
of ideas 1135, 1139
of relatives 533-534
of the sciences 437, 601-602, 605, 615, 655, 673, 675, 677, 728, 778, 1135, 1341
of synonyms and words generally 1135-1142
of universes 784
Clearness 544, 649, 835, 953
see also Pragmatism
Clock-signal 1095
Coast Survey (United States) 1060-1098, 1573
Coexistence 534
Cognition 299, 325, 358, 373, 396, 655, 659, 901, 931, 1009
see also Belief; Conception; Thought
Collections 24-27, 31-36, 49, 114, 142, 169, 200, 295, 303, 339, 458-459. 463, 469-471, 821, 939, 1177
abnumerable 28
denumerable 25
enumerable 25
and Fermatian inference 819
first and second intentional 27
and quota 32
see also Multitude
Cologne water 1167, 1364a
Color experiments 1016-1024
Color names 1152-1155, 123o
Columbia University 1330
Combinatorial analysis 71-74
Common ground 611-615
Common sense 288, 290, 318, 326, 329, 339, 615, 617, 642, 652, 667, 735, 755, 770, 852-853, 882, 1103, 1334
see also Critical common-sensism;
Logica docens; Logica utens
Community 858, 916
Commutation 515, 547
Composition 165, 411, 430
and aggregation 515
Comprehension, logical 345, 356, 421, 724-726, 731, 736
see also Connotation
Computer 212-213
Comte, Auguste 350, 621, 673, 816, 970, 1334, 1336, 1339, 1373
Conception, and Concept 318, 357, 381, 409, 498-499, 733, 743, 921
analysis of 653
attachments of 643
simple 740, 835
see also Belief; Cognitions; Ideas; Thirdness
Conceptual space 1171
Conceptual time 1171
Concurrencies 534
Conduct 614, 671, 755
ethical 288, 448
logical 288
see also Criticism; Ethics; Normative science
Conjunction 347, 410, 665
Connexus 492
selective 492
Connotation 345, 347, 64o, 726, 741
see also Comprehension
Conscience 434
Consciousness 318, 325, 406, 477, 640, 681, 901, 916, 930, 1009, 1105-1107, 1112-1113, 1129, 1140
elements (three) of 16
and quality 945
synthetic 1129
Consequences, logical 697, 736
algebraical 430
formal 697
material 697
Consequentia, Scholastic doctrine of 441, 998
Consonants 1159
final 1208
rules for doubling 1184
and suffixes 1208
Constants, physical and spatial 1027-1028
Constellations 1299
star catalogues 1305
lecture on 1582
see also Astronomy; Stars
Containing, relation of 270
Contemporaneity 858
Continuity 3, 101, 137-138, 268, 277, 313, 316a, 397-398, 460-461, 470, 561, 717, 735, 928, 942, 948-950, 955, 1009, 1109, 1575
Aristotle's notion of 816
common sense notions of 14
existence of 14 and feeling 1115
and Hegel 943, 947
law of 936
and the doctrine of limits 28
pseudo 203, 300
and relativity 1009
spatial 14, 1115
temporal 14
see also Continuum; Synechism; Thirdness

Continuum 14, 139, 144, 165, 203-204, 377, 390, 439, 948
and Kant 439
perfect and imperfect 204
Contiguity 963
Contradiction, principle of 137, 430, 515. 559, 641-642, 671, 678, 680
see also Laws of thought
Contraposition 782
Contrast 680, 963
Converse 574
Conversion 741
Coordinates 106
Copernicus 1281, 1285
Copies 346, 802
Copula algebra of 382-383, 386, 411-412, 430, 517, 531, 573-579, 594, 721, 737-738, 742
Correlate 357, 732
Correspondence (simple), relative of 548
Cosmology 329, 877, 879
Counting 167, 169, 181-182, 184, 589, 685
Cowper, William 1172, 1255
Crashaw, Richard 1181
Creation 965, 1105
see God
Critic, logical 449, 452, 478, 640, 673-677, 793, 839, 842, 850, 852, 855, 1334
and religion 852
see also Logica docens
Critical common-sensism 290, 320, 852
see also Common sense
Criticism 600, 674
Critique of Pure Reason, CSP's translation and notes
see Kant
Crystallography 427, 1364
Cumberland, Richard 683
Cuneiform 1244-1245
Curie, Marie 1128, 1315
Curiosities 201
see also Mathematical recreations
algebraic 225
cubic 115
plane 261-262, 264
real 104-105, 163
see also Chemistry, curves of

Darwin, Charles 334, 875, 954, 1149, 1383
Dasein 733
and inference 341
Death 919
Deranes 1045
Decimal system 51, 67, 167, 207, 687, 1575
Decimetres 1095
Dedekind, J. W. R. 203-204, 222, 608
Deduction 293, 315, 328, 343, 440-441, 443, 450, 454, 473, 475, 553, 651, 669-670, 692, 696, 747, 751-752, 754, 764, 810, 831, 842, 856, 876, 939, 1411a
corollarial 764
definitory 842
etymology of 478
necessary 669-670, 856, see also Necessity
probable 764, 856, see also Probability
statistical 747, 768, see also Probability
theorematic 764, 773
see also Reasoning
and precise 48
Definition 313, 422, 517, 643-650, 653, 656, 1163
of incomprehensible things 858
mathematical 1169, 1175
nature of 27
nominal 4
physical 772
real 4, 339
see also Dictionary
see Secondness; Thirdness
Degree 858
Delome 295
see also Argument
Demiurge 289
DeMorgan, Augustus 415, 430, 438, 467, 547, 622, 816, 819
Denderah, Zodiac of 1051
Denotation 345, 347, 640, 726, 741
see also Comprehension; Connotation
see Collections
Dependency 858
Depth 384, 664
and breadth 421, 430, 469
informed 384, 1147
De Quincey, Thomas 1220
DeRemusat, C. F. M. 350
Desargues, GÈrard, ten-line theorem 165
Descartes, RenÈ 322, 334, 668, 870. 895, 1002, 1504
Descriptions 611
Design 875
Desires 318
Determination 13, 612, 1132
Determinism 856
see also Necessitarianism
Dewey, John 45, 684, 816, 1486
Diagram 292-293
Eulerian 479, 481, 492
see also Graphs
dogmatical 920-921
Hegelian 596
logical 920-921
psychological 920-921
Dicisign 792
see also Propositions; Signs
Dictionary 1143-1177, 1244, 1573-1574, 1595-1596
Baldwin's 300, 1145-1148, 1469
Century 238, 1149-1151, 1154-1155, 1157-1158, 1163-1171, 1253, 1297, 1597
comparative studies of 1144
Funk and Wagnell's 1159-1160

Imperial 1175
Latin 1241
of logic terms 1174
Murray's 1162
Oxford 665, 1161, 1185
of philosophical terms 1156
of scientific terms 1174, 1176
Didorus 441
Diflection 921
Digby, Everard 400
Dilemmonatic reasoning 411, 736, 1572
Diogenes Laertius 985
Discovery 693
see also Abduction
Discrimination 284, 296, 402, 478, 645, 732
Disjunction 430, 744
Dispositions 680
Disquiparance 740-741
Dissociation 284, 296, 402, 478, 645, 732
Division 165, 174, 190, 199, 202, 422
Dodecanes 274
Donne, John 1181
Doubt 288, 300, 334, 385, 596, 598, 695, 828-829, 842, 852
definite and indefinite 334
and feeling 288
and habit 288
positive 852
tin 329
see also Belief; Surprise
Drayton, Michael 1181
Dreams 368
Dumas, Alexandre 442
Duns Scotus 309, 620, 623, 641, 723, 816, 861, 930, 997-998, 1000
Dyadic 1170
and relations 543, see also Relations
and mathematics, see Mathematics, simplest
Dynamical, meaning of 601
Dynamics 49-50, 427, 950
Galileo and the development of 1314

Earth 1391
gravity of 1088
mean radius of 1080
movement of crust of 1088
shape of 1071
see also Coast Survey
Ebratum 1247
Eclipse (of 1869) 1036
Economy 678
political 1569
of research 1093
scientific 678
liberal 302, 639, 674
pedagogy 693
and reasoning 444
Effort 283, 659
and consciousness 1106
see also Secondness
Ego 1108, 1116
Egoism 1170
Egyptian 1244, 1269, 1297
arithmetic and measurement 1089, 1263
hieroglyphics 1227-1228
history 1298
science 1270-1271, 1292, 1294, 1303, 1394
Egyptologists 1269
Eighteenth century, great men of 1125
Eleatic doctrines 648
Electricity, CSP's reviews of books
on 1405, 1475, 1481, 1491
Electron theory 938
see Mathematics, elegance in
periodicity 1044
radio-active 1025
see also Chemistry
Eleuthercism 1170
Elocution 1570
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 296, 1220
Empirics 1345
Empiriocriticism 1170
Energy 934, 1147
bridge, North River 1357-1360
power plant, St. Lawrence 1356
propaedeutic to science 1272
and the pyramids 1303
English language 279, 655
and the categories 1335
grammar and orthography 1205
literary and vernacular 1225
modern 1178
English logicians 584, 607, 764, 1317
see also Logic, history of
Ens 721-722
Ens in posse 774
Ens rationis 48, 126, 200, 224, 293, 773
see also Abstraction
Entelechy 4, 309, 517, 816, 890
Entitative graphs 300
Entity 1140
Entretiens 876
see Collections
Enumeration 137, 179, 190, 199, 341, 347, 687
see also Decimal system; Number;
Secundal system; Sextal system
Environment 1123
and natural endowment 1123
Epicureanism 648, 904, 953
Epicurus 816
Episcopy 1345
Epping, Joseph 1052
linear 165
simultaneous 165
Erkenntnislehre 449
Error 322, 502, 921
Esse in futuro 304, 309
Essence 1140
Esthetics 310, 602, 673, 675, 683, 745, 805, 1334, 1345
and logic 633
phenomenology of 693
and science 677, 1332
and ultimate ends 649, 873
see also Normative science
Ethics 310, 432-434, 451, 602, 613-614, 620, 652, 673, 683, 770, 872, 892-893, 954, 1334, 1345
esthetics of 693
and motivation 1133-1134
philosophic 432
pure 432
and religion 868
reviews of books in 1429, 1442, 1451
and science 868
see also Casuistry; Normative science;
Terminology, ethics of
Etymologists, CSP's reply to 1211-1212
Euclid 107-108, 121, 430, 492, 655, 693, 1275, 1400
Euripedes 990
Events, logic of 940, 943
Evident, and Manifest 337
Evil 330, 649, 890, 1147
Evolution 13, 329, 470, 807, 837, 872, 904, 906, 942, 954-957, 1149
Excluded middle, principle of 430, 515, 549, 559-560, 642, 678, 680
see also Laws of thought
Existence 204, 309, 637, 663, 939, 944. 1116, 1140
absolute 916
and law 283
and reality 49, 288
see also Actuality; Fact; Secondness
Existential graphs
see Graphs, existential
Expectations 693
Experiences 299, 304, 309, 321, 402, 408, 992
dyadic 224
external 368
monadic 224
Experimentalism 332
Experimentation 329, 332, 444-445, 928, 938
Expression 741, 1105
intuitions of 858
Extension, logical 339, 345, 421, 724-727. 731, 736, 741
and comprehension 345, 356

Fact 642, 647-648, 680, 927, 932
brute 318
dual 13
and event 517
singular 13
triadic 517
see also Actuality; Existence; Secondness
human 891, 918
mental 901
Faculty, meaning of 659
Faith 887, 920, 922
absolute 636
articles of 849-855
Fallibilism 652, 661, 826, 955
and religion 867
and science 867
see also Critical common-sensism
False, rule of 177, 246
Fay, Melusina (CSP's first wife) 379
Fechner's law 1016
Feeling 224, 298, 304, 309, 325, 334, 369, 374, 396, 402, 404, 445, 451, 453, 645, 649-650, 658-659, 671, 686, 739, 750, 801, 901, 934, 965, 1009, 1109, 1111, 1115, 1129, 1397
and consciousness 1106
continuum of 396
and doubt 288
and logic 453
satisfactory (unsatisfactory) 686
secondary 645
see also Firstness; Quality
Fermat, Pierre de, theorem of 202, 236, 256
Fermatian inference, see Inference
Figment 379, 933
Final causes 919
Finite differences, calculus of 91-94, 1574
Firstness 13, 151, 309-310, 403, 439, 460, 464, 478, 650, 897, 901, 903-907, 913-915, 934, 942, 1106, 1147
see also Categories; Feeling; Monad; Quality
Fiske, John 324, 1367, 1421; 1465
Force 919
brute 284
and causation 443, 446
equivalence of 1047
theory of 1568
Form 4, 37, 346, 802, 922, 1147
and matter 293, 1147
substantial 870
Formalities 816
table of 37
Four-color problem
see Map color problem
Four-ray problem 126, 138, 273
Fourthness, reduction of 914-915
see also Categories
Fractions 165, 171, 207, 1574
Franklin, Fabian 549
Frazer, Alexander Campbell, Berkeley 641
Free will 856, 891, 918
Freedom, assertion of 642
Functions, logical and mathematical 89, 91-92, 165, 224, 228, 243, 1391a, 1407
Future 392

Gaelic 1246
Galileo 1282-1283, 1314
Galton, Francis 847-848, 1128, 1149, 1316
Gamma graphs
see Graphs, existential
Garrison, Wendell Phillips 331
Gauss, Carl F. 233
Gay, John 400
Generality 9, 151, 283, 288, 313, 316, 329, 716
and infinity 29
objective 296
subjective 296
and universality 439
Generalization 839, 942, 965
Generals 288
see also Law; Predicate; Thirdness; Universals
Genius 891, 1117-1118, 1374, 1402
Geodesy 1060-1098, 1391
see also Coast Surve y
Geognosy 427
Geometry 125, 197-198, 261, 546, 589, 685, 743, 816, 897, 948, 1875
analytic 102-106, 124, 230
Brocardian 116
divisions of 94-101, 137, 164, 318
Euclidean (non-Euclidean) 107-124, 693
graphics 94, 125-128, 133, 150, 165
hyperbolic 114-115
metrical (metrics) 94, 129-136, 1147, 1512, 1573
ordinal 249
projective, see graphics
synthetic 101
topical (topics or topology) 94, 137-163, 165, 251, 269, 482, 484, 948, 1587, 1601
Gerbert 1262
German 279, 655
grammar, see Grammar, German
historians and historical criticism 832, 1278
logicians and the idea of logic 453, 611, 652, 832, 1317
philosophers, classified 1139
Ghosts 876
Gibbs, J. Willard 1507
Gibbs, Wolcott 1323
Gilman, Benjamin Ives 415
God 277, 288, 681, 859, 890, 920-921
belief in 641, 845
existence and reality of 641, 693, 696, 841-844, 857, 861, 905, 1009
finite 284, 331
nature of 641, 859
of the pragmatist 289
Gothic period 1054
Grace 891
Gradations 138
Graham's Synonyms 1142
Grammar 1215-1216, 1224
Arabic 1243, 1245
French 1444
German 1234
Greek 1229, 1233, 1244
history of 1214
and logic 1214
Spanish 1236
Graphs, existential 2, 70, 96, 124, 277, 280, 284, 292-293, 295-296, 298, 300, 308, 339, 450, 454-460, 462, 464-468, 470, 478, 480, 482-495, 498-500, 503-509, 514-516, 643, 650, 654, 669-670, 693, 764, 793, 813, 839, 856, 1333, 1483, 1573, 1575, 1584, 1588-1589, 1601
Graphs, logical 479-514, 553, 1147
see also Diagram, Eulerian; Graphs,
existential: Kempe
Gratry, A. J. A. 350, 474
Gravitation 827, 1087-1088, 1096
see also Coast Survey
Greek 655, 706-707
humor 1303
mind 1277
pronunciation of 1232
see also Grammar, Greek
Green, Nicholas St. John 325, 620
see also Metaphysical Club
Ground 357, 359, 732
Growth 283, 334
see also Evolution
Guessing 637, 687-689
Gurney, Edmund, Phantasms of the Living 884

Habit 4, 288, 318, 408, 444, 649, 671, 673-674, 680-681, 686, 764, 873, 930, 942, 951, 954
see also Belief; Thirdness
Haecceity 581, 816
Hallucination 852
Hambrush 1247
Hamilton, Sir William 90, 348, 357, 400, 414, 438, 741, 765, 822, 921,1103
Hartley, David 400
Harvard 313, 436, 584, 1330
Hayford, john P. 1090
Heaven 877, 891, 919
Hedonism 330, 816, 873
see also Pleasure
Hegel, Georg W. F. 304, 400, 467, 596, 735, 943-944, 947, 1002, 1317, 1383, 1457, 1467
Hegelians 309, 893
Helium 1036
Helmholtz, H. L. F. von 1395
Herbart, Johann Friedrich 357, 400
Herbert, Sir Edward 683
Heredity 954, 1149
Hermodorus 985
Herschel, J. F. W. 1276
Heurospude 1334
History 476, 685, 690-691, 1324, 1573
great men in 1119-1127, 1353
of ideas 1328
periods of 1325-1326
of words 1137
see also Astronomy, history of; Logic, history of; Mathematics, history of; Science, history of
Hittites 1409
Hobbes, Thomas 683, 1418, 1477
Homogeneity 165
Homoloids 165-166, 273
dominant 165
optical 165
system of places 166
Homonyms 991
and truth 735
Horace 1229, 1260
Humanism 331, 623, 648
Hume, David 298, 400, 472, 645, 692, 816, 869, 871-873, 920, 939
Hungarian 1250
Huntington, Edward V. 705, 816
Huxley, Thomas H. 902, 1322, 1389
Hydrodynamics 427, 1013
Hypothesis 78, 339, 343, 345-346, 348, 440, 692, 696, 726, 733, 747, 837, 839, 1571
see also Abduction; Induction

I 917-919
see also It; Thou
Icon 142, 307, 357, 404, 491-492, 599, 637, 675, 842, 911
see also Signs, classification of
Icosahedron 112-113
Idealism 322, 816, 920, 932, 935-936, 967, 1468
see also Mind
Ideas 126, 204, 643, 964, 1572
abstract 327
association of 284, 318, 368, 390, 400-403, 408, 515, 548, 736, 741, 963
classification of 1135, 1139
innate 1572
Identity 293, 515, 534
individual and collective 430
lines of 492, 515
principle of 547, 559, see also Laws of thought
Idioscopy 299, 326, 655, 1334
Ignoratio elenchi 413
Illiteracy 1131
Imaginaries 101
Imagination 304, 931, 1114
Immediacy 304
Immortality 886
Implication 345, 515, 724, 726, 731
material 411, 417
Implicit 1147
Impression 732
see I; It; Thou
Inclusion 580
copula of, see Copula, algebra of
Incompossibility 515, 534
Inconceivability 396
Indefiniteness 48, 283, 641
Indeterminacy 283, 382
see also Chance; Possibility; Tychism
Index 142, 307, 316, 357, 404, 462, 491-492, 599, 637, 675, 842, 911
see also Signs
Indicative words 817
Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi 1593
Logonomia Anglia 1594, 1596
Individual, and Individuality 114, 387, 430, 622, 693, 942
see also Index; Subject
Indubitability 288
see also Common sense; Critical common-sensism
Induction 293, 315, 328, 339, 341, 343, 345, 348, 354, 440-441, 445, 470, 473-475, 478, 553, 624, 648, 652, 660, 692, 696, 726, 741, 744, 747, 751, 753-754, 758, 764-767, 773, 831, 839, 842, 856, 873, 876, 905, 939, 1040, 1333, 1411a, 1571
crude 652, 764
grounds of 347
and hypothesis 78, 345-346
and moral virtues 432
qualitative 652, 764
quantitative 652, 764
mechanical (scientific) 865-866
religious 865-866
Inference 312, 318, 341, 343, 347, 354, 373, 413, 430, 498, 625, 636, 668, 741, 747, 758-759, 873, 926, 1009
a priori (a posteriori) 341
acritical 290
grounds of 347
Fermatian 34-35, 470, 589, 819-820
see also Abduction; Argument; Deduction; Induction; Reasoning; Syllogism
Infinitesimals 165, 202, 238-239
method of 49-50
Infinity 212, 309, 313, 318, 460, 744, 818, 822, 858, 921, 1009
and Being 318
and generality 29
logical nature of 13
Influx 196, 858-859, 916
Information 726, 741, 931, 1147
see also Predicate
Innateness 964
Inquiry 364-365, 371-373, 602, 606-608, 638, 655, 695, 756, 842, 905, 1342
Insolubilia 1147
Instant 138
Instinct 410, 436, 616-617, 673, 682, 687, 692-693, 831-832, 939, 1101
rational 334, 672
religious 807
see also Common sense; Logica utens
Instrumentalism 331
see Number
Intension 339, 726-727, 741
Intentional logic, first and second 418, 420
Intentions, first and second 381, 384
Interpretant 318, 357, 359, 517, 634, 732-733
see also Signs
Intrinsicality 1140
Introspection 445
Intuition 858, 931, 1003, 1137
Inventions, book of, CSP's review 1418
see Inquiry
Involution 1147
It 917-919
modus of 916
James, William 300, 318-322, 400, 439-440, 630, 655, 793, 1099
Jeffers, Thomas J. 268
Jevons, William Stanley 430
Johns Hopkins University 588, 747,1330
see also Studies in Logic
Joseph, H. W. B., An Introduction to Logic 1506
Jowett, Benjamin 987
Judging 792
Judgment 297, 349, 409, 498, 517, 668, 739, 895, 926
and assertion 517
perceptual 311, 939
and proposition 517

Kant, Immanuel, and Kant studies (CSP's) 280, 284, 288, 293, 309-310, 321-322, 324, 328, 349, 381, 439, 462, 609, 619, 636-638, 664, 735, 740, 817, 895, 897, 918, 92o-921, 930, 1002, 1004-1009, 1424, 1454, 1470
Kempe, Alfred Bray 307-308, 547, 622, 708-715, 1170
Kepler, Johannes 652, 1281, 1284-1285
Kind 2, 1147
Klein, Felix 112, 816
Knowing 649, 801, 1129
Knowledge 664, 667, 658, 693, 834, 953, 1111, 1147, 1438
of God, see God
immediate 686
perceptual 693
relativity of 402, 934
sources of 862
verbal 664
see also Science

Ladd-Franklin, Christine 415, 417, 784, 786
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste 954
see also Evolution
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1000
Langley, Samuel P. 939, 1012-1013, 1015
Language 427, 693, 922, 1135-1261
agglutinative 427, 1246
artificial 751
comparative 427, 655, 1209, 1226, 1229, 1235-1236, 1244, 1246-1251
and meaning 1105
and reform 1216
of science 775
and symbols 517
see also Grammar
Laplace, Pierre Simon de 322, 474, 647-648, 660
Lathrop, Francis 497
Laurent's probabilities 124
Law(s) 4, 309, 318, 320, 474, 517, 660, 928
assertion of 642
Cartesian view of 870
and existence 283
of nature 304, 772, 778, 856, 870-873, 875, 942, 1009
physical 772, 827
and signs 1009
of the universe 289
see also Cause; Habit; Thirdness
Laws of thought 593, 693, 1147
see also Contradiction; Excluded Middle; Identity
Leading principle 742, 919, 1018, 1147
Legal profession 1332
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von 280, 284, 302, 609, 936, l000, 1002, 1413
Lewes, George Henry 400
Liberty 339
Library, CSP's, catalogues of 1554-1557, 1559
Life 919, 1140
Light, and Luminosity 281, 1016, 1433
homogeneous 1049
and metre bar 1072-1074
wave-length of 1072-1074
words 1154-1155
see also Coast Survey
Likely, meaning of 354
Likeness 404
Limit 165
Line(s) 125, 143,146,149, 267, 649, 1003
Linguistics 693, 1135-1261
Listing Numbers 137, 145, 159-162, 318, 816, 948
Literature 683
and ordinary language 573
Lobachevski, Nikolai 123, 816
Locke. John 322, 400, 462
Lodestone, history of 1311, l391
Logarithms 216, 221, 1150, 1379
Logic 1, 13, 91, 217, 280, 283-284, 292, 303, 313, 318, 334, 336-839, 872, 895, 931, 963, 1147, 1170, 1334, 1342, 1344-1345, 1455, 1572, 1574
anthropological 351
associationist 284
and common sense 770, see also Logica utens
ethics of 693
of events 940, 943
and evolution 837
and fallibilism 652, see also Logica docens
and graphs, see Graphs, logical
history of 284, 342, 381, 400, 408, 467, 585, 622, 764, 778-779, 816,1317
and mathematics 580, 608, 685, 812-813
and metaphysics 310, 441, 921, 1009, 1336
modal, see Modality
paradisaical 1
and psychology 603, 635-636
qualitative 736
quantitative 423
reform of 340
and science 603, 749, 778
and significs 641-642
and spiritualism 878-879
teleological 802
transcendental 404
triadic 513
vocabulary of 410, 1147, 1174
see also Abduction; Deduction; Induction; Normative science; Relatives, logic of; Thirdness
Logica docens 26, 290, 692
Logica utens 26, 290, 596, 692
Logisches Gef,hl 308, 448-449
Logos 359
Lokal-zeichen 609
Lotze, Hermann 609
Love 890-892, 957
Lutoslawski, Wincenty, and Platonic studies 434, 753, 979, 982-985, 989, 998

Mach, Ernest 332
Malthus, Thomas Robert 334, 954
Manifest, distinguished from evident 337
Mansel, Henry L. 765, 822-823, 920
Map 1351-1352
four-color problem 153-158, 269, 1584, 1601
projection 1349-1350, 1354-1355
skew mercator 1353, 1512, 1574, 1584
Marquand, Allan 418
Marriage 1362
Mars 1284-1285
see also Astronomy
Mass 772
Mass-action (van't Hoff) 704
Materiafication 1116
Materialism 816, 920, 932, 935-936
Mathematics 1-278, 302-303, 334, 430-431, 458-459, 590, 617, 625, 655-656, 693, 699, 713-714, 735, 966, 1159, 1169-1170, 1175, 1332, 1334-1335, 1574, 1585-1586
of aerodynamics 1015
aptitude for 616
dichotomic 302, 431, see also Mathematics, simplest
elegance in 52, 681, 685
foundations of 6-50
history of 164, 685, 1262-1268, 1393, 1435
and logic 13, 466, 472, 580, 608, 633, 685, 812-813, 900
and map problem 1353, see also Maps, four-color problem
and music 807
and philosophy 431, 438, 872
pure 14, 200, 303, 311, 334, 441, 466, 754
recreations of 199-211
reviews of books on 1393, 1430, 1435, 1458, 1466
simplest 1-6, 429-431, 458
textbooks 164-198, 1574
trichotomic 431
Mathetics 1345
Matter 4, 290, 879, 920, 931, 936-938, 954, 963
constitution of 427, 1047
and form 293, 1147
and mind 680, 936-937, 1009, 1406, 1463
Maxim 1147
see also Pragmatism, maxim of
Maxwell, Clerk 1020-1021, 1598
May-be 680
Meaning 313, 318, 322, 374, 587, 599, 612, 619, 626-640, 643-644,1105, 1109
existential 318
ultimate 318
and value 599
see also Pragmatism; Signs; Thirdness
Measurement 129-131, 167, 254-255
history of 1089
Mechanics 1026, 1381, 1423
and philosophy 435
in sixteenth century 1267
Mediation 304
see also Thirdness
Medieval period 584, 929, 963, 995, l309, 1341
Meliorism 953
Memory 402, 598
Mendelyeev's periodic law 1036, 1038-1039, 1044
Mental analysis 284
see also Discrimination; Dissociation; Precision
Metaphysical Club (Cambridge) 319-322, 324-325, 333, 619-620, 630
Metaphysics 283, 305, 309-310, 313, 322, 350, 436, 655, 693, 841-1003, 1489
and logic 310, 441, 449, 472, 921, 1009, 1336
seven systems of 307, 309
see also Categories; Idealism
see Metrology
Methodeutic 320, 322, 449, 452, 478, 603, 633, 637, 640, 773, 793,1335
see also I.ogic; Normative science
Methodology 421-422, 695, 745-746
Metrology 427, 1065, 1072-1075, 1079, 1085, l089, 1411, 1463, 1478,1572
see also Coast Survey
Metron 129
Michelson-Morley experiment 1029
Middle term 1147
Mill, James 400, 816
Mill, John Stuart 296, 320, 350, 355, 473-474, 585, 620-622, 624-625, 640, 647, 660, 735, 816, 1274, 1317
Mind 204, 373, 390, 402, 671, 831, 879, 920, 954, 963, 1108
law of 961
and matter 680, 936-937, 1009, 1406, 1463
powers of 1129
states of 404
three-fold division of 1110-1111
Minerology 427
Minot, Charles Sedgwick 883
Minsheu, John, spellings of 1190-1191
Miracles 472, 692, 842, 856, 869, 871-873, 880
Mnemonic verses 186, 1147
Modal logic
see Modality
Modality 300, 415, 641-642, 678, 683, 806-807, 858, 921, 1147
ratiocinative 678
real 678
Modus ponens 547, 736, 748
Monad 824
see also Firstness
Monadology 1417
Monism 816, 928, 1406
Monosynthemes 707
dyadic 707
triadic 824
diurnal 1327
hyperbolic 254
Motives 1133
Multiplication 40, 165, 177, 179, 1147
logical 571
non-associative 570
non-commutative 572
Multitude 3, 14, 24-31, 33, 49, 114, 137, 152, 207, 316a, 458-461, 463, 466, 469-471. 821, 1147, 1601
denumerable 28
enumerable 29, 152
inenumerable 29, 152
innumerable 29, 152
numerable 152
postnumerable 152
see also Collections
Murray, Sir James 665
Music 807
see also Esthetics
Myers, F. W. H., Phantasms of the Living 884

Names, and Naming 409, 612
Napoleon, materials for study of 1319
Nation, CSP's reviews in
see Reviews
Nature 924, 928, 944
constitution of 427
originality and variety of 439, see also Tychism
uniformity of 355, 473-474, 624-625, 764
Nature, laws of
see Laws of nature
Necessitarianism 958, 960, 1274
see also Causation; Determinism
Necessity 280, 320, 339, 462, 511, 807, 858, 916, 959, 1147, 2287
Negation 396, 574, 671, 744, 858, 1147, 1512
New Elements of Geometry (Benjamin Peirce) 94
New Testament, study of the language of 1246
Newton, Isaac 115, 121
Nicholas of Cusa 1281
Nichols, Herbert 329, 1476, l490
Nine-ray theorem 165, 266
Nineteenth century studies 1123-1126, 1128-1129
Nomenclature 663
see also Notation; Terminology
Nominalism 296-297, 309, 320, 351, 372, 398, 410, 439, 517, 584-585, 620, 623, 641-642, 648, 717, 778, 816, 860, 870, 921, 939, 967
of Kant 321
of Mill 474, 622, 624-625
and Ockham'a maxim 1288
positivistic 318
see also Realism; Reality
Nomology 1345
Nonions 431, 530
see also Sylvester
Norm, and Normative 1147, 1177
Normative science 283, 288, 305, 311, 478, 602, 655, 673, 675, 693, 837, 1334
see also Esthetics; Ethics; Logic
Nota notae 1147
Notation 91-92, 146-147, 167, 275, 417, 568, 741
algebraic 532, 566
logical (history of) 529-530
numerical 51-71
philosophical 567
see also Nomenclature; Terminology
Nothing 345, 375, 611, 933, 945
Notion 964
Noun 316, 611
Noyes, John B. 1184, 1222
Nullity 858
Number 48, 87, 108, 137, 165, 169, 215, 227, 469, 589, 653, 1056, 1150, 1230, 1250, 1262-1263, 1398
axioms of 40-41
cardinal 42-43, 650
logic of 23, 38-39, 229
notation and analysis 51-71
ordinal 42, 44-46, 469, 650
real 201, 816
see also Decimal system; Quantity; Secundal system; Sextal system
Object 359, 634, 773, 921, 965-966
artificial 919
formal 732
real 966
Observation 371-373, 444-445, 614-615, 925, 1104, 1120
Occurrence 647-648
Ockham, William of 296, 585, 620, 816, 870, 999-1001, 1288
Ockhamists 309, 473, 623, 648
Ockham's razor 1288
One 721
see also Firstness
Ontological argument
see God, existence and reality of
see Belief
Opium, dormitive virtue of 303, 462, 467
Orationes integrae 650
Ordinals 42, 44-46, 95
Ordinary language 484, 559, 573
Ordination 921
Orthography 1247
Osler, William 1128
Otherness 534
Oxford Dictionary, CSP's definitions for see Dictionary, Oxford
Pain 649
idealistic 920
realistic 920
Parmenides 907
Paronyms 991
Parsimony 1147
Particle 149
dynamics of 427
Particular 515, 744
Particularization, fallacy of erroneous 413
Pascal, Blaise 706, 816
Passion 891
Pearson, Karl 625, 1147, 1149, 1434
sea Education

Peirce, Benjamin 90, 94, 226, 608, 823
Peirce, Charles Sanders, some papers and publications
Adirondack Summer School Lectures 1334
"Amazes (Amazements) of Mathematics"' 201-202
"The Basis of Pragmaticism" 279-284
"Detached Ideas on Vitally Important Topics" 435-446
"The Fixation of Belief" 333-334, 407
The "Grand Logic" ("How to Reason: A Critic of Arguments') 397-424
Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism 301-316
Logic (of 1873) 360-396
Lowell Institute Lectures on the Logic of Science (1866) 351-359
Lowell Lectures (1903) 447-478
Minute Logic 425-434
Monist Artides (of 1905-06) 285-300
Nation, reviews in, see Reviews
New Elements of Geometry 94
New Elements of Mathematics 164
Principles of Philosophy 1128, 1581
University Lectures (of 1864-65) 340-350
Peirce, Charlotte E. 1007
Peirce, James Mills 87, 94
Pending claim 1035
Pendulum experiments 64, 1000-l064, l076, 1081-l082, l084, 1092, 1095-1096
see also Coast Survey
Percept, and Perception 304, 316, 931, 939
immediate 1103
and judgment 311, 313, 939
Peregrinus, Petrus, manuscript of 1280, 1310
Perfect, the 921
Perfection 858
Pessimism 904, 953
Petersburg problem 276-277
Petitio principii 413
Phaneron 284, 293, 336-338, 477, 611-612, 908
see also Phaneroscopy; Phenomenology
Phaneroscopy 277, 298-299, 336-338, 645, 655
see also Phaneron; Phenomenology
Phase rule 1492
Pheme 295
see also Proposition
Phenomenalism 402, 934
Phenomenology 304-305, 311, 336-338, 470, 478, 492, 633
Phenomenon 938
Philo 441
Philology 595
Philosophy 280-281, 283, 436, 655,1334, 1345, 1387
American 356
architectonic character of 969
branches of 305, 311, 328, 872
dictionary of 1156
division of empirics 1345
division of heurospude 1334
English 324, 328
and evolution 872
German 400, 735
and mathematics 438, 872
meaning 283, 852, 872
Principles of 1128, 1581
review of books on the history of 1396, 1428, 1482
schools of 4, 1573
and the sciences 325, 438, 1345
terminology of 434, 1156
twelfth century 732
Phonetics 1184, 1206, 1222, 1232
Photography 1362
Photometric researches 1055, 1059
Physics 246, 427, 693, 993, 1010-1029, 1337
review of books on 1377, 1414, 1426, 1431, 1445, 1466, 1502
Physiognomy 745
Physiognosy 427
Physiography 427
Physiology 745
terminology of 1136
Physiotaxy 427
Place 149, 165
Planets 1057, 1157
distances 1288
life on 601
motions of 652, 1288
Planimeter 1151
Plasticity 922
Plato, and Platonic Dialogues 309, 434, 437, 752, 973-982, 985-990, 998, 1231, 1341
Pleasure 649, 891
and satisfaction 873
Plimpton, George, collection of 1263
Podmore, Frank, Phantasms of the Living 884
PoincarÈ, Henri 625, 1519
Points 125, 143, 149, 267, 270, 1164
Policy 1345
Political 894, 1569
Polynesian language 427
Pope, Alexander 1172, 1181
Port Royal logic 654
Positive 276
Positiveness 646
Positivism 318, 970
Positivity 858
Possibility 204, 462, 511, 660, 858, 942, 945
real 288
substantive 459
Post hoc ergo propter hoc 1147
Potentiality 137, 320, 927
Power 919, 1147
Practice, and Practical 517, 1330, 1339, 1343
Pragmatics 1345
Pragmatism, and Pragmaticism 200, 279-338, 462, 618, 620-627, 630, 682, 764, 873, 908, 1463
and abduction 1584
maxim of 318-321, 647
and probability 647
and religion 318
Prantl, Karl 648, 681, 994
Prattospude 1334
Prayer 891
efficacy of 861
Precepts 692
Precide 291
Precise, distinguished from definite 48
Precision 284, 296, 402, 478 645, 732, 1147
Predicable 1147
and Aristotle 477
Predicate 738, 741, 926-927, 1116, 1147
logical 325
quantification of 575, 741
real 927
triadic 318
Predication 200
Present, and Presentness 304, 403
Preston, E. D. 1081-1082
Priority (Aristotle) 992
Probability, and Chance 16-17, 124, 209-211, 242-245, 276, 293, 319-322, 328, 354, 413, 470, 472, 553, 647-648, 651-652, 660, 667, 669-670, 706, 743-744, 747-748, 762, 764, 766, 816, 856, 875, 905, 921, 928, 939, 950, 1147, 1573, 1575
doctrine of chances 209, 247, 342, 424, 624, 635, 641, 706, 763, 1123
ignorantial 647
inverse 764, 766
and quaternions 88
sciential 647
Proof 1147
Proposition 165, 276, 284, 289-290, 292, 295, 313, 334, 347, 357, 398, 409-411, 498, 515, 589-590, 594, 599, 646-647, 661, 723, 730, 734, 738, 743, 787-789, 791-792, 1009, 1408, 1572
apodictic 743
assertive 743
categorical 410, 441, 787
definition of 664
hypothetical 410, 441, 530, 744. 787, 790, 816-817
and judgment 517
Protestantism 880
Protoplasm 962
Pseudodoxia Epidemica, plan for annotating 1540
Psychology 283, 311, 326, 334, 614, 633, 645, 680, 682, 693, 726, 735, 745, 751, 884, 920, 928, 1099-1134
faculty 649-650, 659
and logic 603, 634-636
and metaphysics 921, 1136
rational 918
review of books on 1386, 1397-1398, 1441, 1488
Psychophysics 680, 826
Ptolemy, and Ptolemaic system 1054, 1281, 1304-1307, 1327
Publications, list of CSP's 1576, 1577
Punctuation 1218-1221
Purpose 645
see also Teleology
Pyramids, of Egypt 1272, 1287, 1294, 1297, 1303
Pythagoras 476, 1263, 1275, 1277-1278, 1582
Pythagoreans 210, 271, 1277

Quadrangle 1169
Quadrant 1169
Quadratic 1169
equations 86, 124
Quadric 1169
Quadrilateral 1169
Quadrivium 1169
Quale-consciousness 945
Qualitative analysis l047
Quality 151, 304, 313, 357, 402-403, 435, 459, 461, 645, 720, 732, 741, 796, 858, 927, 934, 942, 945
see also Feeling; Firstness; Possibility; Predicate
Quantification 575, 738
Quantity 22, 91, 138, 203, 235, 398, 458, 741, 858, 1002, 1147, 1169
abstract 224
imaginary 165
logic of 13-22
pure 224
transposed 470, 819
unlimited 23
see also Number
Quasi-inference 831
Quaternions 14, 87-90, 129
Quota 32

Races (of mankind) 427
survival 601
Radium, discovery of 1315
Rainfall, correlation with illiteracy 1131
Ratio 165, 228, 796
anharmonic 165
Ratiocination 682
Rational 108
instinct 334
number 165
psychology 918
Rationality 640
limits of 1009
of universe 952
Reaction 224, 304, 404, 517, 942, 1108-1109
muscular 1114
see also Secondness
meaning of 534, 620, 641-642, 659, 663, 681, 683, 852, 861, 930, 1601
pragmatist's use of 329
Realism 4, 313, 351, 398, 410, 438-440, 474, 584-585, 620, 641, 648, 671, 717, 772, 778, 860, 921, 967
extreme 439
Scholastic 290, 296, 620, 842, 870
see also Nominalism
Reality 126, 204, 289, 367-368, 370-375, 379, 393, 408, 439, 498, 517, 637, 663, 852, 858, 931-934, 938-939, 1572
and Being 385
and belief 675
definition of 686
and ens rationis 48
and existence 49, 288
of God 641, 841-844, 861, 905
and meaning 587
physical 329
and truth 655, 664
Reason 410, 435-436, 617, 622, 658-660, 672, 693, 695, 831-832
active 634
and instinct 672
and religion 857
Reasoning 186, 290, 293, 299, 314-315, 334, 345, 371-372, 400, 404, 408-409, 441, 444-445, 447-448, 450-451, 453-454, 465, 470, 475, 594, 596-599, 616-617, 620, 628, 641, 650-652, 654, 661-673, 678-686, 693-694, 698, 735, 739, 741, 750, 752-755, 757, 770, 778, 796, 822, 826, 830-831, 837-839, 849, 857, 876, 901, 924, 928, 939, 1101, 1112-1113, 1121, 1584
acritical 939
ampliative 660
corollarial 318, 754
dilemmatic 736
explicative 661
foundation of 6
materialistic aspect of 405
mathematical 617, 625, 662, 683
necessary 293, 651-652, 661, 669-670, 683, 757, 760, 837, 856
probable 757, 761, see also Probability
recreations of 205-208
theoric 318
uberty of 682-684
see also Abduction; Deduction; Induetion; Inference; Inquiry; Logic; Thinking
Recollection 675
Recorde, Robert, Ground of Artes 1265
see Amusements; Reasoning, recreations of
Reference works 1591, 1596
Reid, Thomas 309
Relation 22, 313, 357, 403, 517, 720, 732, 796, 911, 927, 934, 1001, 1147
distinguished from relationship 601
dyadic 419, 462, 513, 530, 536, 538-539, 542-543, 808
plural 747
tetradic 543, 548
triadic 462, 540-541, 543, 939
Relations, spatial and temporal 87
Relationship 22, 601
Relatives, logic of 19, 21-22, 302, 339, 418-419, 438, 440, 515-516, 521-522, 524, 526, 529, 532-537, 544-545, 547-548, 553-558, 646, 736, 747, 810, 837, 839, 1274, 1336, 1406a
and continuity 1009
of knowledge 934
Religion 325, 841-894, 920, 954, 1440
and faith 849-856
and fallibilism 867
and infallibilism 865
and instinct 807, 853
and politics 894
and pragmatism 318
and reason 436, 857
and science 851, 856, 863-864, 866-868
Replicas 492
Representamen 307, 492, 796
see also Sign
Representation 346, 357, 381, 388-389, 403, 491, 720, 724, 729, 732, 769, 802, 810, 934
see also Meaning; Sign; Thirdness
Research, theory of the economy of 1093
Resemblances 645
see also Icon; Likeness
Resolution 1132
Retroductions 439-441, 445, 638, 652, 751-752, 754, 756, 842, 856-857, 876
see also Abduction
Retrogression 858
Revelations, abstract 916
Reviews, CSP's, principally for The Nation 1365-1513
Rhema 313, 316
see also Proposition
Rhetoric 774, 776-777
speculative, see Methodeutic
Risteen, Arthur D. 500, 1403, 1410
Roget's Thesaurus 749
Rollandus 1266
Roman Catholicism 880
Roman schools, seven liberal arts of 1341
Rosicrucian Society 1313
Roulette 209-210
see also Probability
Royce, Josiah 45, 284, 543, 622, 630, 684, 816, 1369, 1426a, 1461, 1465, 1487, 1512
Ruskin, John 1220
Russell, Bertrand 12, 459, 469, 818

Satisfaction 330, 649, 655, 817
and feelings 686
and pleasure 873
and truth 817
Scales 191, 221, 1089
Scepticism 329, 334, 339, 620
Schellbach, K. H. 1011
Schelling, Friedrich 400
Schiller, F. C. S. 318, 321, 331, 824, 1584
Schiller, Friedrich 310, 619, 683
Scholastic 328
logic 648
realism 296, 620, 842, 870
Scholasticism 650, 721-722
Schroeder, Ernst 307-308, 520-525,1406a
Science 280, 283, 340, 438, 440, 485, 614-615, 624, 673, 678, 687, 693, 745, 809, 839, 856, 863, 926, 1211, 1289, 1330, 1332, 1335, 1421, 1484
classification of 327, 357, 427, 437, 601-602, 605, 615, 655, 675, 677, 693, 728-729, 778,
definition of 17, 283, 299, 615-624, 655
dictionary of 1174, 1156
and fallibilism (infallibilism) 865, 867
heuritic 283, 605, 673, 852
history of 339, 1127, 1267, 1269-1317, 1333, 1337, 1574, see also Astronomy, history of; Mathematics, history of
logic of 246, 343, 345-346, 407, 435, 603, 647, 769-771, 778, 860, 1573
and metaphysics 350, 924
practical 283, 673, 693, 1339, 1348-1364a
and religion 851, 856, 863-864, 866-868
rhetoric of 774, 776-777
theoretical 655, 1339
Sciences of review
see Sciences, classification of
Scotists 473, 648
see also Duns Scotus
Scotus Eregena 584
Seance 880
Secondness 13, 284, 304, 307-310, 403, 439, 460, 478, 650, 721, 897, 901, 903-907, 912-915, 934, 942, 1106
see also Categories; Effort; Reaction
Secundal system of enumeration 1, 44, 51-67, 137, 199, 201, 276, 494, 687, 1121, 1250, 1573, 1575, 1588, 1601
Self 1108
Self-consciousness 931
Self-control 939, 1334
Self-criticism 673, 831
Self-deception 755
Self-evidence 931
Self-switch 1095
Seme 295
see also term
Semeiotics 336-337, 634, 641, 693, 774, 777
see also Sign
Sensation 357, 681, 925, 1100, 1102, 1104, 1114
Sense(s) 1137
impression 932
manifold of 916
perception 686
as reasoning machine 1101
Series 48
continuous 717-718
geometrical 1276
Sermons, texts for 1573
Sets, forms of 37
Sextal system of enumeration 67, 199
Shakespeare, William 1172, 1259
Shock 299
Significs, and logic 618, 641-642
Signify, and Signification 642, 796, 1147
Skew mercator
see Map
Sign(s) 4, 7-12, 137, 142, 200, 224, 277, 283, 292-293, 295, 304, 318, 321, 346, 373, 379-381, 396, 404, 429, 449, 462, 492, 498-499, 515, 517, 541, 599, 634, 637, 643, 654, 667, 670, 675, 717, 735, 764, 773, 792-804, 806, 810, 833, 839, 842, 849, 854, 911, 914, 919, 931-932, 939, 1009
classification of 16, 292, 795, 799-800
definition of 654, 793, 801, 849
and logic 569, 583, 609, 801, 803
and mathematics 7, 583
physiology of 641
theory of 318, 290, 292, 339, 517, 1334
see also Icon; Index; Symbol
Sigwart, Chistoph von 308, 449, 637, 735, 750
Similarity 963
Simple 1147
Singular 13, 744
Singularities 146-147, 165, 263-265, 277
see also Geometry, topics
Singularity 9, 693
Smith, B. E. 824, 1135, 1155
Sociology 1449, 1496
Socrates 322, 606, 764, 973, 985
Solitude 891
Solution 1147
Sophism 342, 353, 1147
Soul 650, 659, 879, 919, 1140
see also Mind; Self
Space 87, 94, 101, 121, 149, 256-260, 349, 686, 740, 772, 1003, 1115, 1456
conceptual 1476
constant of 1028
tridimensionality of 87, 165, 686
Spectra 1016, 1036
Speculative grammar 449, 452, 470, 478, 640, 793
see also Stecheology
Spelling 1178-1213, 1500
history of 1185, 1193
proposal to simplify 1204
Spencer, Herbert 470, 1371, 1424
Spinozists 1139
Spiritualism 298, 865, 876-880
Spontaneity 954
Stars 1052, 1058, 1446-1447, 1505
catalogue of 1054, 1305
State of things 686
Statics 427, 1308
Stecheology 411-412, 1334
see also Speculative grammar
Steinthal, Heymann, on the Stoa 1584
Stoics 530, 746
Strassmaier, Johann N. 1052
Studies in Logic (by Members of the Johns Hopkins University) 415-417, 419, 549, 588
Subject 1147
finite 924-925
and predicate 325, 926-927
Subjectivity 1116
Sublation 1147
Subsistence 1140
Substance 357, 641, 732, 934, 1008, 1038, 1116
and Being 403
Substantiality 1140
Succession 91, 816, 858
Sufficient reason 1147
Suggestion 318
Summum bonum 284, 329, 1334
Supposition 733
Surfaces 125, 148-149, 165, 267
see also Geometry, topics
Surprise 283
Syllogism 16, 318, 343, 351, 383, 396, 413-414, 440-441, 470, 475, 675, 696, 723, 734, 736, 741, 779-780, 783-784, 786, 788, 837, 988, 1147, 1571
categorical 339, 352
hypothetical 351, 353
statistical 398, 553, 764, 950
and scientific inference 346
Sylvester, James j. 302, 431, 641, 707, 1485, 1584
Symbol 142, 307, 313, 346, 357, 359, 404, 411, 462, 491-492, 516-517, 637, 675, 724, 728, 730, 734, 802, 842, 919, 1009
Synechism 886, 946, 954
see Geometry, topics
Synonyms 991, 1135-1142
Syntax 452, 669-670, 1216
of thought 646
Synthemes 67
System 1170

Tagalog 93, 1246
Taxospude 1334
Teaching 178-179, 182
Telegraphy 1361, 1422, 1575
Teleology 875
Telepathy 298, 880-882, 954
Tenacity (obstinacy), method of see Belief, fixation of
Ten-point theorem 277, 318
Tendency 663
Term(s) 284, 295, 316-317, 357, 381, 409, 515, 530, 552, 719, 722-723, 730, 734, 742, 796
absolute 396, 531
definite 515
individual 515
relative 387, 396, 531, 552
singular 515
Terminals 263
Terminology 279-281, 300, 409, 421, 434, 440, 594, 609, 655-656, 659, 664, 683, 776, 1279, 1573, 1585
ethics of 300, 434, 513, 515, 530, 1573
Tertium quid 1147
Testimony, historical 690-691, 1278
Textbooks, mathematical 164-198
Thales 1275, 1277
Theology 334, 685, 745, 1332
men 1330
science 1339
Theory 1147
and practice 517
projected 1347
Roget's 794, 1135
Thing 142, 346
Things-in-themselves 932
Thinking 292, 334, 404, 748, 921, 931
Thirdness 13, 302, 304, 307-310, 316, 403, 431, 438-439, 460, 478, 650, 681, 716-717, 721, 896-915, 934, 942, 1106
degenerate 896, 910
generous 896
see also Categories; Continuity; Generality; Law; Thought
Thisness 942
Th^lde (Valentine) 1313
Thompson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin 1128, 1316, 1321
Thou 916-919
Thought 292, 321, 379, 395-396, 612-615, 628-629, 637, 645-646, 654, 675, 739, 917, 928, 931, 992, 1106, 1109
laws of, see Laws of thought
and meaning 284
and time 376-377, 392
transference of 883
see Thirdness
Tide elevations 1098
Time 137-138, 290, 313, 329, 390-392, 396, 402, 686, 772, 943, 1026, 1081
Kantian 349, 740
law of 659
mutability of 686
and thought 376-377
Token 292-293, 295, 911
see also Type
Topology, Thessalian 1561, 1582
see also Geometry, topical
Totality 895
Transcendentalism 920-922
Translations, CSP's 1005-1007, 1280, 1310, 1514-1520
Travel notes 1560-1561
Triangle 109-111, 271
see Thirdness
Trigonometry 124, 193-196
Christian 359
of object, interpretant, and ground 359
Tritocenoscopy 1334
Truth 322, 330, 339, 432, 441, 587, 599, 678, 686, 827, 833, 852, 919-920, 922, 931, 1009, 1125, 1127, 1147, 1572
and hope 735
primal 920
and reality 655, 664
and satisfaction 817
see Secondness
Tychism 292, 319
see also Chance; Indeterminacy
Type 292, 295
see also Token
Typography 1186

Understanding 458, 739, 755
Unification 403
Uniformity 320, 474, 660, 1147
see also Nature, uniformity of
Unity 693, 895, 1147
Universality (generality) 439
Universals 280, 515, 620, 744, 1147, 1173
classification of 781
see also Generals
Universe 972, 1147
rationality of 952
reality of 934
of values 91
history of 929, 1280, 1329, 1341, 1420
comparison of 1330
Unknowable 931
Unreality 375, 966
Usage 1147
Utilitarianism 607

Vagueness 9, 48, 151, 288, 1147
see also Fallibilism
Valency, chemical and logical 284, 293, 643, 1038, 1041-1043
Valentine, Basil 1313, 1331
Value 91
van't Hoff, Jacobus Hendricus 704
Variety 474
Velocity 1308
Venn, John 244, 607, 660
Veracity 833
cognizable 833
perfect 833
see also Truth
Volition 325, 645, 659, 681, 901
see also Will; Willing
Vowels 1159, 1184, 1187-1189

Waddington, Charles 350
Wave-length 1021, 1072, 1075
Weights, and Measures 1078-1079, 1411
Weissmann, August 1149
Welby, Lady Victoria 618
Whateley's Synonyms 1142
Whately, Richard, Logic 619, 625
Whewell, William 350, 586, 620, 1274
Whist 1388, 1524
White, Andrew Dickson 1331, 1404
Whitehead, Alfred North 459, 684, 818
Whole 1147
Will 1108, 1111
brute 650
free 918
Willing 445, 649, 1129
see also Volition
Wilson, Thomas 607
Wilson's theorem 253
Winlock, Joseph 1036
Wolff, Christian 1000
Woolf's process of bleaching
see Bleaching process
Words 137, 1139, 1143, 1152-1155
classification of 1135-1138
history of 137
World, external 328, 931, 971
Worship 891
Would-be 644, 663, 671, 680, 930
Wright, Chauncey 322, 620, 655
see also Metaphysical Club
Wundt, Wilhelm 326, 400, 1338, 1497

Yale University 1330
Years, kinds of 1324
see also Calendars

Zeller, Eduard 832, 1275, 1277
Zeno's paradoxes 353
see also Achilles and Tortoise
Zeppelin, Count von, airship of 1012
Zodiac 1052
of Denderah 1051
Zoology 902