339. Logic
A. MS., notebook, n.p., November 12, 1865-November 1,
CSP kept this notebook from 1865 until his death, recording
in it (and dating) many of his investigations in their
first stages: "Here I write but never after read
what I have written for what I write is done in the
process of forming a conception." The sheets have
been ordered and numbered by Professor Don Roberts,
and a page by page index has been provided by him and
is kept with the notebook. Among the topics included
are: real definition, the categorical syllogism, intension
and extension, the logic of relatives, existential
graphs, collections, the theory of signs, induction
and hypothesis, the history of science, scepticism
and common sense, the nature of truth, liberty and
It is not certain that all the lectures listed below
belong to the University Lecture Series or that the
order in which they are noted in the catalogue is the
order in which they were actually given in the spring
of 1865. For instance, MS. 343 duplicates, without
mentioning it, the content of 342. It is conceivable
that MS. 343 is Lecture V of the 351 series. Again,
MS. 345 and MS. 356 begin in the same way. It is conceivable
that MS. 345 is a later draft of MS. 356.
340. Lecture I
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-2, 4-10 of one draft;
p. 4 of another draft (all are double pages).
Preface on the reforms of science, including reform
in logic. Plan of the lectures.
341. Lecture II
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-12 (double pages).
Problem of induction: logical or extra-logical? The
answer as suggested by Aristotle's views on induction.
Distinction between premises and conclusions, and between
data and inference. No induction by simple enumeration.
A posteriori reasoning distinguished from deduction
and induction. The three figures of a priori inference;
the three principles of inference a posteriori. For
an earlier draft of the first page, see MS. 765.
342. Lecture III
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], 33 pp.
Theories of probabilities (Doctrine of Chances). Most
of the lecture, however, concerns some peculiarities
of Boole's algebra. Brief discussions of the history
of logic and some sophism.
343. Lecture V
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], 36 pp.
The two kinds of scientific inference induction and
hypothesis differ from the syllogistic inference as
much as they do from each other. Nevertheless, the
three coordinate classes of reasoning are deduction,
induction, and hypothesis.
344. Lecture VI. Boole's Calculus of Logic (Boole)
A. MS., n.p., [1865-66], pp. 1-10, 11-14 (mostly double
Boole's work marks an epoch in the history of logic
"which in point of fruitfulness will rival that
of Aristotle's Organon."
345. Lecture VII
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], 34 pp., with 2 pp. of another
This lecture begins the second half of the lecture series.
The definition of "logic." Kinds of logical
systems. All deductive reasoning is merely explicatory.
Direct and indirect implication. What a word denotes
and what it connotes. The sphere and the content of
a word. Extension and comprehension. Being (all breadth,
no depth) and Nothing (all depth, no breadth). Modification
of the law of the inverse proportionality of extension
and comprehension. The information of a term. On the
subject of induction and hypothesis, CSP writes of
the slight preponderance of true over false scientific
inferences, and he finds that the reason for this is
the vague tendency for the whole to be like any of
its parts, taken at random.
346. Lecture VIII. Forms of Induction and Hypothesis
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-14 (double pages).
The attempts to define "logic" suffer from
an admixture of logic, anthropology, and psychology.
Analysis of the triad of thing, representation, and
form. The three kinds of representations: signs, copies,
symbols. Conditions to which symbols are subject. The
relationship between the syllogism and scientific inference.
The proper form of induction. Induction and hypothesis
distinguished. Induction increases the extension of
subject; hypothesis increases the comprehension of
predicate. Moreover, induction discovers a law which
is a prohibition; hypothesis discovers a law which
is an imposition.
347. Lecture X. Grounds of Induction (Grounds)
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], 15 double pp. (with one double
p. missing); plus pp. 1-4, incomplete, entitled "Lecture
on the Grounds of Inference." Kinds of propositions:
denotative, informative, connotative. Relationship
of denotative, informative, connotative propositions
to propositions which are simple, enumerative, and
conjunctive. The peculiarities of the latter. The three
kinds of inference and their ground.
348. Lecture XI (XI)
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-16 (double pages).
Long recapitulation of the previous lecture. What is
the probability that an induction or hypothesis is
true? CSP concludes that the question is senseless
both from the viewpoint of the nature of propositions
and the nature of logic. Sundry comments on the views
of Sir William Hamilton.
* 348a. (Bacon)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., p. 7 and 1 p.
A lecture on Bacon was promised (see MS. 340). But only
two pages which may be part of that lecture have been
349. Lecture on Kant (Kant)
A. MS., n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-14, with all but p. 12
being double pages.
Presumably the 12th lecture of the University Lecture
Series. "Every man who wishes to vindicate his
pretensions to philosophic power must display it by
the discovery of an error in Kant." Most usually
the critics of Kant have simply misunderstood him.
Examples of misunderstanding provided. A preliminary
study of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, treating such
topics as the A Priori, The Transcendental Esthetic
(the objective validity of the representations of space
and time), Kant on the nature of judgment.
350. Lecture on the Theories of Whewell, Mill, and Compte
A. MS, n.p., [1864-65], pp. 1-14 (double pages).
Presumably part of the University Lecture Series. There
is a note that another lecture on Waddington, De Remusat,
Graty, and others was to follow this one. Several modern
theories of science treated as inseparable from the
metaphysics of their authors. For example, Whewell
is a Kantian. Comte is "helplessly restricted
to a simple intellectual view." Critisism of Mill's
logic, especially Mill's views on the ground of induction.
351. Lecture I
A. MS., n.p., October 24, 1866, 39 pp.
The bad reputation of logic, with its endless controversies
between realism and nominalism. Among modern logicians,
CSP distinguishes the formal and the anthropological
logicians. Logic as a classificatory science. The traditional
syllogism, with a note that the second lecture would
be concerned with the hypothetical syllogism.
352. Lecture I
A. MS., n.p., 1866, 29 pp.
The nature of logic. Kinds of arguments. The moods and
figures of the categorical syllogism.
353. Lecture II
A. MS., n.p., October 27, 1866, 30 pp.
Continues MS. 351. On the hypothetical syllogism. Included
here is a discussion of Zeno's paradoxes as well as
a discussion of several sophisms.
354. Lecture III
A. MS., n.p., October 31, 1866, 31 pp.
Probability. Meaning of "likely" and "probable."
Boole's algebra. What is the justification of induction?
What are the common characters of inference in general?
CSP records and then criticises answers commonly given
to these questions by mathematicians and theologians.
* 355. Lecture IV
A. MS., G-1866-2a, November 3, 1866, 34 pp. (numbered
by an editor).
Published, in part, as 7.131-138 (pp. 27-32). Unpublished
is the recapitulation of previous lecture and J. S.
Mill's answer to the question of induction along with
CSP's criticism of that answer, especially Mill's notion
of the uniformity of nature.
356. Lecture VII
A. MS., n.p., delivered November 14, 1866, 6 pp.
This lecture begins the second half of the lecture series.
Extention and comprehension. Digression on the intellectual
superiority of Boston (CSP is pleased by the hearing
he has received during the first six lectures, especially,
as he says, on a subject as dry as logic). Role of
philosophy in America: A promise of things to come,
but as yet there is no American philosophy. Notes several
traits in the Yankee character which are conducive
to philosophizing.
357. Lecture IX
A. MS., n.p., [1866], 28 pp. and 8 pp. of different
drafts; plus a quotation from Herbart.
First sense impressions are not representations of unknown
things but those things themselves. Sensation and conception
as representations. Universal conceptions: Substance
and Being, with the intervening conceptions of Ground,
Correlate, and Interpretant. Quality, relation, and
representation. The three kinds of representations.
Icon, index, and symbol. Division of symbol into term,
proposition, and argument. Kinds of terms. Hamilton's
views considered. The classification of the sciences.
* 358. Lecture X
A. MS., n.p., [1866-67], 3 pp. (fragmentary).
All cognition is inferred from some other cognition,
i.e., there is no first premise or intuition. Some
consequences of this view.
359. Lecture XI
A. MS., G-1866-2a, 29 pp. (page numbers supplied by
an editor).
Published, in part, as 7.579-596 (pp. 1-22, with a single
deletion). Unpublished (pp. 22-29): Symbols and the
trinity of object, interpretant, and ground. Agreement
between this trinity and the Christian Trinity. The
interpretant is the Divine Logos. "If our former
guess that a Reference to an interpretant is Paternity
be right, this would also be the Son of God."
The ground corresponds in its function to the Holy
Spirit. A discussion of philosophical tendencies in
children terminates with the conclusion that the peculiar
differences of men are philosophical differences.
360. Chapter I
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, 3 pp. of fragments.
7.315, 7.315n5, and 7.316 are from these pages.
361. Chapter I (Enlarged Abstract)
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, 2 pp.
Published in entirety: 7.313-314.
362. Chapter I (Enlarge Abstract)
A. MS., n. p., [c.1873], 1 p.
363. [Fragment]
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, 1 p.
Published, in part: 7.314n4.
364. Logic. Chapter 2. Of Inquiry
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, 1 p., incomplete; plus 9 pp. of
another draft and 5 loose sheets.
Only the draft of 9 pp. was published: 7.317-325.
365. Chapter 2
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], pp. 1, 4.
The end or purpose of inquiry is to close inquiry; its
end is not its own exercise. The spirit of disputatiousness
is best promoted by practical applications of reason.
366. Logic. Chapter 3. Four Methods of Settling Opinion
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], p. 1, incomplete.
367. Logic. Chap. 4. Of Reality
Amanuensis, corrections in CSP's hand, G-c.1873-1, pp.
Published, in part as 7.327-335 (pp. 1-17) Unpublished:
reality and the final opinion upon which men are destined
to agree. Reality is that thought with which we struggle
to have our thoughts coincide. It can mean nothing
at all to say that, in addition, some other reality
368. Chapt. 4 (2nd Draft)
Amanuensis, corrections in CSP's hand, n.p., [c.1873],
pp. 1-7.
Thought is regarded as a stream governed by the law
of association. Independent reality is placed either
at the beginning or the end of the stream. The law
of association cannot account for the coherence and
harmony of experience. Distinction between dreams and
external experience.
369. Logic. Chap 4 ( ____ draft)
Amanuensis, G-c.1873-1, pp. 1-6.
Published, in part, as 7.326 (pp. 1-3). Unpublished:
reflections on feeling. The relationship of feeling
to other feelings is such that, apart from succession
in time, there are no relationships. Every feeling
in itself is unanalyzable and absolutely simple.
370. [Chapter 4. Of Reality]
Amanuensis, G-c.1873-1, 11 pp.
Published in entirety: 7.336-345.
371. Logic. Chapter IV. Of Reality
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 18 pp. of fragments.
Investigation consists of two parts: reasoning and observation.
The confusion between thought as an operation of thinking
and thought as an object. Belief and the habitual connection
of ideas, with belief and habit of thought being one
and same thing. Fixation of belief. No genuine doubt
attaches to the scientific method of fixing belief,
just as no genuine doubt can attach to the belief in
real things.
372. Logic. Chapter IV. Of Reality
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 14 pp.
Investigation involves both observation and reasoning.
Reasoning as beginning with the most obvious premises
and leading ultimately to one conclusion. Reality must
be connected with this chain of reasoning at one extremity
or the other. Nominalistic and realistic views of reality.
The scientific presentation of the doctrines of logic
requires the identity of the object of true knowledge
with reality. The existence of things (as studied by
physicists) depends upon their manifestability. Extending
this conception to all real existence leads to an idealistic
theory of metaphysics, once it is clearly understood
that observation and reasoning are perpetually leading
us toward certain final opinions whose objects may
be said to have real existence.
373. Of Reality
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, pp. 1-20.
Published, in part, as 7.331n9 (p. 2) and 7.313n3 (pp.
8-9). Unpublished: investigation as involving both
observation and inference, and ultimately the agreement
of all investigators. How the conception of mind is
acquired. Refutation of the claim that no distinction
can be drawn between knowing and knowing that one knows.
Does the mind have a direct experience of its own existence
from the moment it is first conscious of anything?
Signs and cognitions.
374. On Reality A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 4 pp.
What is the meaning of reality? To answer this question
requires an answer to the question of meaning in general.
As a start CSP asks whether a feeling can be said to
have meaning. An analysis of feeling reveals its complexity.
375. On Reality
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 1 p.
The notion of nothing. Absurdity and unreality are two
distinct cases of nothing.
376. [Time and Thought]
Amanuensis, G-c.1873-1, March 6, 1873, pp. 1-9.
Published in entirety: 7.346-353.
377. [Time and Thought]
Amanuensis, n.p., March 8, 1873, pp. 1-9.
Temporal succession of ideas as continuous. Definition
of "continuum" as "something any part
of which itself has parts of the same kind." Cf.
MS. 376.
378. Logic. Chap. 5th
Amanuensis, G-c.1873-1, March 10, [1873], 6 pp.
Published in entirety: 7.354-357.
379. Logic. Chap. 6th
Amanuensis, G-c.1873-1, March 10, 1873, pp. 1-10; plus
an exact copy (pp. 1-8) in another hand [Zina Fay Peirce?].
Published (pp. 5-6) as 7.336n Omitted from publication:
the three elements of signs. The nature of the causal
connection between a thought and the thing to which
it is related. Reality and figment: Reality is the
most general of expressions (even a figment is a reality
when considered in itself and not as the representation
of something else). What is real or what exists must
be an object of thought, because it is impossible to
have a conception of anything which is not an object
of thought. That is, the attempt to discover a word
which expresses a thing that exists without, at the
same time, implying that that thing is a possible object
of thought results in a contradictory (or meaningless)
380. Logic. Chap. 7. Of Logic as a Study of Signs
Amanuensis, n.p., March 14, 1873, 4 pp.
The three conditions for the existence of a sign.
381. On the Nature of Signs
Amanuensis, n.p., 6 pp. and 7 pp. of two drafts.
The six-page manuscript: the three conditions for the
existence of a sign The seven-page manuscript: Kant's
Categories of the Understanding; Medieval logic and
the division of conceptions into first and second intentions;
the threefold division of representation and terms.
382. Logic. Chap. 9th
Amanuensis, n.p., March 15, 1873, 12 pp.
Ambiguity and indeterminacy. Principles of formal logic.
Equiparence of the copula.
383. Chap. X. The Copula and Simple Syllogism
Amanuensis, n.p., [C.1873], 6 pp.
All reasoning is reducible to syllogistic form and is
dependent upon the transitive character of the copula.
Formal properties of the copula.
384. Chap. XI. On Logical Breadth and Depth
Amanuensis, n.p., [C1873], 9 pp.
First and second intentions. "Breadth" and
"depth" defined. Also defined "informed
breadth" and "informed depth." A distinction
is made between essential and substantial breadth and
385. Logic Chapter. The List of Categories
A. MS., n.p., [C.1873], 2 pp.
Reality and Being distinguished. Doubt involves something
fixed and something vague. The thing about which we
doubt is fixed; what is in doubt about the thing is
386. Chap. VIII. Of the Copula
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 3 pp., plus another page with
the same title.
The properties of the copula summarized.
387. Chap. IX. Of Relative Terms
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 8 pp.
A study of the properties of individuals, i.e., the
properties individuals would possess if they existed.
General relative terms. Logic as the science of identity.
388. On Representations
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], 3 pp.
"Representation" defined. The three things
essential for having representation.
389. On Representation
Amanuensis, corrected by CSP, n.p., [c.1873], 10 pp.
The three things which are essential for representation:
Representation must have qualities independent of its
meaning, it must have real causal connection to its
object, and it must address itself to some mind.
390. Chapter IV. The Conception of Time essential in
A. MS., n.p., July 1, 1873, 4 pp.
The conception of a logical mind presupposes a temporal
sequence among ideas, for every mind which passes from
doubt to belief involves ideas which follow one another
in time. The flow of time is not by discrete steps,
but is continuous. "Continuum" defined.
391. Chapter IV. The Conception of Time essential in
A. MS., n.p., July 2, 1873, 8 pp.
MS. 391 is an expanded version of MS. 390.
392. Chapter V. That the significance of thought lies
in its reference to the future
A. MS., G-c.1873-1, 4 pp.
Published in entirety: 7.358-361.
393. (Pract. Logic, Lect. Logic)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
Opinions tend toward ultimate settlement. The proposition
that there is some reality which determines opinions
but does not depend upon them admits of two interpretations,
but on either interpretation, the real is ideal. Reality
and actualities.
394. Memorandum. Probable Subjects to be Treated of
Amanuensis, n.p., n.d., 1 p.
395. Third Lecture
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
The question, What is thought? can only be answered
by means of thought.
396. [Fragments]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 13 pp.
Among the topics treated here are the following: relative
and absolute terms; negation; the syllogism; cognition
and inconceivability; thought and signs; feelings,
the continuum of feelings, and time.
("How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments")
*397. How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Advertisement
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-12.
Only the 1st paragraph of p. 1 was published: Collected
Papers, Vol. 8, p. 278. Unpublished: a general summary
of CSP's work in philosophy and logic, along with a
short account of the significance of his efforts in
logic, and a discussion of continuity as ubiquitous
398. [How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Advertisement]
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-11.
Only the last 4 paragraphs (pp. 10-11) published: Collected
Papers, Vol. 8, pp. 278-279. Unpublished: a summary
of CSP's work in philosophy and logic which is more
detailed than the one found in MS. 397. Other subjects
dealt with but not published are the analysis of propositions,
the statistical syllogism, the conception of quantity
and continuity, and the realism-nominalism issue.
399. How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Contents
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-3, with variants.
Pages 2-3 published: Collected Papers, Vol. 8, pp. 279-280.
Only the title page was omitted.
400. Book I. Of Reasoning in General. Introduction.
The Association of Ideas
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 9-83, 17-19; plus two drafts (5
pp.) of "contents."
Published in part as 7.388-450, except 392n7. Unpublished:
pp. 14-51, with exception of proposition 3 on p. 23
which was published as 7.417n21. History of the doctrine
of association which begins with Aristotle and continues
with the English writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, e.g., Digby, Locke, Hume, Hartley, Gay,
among others, and the nineteenth-century English, German,
and American thinkers, e.g., James Mill, Hamilton,
Bain, Lewes, James, Herbart, Wundt. "Notwithstanding
the writer's realism and realistic idealism, and consequent
high appreciation of Schelling, Hegel, and others,
and respect for German industry, he cannot but regard
the English work in philosophy as far more valuable
and English logic as infinitely sounder."
401. Book I. Logic in General. Introduction. The Association
of Ideas
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 9-11, incomplete.
402. The Association of Ideas
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 2-13, with p. 3 missing.
The Principles of Association: the general rules in
accordance with which one idea has a tendency to suggest
another. Page 11 begins a Chapter II, which sets out
to deal with the problem of time, memory, and experience.
403. Division I. Formal Study of General Logic. Chapter
I. The Categories
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 16-29.
Association of ideas. Process of unification (the blending
and spreading of ideas). Distinguishable grades in
the process of unification. The conception of the present.
Being and substance. The passage from being to substance
is mediated by accident, whose threefold nature includes
quality, relation, and representation. Quality is Firstness;
relation, Secondness; representation, Thirdness. Primary
qualities and feelings. Phenomenalism and the relativity
of knowledge. The two great genera of relations: those
whose ground is prescindible and those whose ground
is not. Precision, or abstraction, distin-guished from
other modes of mental separation, e.g., discrimination
and dissociation. Compare with "On a New List
of Categories" [PAAAS series on logic (1867)].
See G-1867-1a.
404. The Art of Reasoning. Chapter II. What is a Sign?
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 31-46 (pp. 34, 42 missing).
Published, in part, as 2.281 (pp. 35-36), 2.285 (p.
41), 2.297-302 (pp. 43-45). Unpublished: reasoning
as an interpretation of signs of some kind; the three
different states of mind feeling, reacting, thinking
(pp. 31-34). Indices and icons (pp. 37-40). Reasoning
as requiring a mixture of likenesses, indices, and
symbols (p. 46).
405. Division II. Transcendental Logic. Chapter III.
The Materialistic Aspect of Reasoning
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 47-54.
Published in entirety as 6.278-286.
406. Chapter IV. What is the Use of Consciousness?
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 55-58.
Published in entirety as 7.559-564.
407. Chapter V. The Fixation of Belief
A. MS. (and TS.), n.p., 1893, pp. 59-84; plus 1 p. ("Chapter
IV. The Fixation of Belief").
A version of the article bearing the same title first
published in the Popular Science Monthly (1877), as
the first in a series of articles appearing under the
general title "Illustrations of the Logic of Science."
The original article of 1877 was published in the Collected
Papers as 5.358-387, except 358n*, with revisions and
notes of 1893, 1903, and c.1910. See G-1877-5a.
408. Division III. Substantial Study of Logic Chapter
VI. The Essence of Reasoning
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 85-180 (p. 163 missing) and a
variant p. 85.
Published, in part, in two places: 4.21-52 (pp. 89-146,
with deletions) and 7.463-467 (pp. 168-173). Unpublished:
the early history and literature of logic (pp. 85-88).
Experience, reality, and belief-habits; the inner and
outer world of man's experience; the law of association
and its principles (pp. 147-165).
409. Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter
VI. The Essence of Reasoning
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 85-141 (pp. sog, 130 missing),
with 8 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 4.53-56 (but not all of 56) and
4.61-79 (pp. 91-141, with deletions). The unpublished
pages concern terminology mainly: term, concept, proposition,
judgment, argument, and the operation of naming. As
an aside, CSP's low opinion of the logical powers of
the Germans.
410. Book II. Introductory. Chapter VII. Analysis of
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 1-18; 1-19 (of a secretary's
inaccurate copy).
Why should one want to reason? Reason versus instinct.
Reasoning well requires an understanding of the theory
of reasoning. The vocabulary of logic. Categorical
and hypothetical propositions. "Every mother loves
some child of hers" represented graphically. Nominalism
and realism. Conjunctives.
411. Division I. Stecheology. Part I. Non Relative.
Chapter VIII. The Algebra of the Copula
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 171-234.
Material Implication. CSP introduces a new symbol -|
for the (his) symbol -<. All algebra based on simple
definition of -|. On the infinite series of logical
terms (logically necessary consequences). Five types
of logical propositions. The crocodile paradox (dilemmatic
reasoning). CSP regards logical algebra as important
as an instrument for logical analysis, but of no great
importance as calculus. Rules of logical aggregation
and composition.
412. Division I. Stecheology. Part I. Non Relative.
Chapter VIII. The Algebra of the Copula
Amanuensis, n.p.. 1893, pp. 20-84.
Second draft of MS. 411, but with no substantial changes.
413. Chapter IX. The Aristotelian Syllogistic
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 211-285.
Published, in part, as 2.445-460 (pp. 211-232, with
deletions). Unpublished are CSP's comments on the contributions
to philosophy of Hamilton, Kant, DeMorgan, and Aristotle
as logicians. Importance of the syllogism, especially
of the figures, in probable inference. The reduction
of syllogistic forms. Natural classification of the
moods. Formal fallacies, e.g., ignoratio elenchi and
petitio principii. Semi-material fallacies, e.g., fallacies
of ambiguity and erroneous particularization.
414. Chapter X. Extension of the Aristotelian Syllogistic
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 286-296.
Published as 2.532-535 with only the quotations from
Hamilton on pp. 291-293 deleted.
415. De Morgan's Propositional Scheme
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 297-313.
CSP improves upon De Morgan's system by expanding it
and giving it graphical representation. De Morgan's
views on modal logic and Christine Ladd-Franklin's
scheme (from Studies in Logic, by Members of the Johns
Hopkins University) examined. Also examined are Gilman's
views on spurious propositions.
416. On a Limited Universe of Marks
A. MS., G-1893-5 and G-1883-7c, pp. 314-325.
This manuscript is a rewritten version of one of CSP's
contributions (Note A: "Extension of the Aristotelian
Syllogistic") to Studies in Logic, By Members
of the Johns Hopkins University (edited by C. S. Peirce),
1883. What was published (2.517-531) is the 1883 "note,"
as rewritten in 1893 for Chapter X of the Grand Logic.
The difference between the two papers is not substantial.
417. Chapter XI. The Boolian Calculus
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 326-349.
Defense of "or" as allowing for "and."
Definition of material implication. Examples from Mrs.
Ladd-Franklin (in Studies in Logic). Compare with "On
the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to the Philosophy
of Notation"
(G- 1885-3) .
418. Book II. Division I. Part 2. Logic of Relatives.
Chapter XII. The Algebra of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 350-372.
"If I have made any substantial improvement in
logic, it is in the discovery of this manner of dealing
with the imperfections of Boolians." Exhibiting
and remedying imperfections of the Boolean calculus.
Logic of relations, which, CSP says, he brought to
essential completion in 1885 (G-1885-3). First and
second intentional logic. Machines which are capable
of solving problems in non-relative Boolean algebra,
with an examination of the performance of one of them
(Allan Marquand's, as reported in the Proceedings of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XXI. 303).
419. Chapter XIII. Simplification for Dual Relatives
A. MS., G-1893-5 and G-1883-7d, pp. 373-389, with a
note that p. 376 was "struck out."
This manuscript is substantially the same as one of the contributions
(Note B: "The Logic of Relatives") to the Johns Hopkins Studies
in Logic. What was published (3-328-358) is the 1883 "note,"
with a marginal note and indications of the revisions of 1893 for the
Grand Logic. New symbolism is introduced. Relatives are developed
without and
420. Chapter XIV. Second Intentional Logic
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 390-394.
Published in entirety as 4.80-84.
421. Division II. Methodology. Chapter XV. Breadth and
A. MS., G-1893-5 and G-1867-1e, pp. 395-438.
What was published (2.391-426) is "Upon Logical
Comprehension and Extension" of Proceedings of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 7,
November 3, 1867, with the revisions of c.1870 and
1893. What was published as 2.427-430 is a supplement
entitled "Terminology" (G-1893-7). In addition
to being Chapter XV of the Grand Logic, this manuscript
was also intended as Essay III of the Search for a
Method (1893).
* 422. Methodology. The Doctrine of Definition and Division.
Chapter XVI. Clearness of Apprehension
TS, G-1893-5 and G-1877-5b, pp. 439-452; A. MS., pp.
453-456, which continues 452 of TS.
What was published as 5.388-410 is the essay "How
to Make our Ideas Clear" (Popular Science Monthly,
Vol. 12, pp. 286-302, 1878), with the additions of
423. Book III. Quantitative Logic. Chapter XVII. The
Logic of Quantity
A. MS, G-1893-5, pp. 1-124 (pp. 2, 102-103 missing);
plus a complete and corrected copy of 125 pp., neither
the copy nor the corrections in CSP's hand.
Published, in part, as 4.85-152 (pp. 1-125, with omissions
and with a marginal note).
424. Chapter XVIII. The Doctrine of Chances
TS., G-1893-5 and G-1877-5c, pp. 581-591.
What was published as 2.645-660 is the third article
of the series "Illustrations of the Logic of Science"
(Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 12, pp. 604-15, 1878),
with corrections of 1893 and a note of 1910.
Minute Logic 1902-03
425. Minute Logic, Chapter I. Intended Characters of
this Treatise (Logic)
A. MS., G-c.1902-2, pp. 1-170, with variants and a typewritten
copy which differs only slightly from the original;
pp. 1-50, with variants, of an incomplete first draft.
Publication (2.1-118) is from CSP's typewritten copy,
with a few omissions consisting of repetitions and
426. Chapter II. Prelogical Notions. Section I. Classification
of the Sciences (Logic II)
A. MS., n.p., February 13, 1902, pp. 1-41, with 1l pp.
of variants.
An earlier draft of MS. 427.
427. Chapter II. Prelogical Notions. Section I. Classification
of the Sciences (Logic II)
A. MS., G-c.1902-2, begun February 20, 1902, pp. 1-291,
with nearly 200 pp. Of variants; pp. 97-125, 190-192,
196-197, 244, 271-273 from alternative drafts.
A later draft of MS. 426. Published, in part, as 1.203-283
(pp. 1-123, with omissions), 7.374n10 (pp. 125-127),
7.279 (pp. 140-142), 7.362-363 and 7.366-385 (pp. 192-242).
From the alternative drafts, pp. 190-192, 196-197,
271-273 were published as 7.364, 7.365, and 7.386-387
respectively. Omitted from publication are the following:
notions of family, genus, species; dynamics as a suborder
of Nomological Physics; statics; theories of the constitution
of matter and nature; hydrodynamics; dynamics of a
particle and of rigid bodies; subfamilies of rigid
dynamics; molar, molecular, and ethereal physics; cross-classification;
subdivision of special nomological physiognosy; crystallography;
"diagrammatic" history of astronomy; minerology;
chemistry; the natural metric system; suborders of
physiotaxy; families of natural history; genera of
biology; physiography; physiognosy; genera and species
of astronomy; geognosy. From alternative drafts, the
following were omitted: the Genus language; classifications
of language; races of mankind and the origin of the
white race; resemblances between Polynesian and Semitic
languages; the question of a common linguistic ancestor;
Basque; agglutinative speech.
428. Chapter II. Section II. Why Study Logic? (Logic
II, ii)
A. MS., G-c.1902-2, pp. 1-128, with 33 pp. of variants.
The second page is dated April 28, 1902; the hundred
and second page, April 3o, 1902. Published in entirety
as 2.119-202.
429. Chapter III. The Simplest Mathematics
TS., for most part, G-c.1902-2, pp. 1-127.
Published as 4.227-323, with historical notes on signs
and several theorems in algebra and logic omitted.
430. Chapter III. The Simplest Mathematics (Logic III)
A. MS., n.p., 1902, pp. 2-108 (p. 9 is missing), with
many rewritten sections.
Some of the pages of this manuscript are dated; page
4, for instance, is dated January 2, 1902. On postulates
(footnote on the corruption of Euclid's text and the
confusion between "axioms" and "postulates").
Principles of contradiction and of excluded middle.
The development of Boole's logical algebra. Logical
depth and breadth. Composition and aggregation: De
Morgan and Jevons. Beginning with generals, logic requires
notion of inference; its primary aim is criticism of
inference. Definition of an "individual."
Confusion of collective identity with individual identity.
Algebra of the copula of inclu-sion. The meaning of
the mathematical "is." Algebraical consequence:
constituents of a consequence; standard and potential
constituents; proximates of a consequence. Scriptibility.
The "vital" definitions of the algebra. Distinction
between collective and distributive applicability of
a disjunction to "v." The distinction between
several and joint applicability to "v." Close
and loose combinations and their denial. Definition
of the generalized copula of inclusion in five clauses.
Theorems and rules of the algebra. In the alternative
sections: existential graphs (pp. 14-68); explanation
of CSP's notation for Boolean algebra (pp. 35-45);
algebra of the copula, formal definitions of "if,"
"and," "or," employed in defining
; and more on consequence (pp. 56-76)
431. Chapter III. The Simplest Mathematics (Logic III)
A. MS., n.p., 1902, pp. 2-200 (p. 199 missing), including
long alternative or rejected efforts.
Page 37 is dated January 5, 1902; another page, January
28, 1902. Two definitions of "mathematics"
analyzed: (a) mathematics as the method of drawing
necessary conclusions, and (b) mathematics as the study
of the hypothetical states of things. Mathematics does
not require ethics; logic does, however. Preliminary
dissection of mathematics into several branches. The
important rules, theorems, and demonstrations of dichotomic
mathematics. Simplest mathematics is a two-valued system,
but even though its subject is limited, it does enter
as an element into the other parts of mathematics,
and hence is important. In regard to trichotomic mathematics,
it is asked, "how is the mathematician to take
a step without recognizing the duality of truth and
falsity?" Fundamental fact about the number three
is its generative potency. Philosophical truth has
its origin and rationale in mathematics. A chemical
analogy. In one of the alternative sections, there
is a lengthy account of CSP's dispute with Sylvester
over who should receive credit for discovering the
system of nonions.
432. Chapter IV. Ethics (Logic IV)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1902], pp. 1-8.
The start of a first draft. Moral virtues required in
performing inductions. What constitutes a normative
question? Pure ethics philosophical ethics regarded
as a pre-normative science but of vital importance
to the student of logic. Truth and reality.
433. Chapter IV. Ethics (Logic IV)
A. MS., G-c.1902-2, pp. 1-21.
Published in entirety as 1.575-584.
434. Chapter IV. Ethics (Logic IV)
A. MS., G-1902-2, pp. 12-234 (p. 12 follows the first
eleven pages of MS. 433).
Published, in part, as 6.349-352 (pp. 20X-220). Unpublished:
long footnote on the term "conscience," leading
to eight rules having to do with the ethics of terminology
and the governing of philosophical terminology. CSP
proposes to list and examine twenty-eight conceptions
or classes of supposed goods, e.g., the desirable in
itself, but only gets as far as the fifteenth (all
were taken from Greek philosophy, with Plato's conception
of the ultimate good to have formed the basis of the
fifteenth conception). At this point in the manuscript
a long digression occurs which continues to the close.
The digression concerns disputed points of Plato's
life. In this connection, there is considerable material
on the chronological order of the Platonic Dialogues
as well as on Lutoslawski's researches. Sophistries
in the Sophist, but Plato's definition of being as
power approved. Various comments on the Politicus and
Timaeus. For CSP, Plato's strength lies in his ethics,
not in his metaphysics and logic.
435. On Detached Ideas in General, and on Vitally Important
Topics as Such (1898)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-35.
Lecture I: published as 1.649-677, with omissions. Discourse
on admirable and contemptible qualities. The qualities
most admired, e.g., devotion and courage, are instinctual;
the contemptible qualities derive from reasoning. The
origin and influence of the "mechanical philosophy."
"But it is one of the great virtues of scientific
method that the scientist need not be a deep thinker
or even a cultivated mind .... Men of this sort believe
in the mechanical philosophy."
436.Lecture I (1898)
A. MS., n.p., 1898, pp. 1-34 (pp. 6-9, X 3, 15-26, 30,
33 missing).
Reason and instinct. The wise man in matters of greatest
importance will follow, not his reason, but his heart.
Reason and religion. The contention that metaphysics
is a guide for the soul is humbug. Moreover, the talent
for reasoning is as uncommon as the talent for music,
and the cultivation of the first requires a greater
effort with fewer immediate rewards. CSP's bitterness
is not easily restrained. He advises against philosophy
as a career, shows his disdain of Harvard gentlemen
and of publishers who refuse to publish treatises on
logic on the ground that the author is not a university
professor and that the work would not pay for itself.
437. Philosophy and the Conduct of Life (PL)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-31.
Lecture I: published, in part, as 1.616-648 (pp. 1-16,
30-31). Unpublished material on the classification
of the sciences and on the fact that every science
grows into a more abstract science, one step higher
on the classificatory scale. Asides on Plato.
438. Detached Ideas on Vitally Important Topics. Lecture
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-23, incomplete, with 3 loose
sheets (notes for lecture).
Selection published: 4.1-5. Deleted: pp. 1-4, 11-17,
18-22 on the relationship between philosophy and mathematics
and between philosophy and the exact sciences, on the
gross abuse of the word "realism," on the
Peircean categories and the logic of relatives. CSP
offers an explanation (suggested by a theorem of the
logic of relatives that no polyads higher than triads
are required to express all relations) of why his list
of categories is complete. Co-discoverer, with De Morgan,
of the logic of relatives, CSP introduces the reader
to that logic by means of existential graphs.
439. Detached Ideas continued and the Dispute between
Nominalists and Realists (NR)
A. MS., n.p., 1898, pp. 1-35, with a variant p. 24.
Peircean categories of Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness.
The system of graphs is a consequence of CSP's study
of the categories. Logic of relatives and the notion
of generality (universality). The continuum as the
true universal. Kant on continua. The question of reality.
The nominalist-realist controversy. The tendency to
think of nature as syllogizing, even on the part of
the mechanist. But nature also makes inductions and
retroductions. Infinite variety of nature testifies
to her originality (or power of retroduction). That
continuity is real and the significance of this fact
for a philosophy of life. CSP's extreme realism lies
in his acceptance of the view "that every true
universal, every continuum, is a living and conscious
being." On page 28, there is a marginal note signed
"WJ" (William James?): "This is too
abrupt along here. Should be more mediated to the common
440. Detached Ideas. Induction, Deduction, and Hypothesis
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-37 (pp. 9-12 missing), plus
15 pp. of variants.
Only the four rules given on pp. 4-7 published as 7.494n9.
The remainder concerns scientific and philosophic terminology,
modern science and realism (the abuse of the term "realism"),
the history of the discovery of the logic of relatives,
the relationship of induction and retroduction to the
syllogistic figures (induction as probable inference
in the third figure; retroduction as probable inference
in the second figure). A marginal note by "WJ"
on p. 25.
441. Types of Reasoning (Ty)
A. MS., n.p., 1898, pp. 1-31 (p. 10 missing).
The relationship between logic and metaphysics. In order
to enliven his lectures, CSP mentions his early interest
in philosophy, and writes of the development of his
thinking about logic. The controversy beween Philo
and Diodorus. Scholastic doctrine of Consequentia.
Hypothetical and categorical propositions and their
logical equivalence. Induction, deduction, retroduction
and the syllogistic forms. Induction as probable reasoning
in the third figure.
442. The First Rule of Logic (FRL)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-38, with 3 pp. of variants.
Published as 5.574-589, with omissions. Omitted were
pp. 13, 18, 22-24, 36-38 on Alexandre Dumas (CSP's
attitude somewhat disparaging), pure mathematics, and
the notion that truth is ambiguous, e.g., that a proposition
might be true in religion but false in philosophy.
The theoretical and practical sense of ''holding for
* 443. Causation and Force (TC)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 1-35, plus discarded pp. 13-15,
13-14, 20, 28, and 2 pp. with the titles "Time
and Causation" (TC) and "Time and Causality."
Published in three places in the following order: 6.66-81;
7.518-523; 6.82-72. Only the introductory first paragraph
was deleted.
444. Training in Reasoning (R)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 19.
MSS. 444 and 445 published, with deletions and pages
missing, under the title "Training in Reasoning,"
The Hound and Horn 2 (July-September 1929), 398-416.
Common or liberal education and the art of reasoning.
The three mental operations carried on in reasoning:
observation, experimentation, and habituation (the
power of taking on or discarding habit).
445. Training in Reasoning (TR)
A. MS., G-1898-1, pp. 17-39, plus 5 pp. of variants.
A discussion of the several kinds of observation and
experimentation. Introspection. The categories connected
with the three mental operations of feeling, willing,
reasoning. The commonest fallacies in retroduction,
deduction, and induction.
446. [Notes]
A. MS., n.p., [c.1898], pp. 1-7.
Possibly for the lecture on "Causation and Force."
See MS. 443.
447. [Lecture I]
A. MS., n.p., 1903, pp. 1-2, incomplete, (from a notebook).
The beginning of an historical introduction to the subject
of reasoning. Scientific form given to logic by Aristotle.
448. [Lecture I]
A. MS,. notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-48.
Published as 1.591-610, with omissions. Unpublished:
Present day science suffers from a malady whose source
is an argument based on the notion of a "logisches
Gef,hl" as the means of determining whether reasoning
is sound and whose conclusion is that there is no distinction
between good and bad reasoning. This argument parallels
another whose conclusion is that there is no distinction
between good and bad conduct (pp. 1-12). Criticism
of the defendant arguments and their premises that
it is unthinkable that a conclusion be found acceptable
for any other reason than a feeling of logicality and
that a line of conduct be adopted for any other motive
than a feeling of pleasure (pp. 33-48).
449. [Lecture I]
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 37-61.
Published, in part, as 1.611-615 and 8.176 (except 176n3)
(pp. 37-49 and 51-53). Unpublished: criticism of Sigwart
and the notion of "logisches Gef,hl." Logic
embraces methodeutic, critic, and the doctrine of signs
(speculative grammar), with the ultimate purpose of
the logician being the working out of a theory regarding
the advancement of knowledge. Speculative grammar is
neither psychology nor epistemology. Erkenntnislehre
is mainly metaphysics. CSP agrees with those metaphysicians
who insist that metaphysics must rest upon logic.
450. [Lecture I]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-26.
Improvement in reasoning requires, first of all, a study
of deduction. For this, an unambiguous and simple system
of expression is needed. The system in which reasoning
is broken up into its smallest fragments by means of
diagrams is the system of existential graphs, which
CSP goes on to develop in terms of fourteen conventions.
451. [Lecture I]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-21.
Refutation of the view that there is no distinction
between good and bad reasoning or, for that matter,
good and bad conduct, because in both cases the distinction
rests on feeling which, in turn, rests upon a confusion
of the pleasure afforded by the inference with the
approval of it.
452. [Lecture I]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-14.
The purpose of logic; the division of logic into speculative
grammar, critic, and methodeutic. Why "methodeutic"
as a name is preferred to "method" or "methodology."
CSP's exposition begins with logical syntax.
453. [Lecture I]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-37.
Science hampered by the false notion that there is no
distinction between good and bad reasoning. This notion
related to the German idea that bases logic on feeling.
454. Lectures on Logic, to be delivered at the Lowell
Institute. Winter 1903- 1904. Lecture I
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-26.
Existential graphs as a system for expressing any assertion
with precision is not intended to facilitate but to
analyze necessary reasoning, i.e., deduction. The system
introduced by means of four basic conventions (here
called "principles") and four rules ("rights")
of transformation.
455. [Lecture II]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-31.
The first and third parts of an introduction to the
alpha and beta parts of the system of existential graphs;
MS. 456 is the second part.
456. Lowell Lectures. Lecture 2. Vol. 2
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 40-66.
The second of a three-part introduction to the alpha
and beta parts of existential graphs. For the first
and third parts, see MS. 455.
457. CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. 1st Draught of 3rd
A. MS., notebook, n.p., begun October 2, 1903, pp. 1-10.
On a kind of decision procedure (in terms of alpha-possibility)
for existential graphs. Cf. MS. 462.
458. Lowell Lectures. 1903. Lecture 3. 1st draught
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-33.
Science, mathematics, and quantity. Pure mathematics
(the science of hypotheses) is divided in accordance
with the complexity of its hypotheses. Simplest mathematics
is the system of existential graphs. Doctrine of multitude:
Cantor's work on collections. Understanding requires
some reference to the future to an endless series
of possibilities. Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox.
459. Lowell Lectures. 1903. Lecture 3
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-41.
The words "Won't do" (by CSP) appear on the
cover of the notebook. Definition of "mathematics."
Denial that mathematics is reducible to logic. Alternative
positions considered. Existential graphs; qualities;
collection; multitude (Whitehead and Russell); substantive
460. [Lecture III]
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-22.
Published, in part, as 1.15-26 (pp. 2-21). Gamma graphs,
the third part of existential graphs, rendered intelligible
by CSP's categories of Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness.
And without the gamma graphs, multitude, infinity,
and continuity are not easily explained. The peculiarity
of gamma graphs is that they make abstractions (mere
possibilities) and laws the subjects of discourse.
461. Lowell Lectures of 1903 by C. S. Peirce. Second
draught of Lecture 3
A. MS., notebook, n.p., September 30, 1903, pp. 1-9;
plus 2 cards which were found inserted among the unnumbered
pages of the notebook.
Multitude; serial order of qualities; continuity.
462. CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903 2nd Draught of 3rd
A. MS., n.p., October 5, 1903, pp. 2-88 (pagination
by even numbers only), incomplete.
Alpha part of existential graphs: permissible operations.
The Beta part. Difference between alpha-impossibility
and beta-impossibility summarized [cf. MS. 457]. The
Gamma part concerns what can logically be asserted
of meanings. The distinction between regulative and
constitutive (in Kant). The logical doctrine called
"Pragmatism." CSP claims that he has been
unjustly called a sceptic, a second Hume. The "joke"
about opium's dormitive virtue. Possibility and necessity
(Locke's confusion). Qualities as mere possibilities.
Relations are qualities of sets of subjects. Dyadic
and triadic relations. All triadic relations are, more
or less, thoughts. Doctrine of signs; icons, indices,
and symbols.
463. Lowell Lectures of 1903. Lecture III. 2nd Draught
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 11-17 (pp. 1-9 are
mathematical notes and have nothing to do with the
On multitude and collection.
464. CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. Part 1 of 3rd draught
of 3rd Lecture
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, begun October 8, 1903,
pp. 1-64, 68.
Published in two places: 1.324 and 1.343-349 (pp. 30-34
and 36-64 respectively). Note that part of 1.349 comes
from page 68 of MS. 465, with p. 68 of that manuscript
continuing p. 64 of this one. Omitted is a discussion
of existential graphs, especially alpha and beta possibilities
(pp. 1-30) and a discussion of the category of Firstness
(pp. 34-36).
465. CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. 2nd Part of 3rd
Draught of Lecture III
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, October 12, 1903, pp. 68-126;
Published, in part, as 1.521-544 (pp. 68-126, with only
the first and last paragraphs deleted). Pages A1-A8,
unpublished, are mainly a reply to a listener's note
asking, "What makes a Reasoning to be sound?"
The note itself (dated November 27, 1903) has been
inserted opposite p. A1. Also unpublished is material
on the beta part of existential graphs.
466. Useful for 3rd or 4th?
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-28, unfinished,
with two p. 19's, both of which leave text intact.
Mathematics and logic; existential graphs introduced
initially to illuminate the nature of pure mathematics,
and then used in the discussion of multitude.
467. C. S. Peirce's Lowell Lectures for 1903. Lecture
A. MS., 2 notebooks, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-96.
Two volumes comprise the fourth lecture, with the first
volume entitled "Gamma Part of Existential Graphs."
Volumes I and II (pp. 1-96) published as 4.510-529,
with deletions. Deleted: brief history of exact logic,
i.e., logic begun by De Morgan, including CSP's entitative
and existential graphs (pp. 8-18). Opium's dormitive
virtue; abstraction, including Hegel's abuse of the
term (pp. 66-78).
468. CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. Introduction to
Lecture 5
A. MS., notebook, n.p., December 4, 1903, pp. 1-9.
Gamma part of graphs continued (but quickly abandoned).
Graphs of logical principles. Beta part.
469. Lowell Lectures. 1903. Lecture 5. Vol. 1
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 2-74.
Doctrine of multitudes. Breadth and depth. Reference
to Bertrand Russell's Principles of Mathematics in
connection with the question, Is a collection which
has but a single individual member identical with that
individual or not? Cantor's system of ordinal numbers.
470. Lecture 5,. Vol. 2
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 76-158.
At the beginning CSP offers the following plan for his
lecture series: "1. What makes a reasoning sound,
2. Existential Graphs, Alpha and Beta, 3. General Explanations,
Phenomenology and Speculative Grammar, 4. Existential
graphs, Gamma Part, 5. Multitude, 6. Chance, 7. Induction,
8. Abduction." Collection and multitude; syllogism
of transposed quantity; Fermatian reasoning; first
and second ultranumerable multitude; continuity (pp.
78-122). Gamma graphs (pp. 124-138). The beginning
of a lecture occasioned by the death of Herbert Spencer.
Mentioning his personal encounters with Spencer, CSP
writes on Spencer's evolutionism and his influence
on philosophy generally (pp. 140- 158) .
471. [Lecture V]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, 10 pp.
On multitude and collection.
472. Lowell Lectures. 1903. Sixth Lecture. Probability
A. MS., 2 notebooks, G-1903-2a, pp. 2-130.
Published, in part, as 6.88-97 (pp. 8-62). Omitted:
the relationship between logic and mathematics; independence
of logic from metaphysics but not vice versa (pp. 2-7).
Doctrine of chances: reference of the word "chance,"
in all its meanings, to variety; chance not a matter
of ignorance but of the immense diversity of the universe;
the tendency of this diversity to grow into uniformities;
the conception of the "long run"; mathematical
theory of probabilities; probability as requiring some
objective meaning; CSP's advice to stop talking of
probabilities in connection with the doctrine of chances
and to talk instead of ratios of frequency; the difficulty
most people have of understanding why it is not logically
impossible that an event whose probability is zero
should nevertheless occur; and, finally, Hume on miracles
(pp. 62-130).
* 473. C. S. Peirce's Lowell lnstitute Lectures. 1903,
Seventh Lecture. Introduction Vol. I
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 2-92.
Published, in part, as 7.110-130 (pp. 36-84). Omitted
from publication: a discussion of deduction, induction,
and abduction (pp. 2-35). The rationale of induction;
Ockhamists versus Scotists; John Stuart Mill and the
question of the uniformity of nature (pp. 85-92).
474. [Lecture VII]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 96-152.
Volume II of the Seventh Lecture. Law, uniformity, and
variety. Critical comments on Mill's views on the uniformity
of nature. For CSP it is obvious that nature is not
uniform, but that variety is nature's leading characteristic.
His realism is opposed to Mill's nominalism. The problem
of induction, with solutions by Abbe Gratry, Laplace,
and CSP.
475. C. S. Peirce's Lowell Lectures of 1903. Eighth
Lecture, Abduction
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 2-92 (pagination is
somewhat irregular but the text is continuous).
Volume I. Published, in part, as 5.590-604 (pp. 28-92).
Unpublished: the division of reasoning into deduction,
induction, and abduction as deriving from Aristotle
and Boole. The relationship of the three kinds of reasoning
to the syllogism. A brief review of CSP's own reflections
on the kinds of reasoning, noting articles he published
and the errors and confusions these contain.
476.C. S. Peirce's Lowell Lectures of 1903. Eighth Lecture,
Abduction. Vol. 2. Pythagoras
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 94-168.
Only p. 95 published: 7.182n7. Unpublished are several
examples of abduction. Life of Pythagoras as affording
the prime example. CSP treats historical topics about
which there has been considerable debate, claiming
that his abductions have been verified - contrary to
the expectations of historians - on five occasions.
477. Notes for a Syllabus of Logic
A. MS., notebook, n.p., June 1903, 17 pp., incomplete.
The syllabus was intended as a supplement to the Lowell
Lectures of 1903. Ingredients of the phaneron. Phaneroscopic
descriptions of consciousness. Aristotle's categories
and predicables.
* 478. Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell
Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of
Logic (Syllabus)
A. MS., G-1903-2b and G-1903-2d, pp. 1-168 (pp. 106-136
missing); a second title page; pp. 2-23 of a revised
section; 69 pp. of variants; and a corrected copy of
the printed syllabus.
A second version of the above title, "A Syllabus
of Certain Topics of Logic," became the title
of the pamphlet published by Alfred Mudge & Son,
Boston, 1903. The pamphlet, however, is not an exact
copy of the manuscript, several sections having been
omitted. From the manuscript, pp. 1-26 and 137-149
were published in the pamphlet as pp. 1-14 and 15-20
respectively. Transformation rules for existential
graphs are treated in an abridged form on pp. 20-23
of the pamphlet. For publication of the pamphlet in
the Collected Papers, see G-1903-2b. Pages 43-46, 47-48,
48-50, and 50-89 published respectively as 2.274-277,
2.283-284, 2.292-294, and 2.309-331. Omitted from publication:
sundry logical conceptions; Peircean categories of
Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness; the possibility of
certain kinds of separation of thought; dissociation,
precision, discrimination; the categories in their
forms of Firstness (phenomenology); the normative sciences
and their interrelations; the division of logic into
speculative grammar, logical critic, and methodeutic
(pp. 27-42). Arguments as symbols; classification of
arguments into deduction, induction, and abduction;
etymology of deduction (pp. 89-105).
479. On Logical Graphs (Graphs)
A. MS., G-c.1903-3, pp. 1-64; plus 30 pp. of several
Published as 4.350-371, with deletions. Deleted: two
complicated examples on pp. 5-8, 21-22 and some random
comments, concerned chiefly with Eulerian diagrams
and the history of logical graphs.
480. On Logical Graphs (Acad. Graphs)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-l9, plus 3 pp. of variants.
Apparently an early form of what was to evolve into
existential graphs. Formation and transformation rules
of the system.
481. On Logical Graphs
A. MS., n.p., n.d., p. 1-10.
A system of graphs using "curves convex inwards,"
and presumed to be an improvement over Euler's diagrams
and logical algebra.
482. On Logical Graphs
A. MS., n.p., [c. 1896-98], pp. 1-30; plus 192 pp., partially
ordered, but mainly a confusion of alternatives or
Includes partial drafts of several different papers
(e.g., parts of an early draft of 3.468 ff.). Application
of topology to logical graphs; examples and rules for
interpretation; illative transformations.
483. On Existential Graphs
A. MS., n.p., [c.1901], pp. 1-9, plus 21 pp. of variants.
Several attempts to write the same pages. Basic conventions
of the system of existential graphs. A reference to
the Monist article of January 1897.
484. On Existential Graphs (F4)
A. MS., n.p., 1898, pp. 1-28; 11-15, 20.
Application of topology to logical graphs, followed
by a development of the constitutive conventions of
existential graphs. Remarks on the equivalence between
existential graphs and familiar (ordinary) language.
Elementary rules of illative transformation deduced
from basic rules of existential graphs.
485. On Existential Graphs (EG)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2, with at least three other
attempts, none going beyond p. 2, and with another
six attempts to write the same, but under the subtitle
"Rules of (their) Illative Transformation."
486. Existential Graphs
Amanuensis, with marginal notes in CSP's hand, n.p.,
n.d., p. 1-10. Twenty-three "Rules for their Illative
(Logical) Transformation."
487. [Transformation Rules for Existential Graphs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
Seventeen rules are given, the last ten of which are
derived from the first seven (or basic rules for existential
488. Positive Logical Graphs (PLG)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6, plus 2 pp. of variants.
"Logical graphs" was the early name for what
later became existential graphs. Definitions and conventions
of the system.
489. Investigation of the Meaning It Thunders
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-8.
An essay in which the meaning of the cut (or circle)
in the example It thunder is derived from certain basic
rules for existential graphs.
490. [Introduction to Existential Graphs and an Improvement
on the Gamma Graphs]
A. MS., notebook, G-1906-2.
CSP wrote on the cover of the notebook: "For the
National Academy of Sci. 1906 April Meeting in Washington."
Published, with omissions, as 4.573-584. Cf. MS. 480.
491. Logical Tracts. No. 1. On Existential Graphs
A. MS., n.p., [c 1903], pp. 1-12; 1-10; 1-3; 11 pp.
of variants. Logical and existential graphs (pp. 1-12).
Basic definitions and principles of representation
(pp. 1-10). Icon, index, symbol (pp. 1-3).
492. Logical Tracts. No. 2. On Existential Graphs, Euler's
Diagrams, and Logical Algebra
A. MS., G-c.1903-2, pp. 1-141 (pp. 85 and 120 missing),
with 104 pp. of variants; plus several alternative
sections (pp. 3-41, with 5 pp. of variants; 18-41,
with 4 pp. of variants; 19-39, with 15 pp. of variants).
Published, in part, as 4.418-509 (pp. 1-141, with omissions).
Omitted: a translation of Euclid and a pair of complicated
examples. From alternative sections: the relationship
of symbols to past, present, and future; replicas;
si signs, bi signs, and ter signs (pp. 19-39 of one
section. Connexus and lines of identity; a selective
connexus; phenomenology; representamens (icons, indices,
symbols); si signs, bi signs, ter signs (pp. 18-41
of another section).
493. The Principles of Logical Graphics
A. MS., small red leather notebook, n.p., n.d.
Over one hundred-fifty examples of existential graphs
illustrating "fundamental assumptions." Illative
transformations. Rules of existential graphs: erasure
and insertion, iteration and deiteration.
494. Existential Graphs: A System of Logical Expression
A. MS., standard size notebook, n.p., n.d.
A development of the existential graphs from "Constitutive
Conventions" up to proofs of theorems, with good
examples of graphs. Also three pages on a "Deduction
of the Rule of Addition of Integers in the secundal
495. Logical Graphs
A. MS., small notebook, n.p., n.d.
Two attempts at a presentation of the existential graphs.
Neither attempt gets beyond the "Constitutive
496. [Notes on Graphs]
A. MS., notebook (Cyclone Composition Book), n.p., n.d.
497. [Notes on Graphs]
A. MS., small notebook, n.p., June 1897.
Note inscription on first page: "C. S. Peirce from
Francis Lathrop 1897 June 15." Basic rules and
498. On Existential Graphs as an Instrument of Logical
A. MS., notebook (Harvard Cooperative), n.p., n.d.
Evidently prepared as an address to the American Academy.
CSP mentions that existential graphs were discovered
by him late in 1896, but that he was practically there
some fourteen years before. The graphs were not invented
to serve as a calculus, but to dissect the inferential
process. Two puzzles examined with a view toward testing
the system of graphs. One puzzle concerns the relation
of signs to minds, and of communication from one mind
to another. The other puzzle concerns the composition
of concepts and the nature of judgment or, antipsychologically
speaking, propositions, Signs; reality; conventions
of the system of existential graphs.
499. On the System of Existential Graphs Considered
as an Instrument for the Investigation of Logic
A. MS., notebook (Harvard Cooperative), n.p., n.d.
The value of logical algebras. Logic as a calculus:
CSP's minority report. The way in which the system
of existential graphs serves the interest of the science
of logic. Solutions suggested by the method of existential
graphs to two problems, one of which concerns the relation
of signs to minds and the other the composition of
concepts. Existential relations of signs, from which
is deduced a classification of signs and a nomenclature
useful in describing existential graphs.
* 500. A Diagrammatic Syntax
A. MS., n.p., December 6-9, 1911, pp. 1-19.
A letter to Risteen on existential graphs.
501. [Worksheets on Graphs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 92 pp.
The worksheets are concerned mainly with two axioms:
Something is scriptible and something is unscriptible.
502. Peripatetic Talks. No. 2 (PT2)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4, plus 2 pp. of two other
On the presuppositions of logic, e.g., that there is
error, that - up to a point - it is eradicable, that
there is some method of eradicating it. On the essential
characteristics of belief.
503. Peripatetic Talks. No. 4 (PT4)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6; 3-5.
On the five fundamental rules of existential graphs,
and some of their consequences.
504. Peripatetic Talks. No. 6 (PT6)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-7.
On existential graphs. A defect in the system: There
is no proper form for expressing the proposition that
"There is some clergyman who praises every lawyer
each to a doctor, so that for every possible distribution
of such praises, there is a distinct clergyman who
performs the praise."
505. Peripatetic Talks. No. 7 (PT7)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2, with another 1 p. start.
The proposal is made to restate the fundamental principles
of existential graphs in a new form. Three rules are
listed and illustrated.
506. Existential Graphs
A. MS., small brown notebook, n.p., n.d.
List of rules: Rule XI - Rule XXIII. On back pages of
notebook, CSP forms 62 words, beginning with the letter
C, from the letters of the word "instruction,"
the purpose of which is not evident.
507. [Existential Graphs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp.
Beta and gamma graphs, with algebraic translations.
Rules of transformation.
508. Existential Graphs. Rules of Transformation. Pure
Mathematical Definition of Existential Graphs, regardless
of their Interpretation (Syllabus B)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. B1-B6.
An early draft of 4.414-417, together with some discussion
of the gamma part of existential graphs.
509. Gamma Graphs
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5.
510. [Notes on Graphs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 12 pp.
511. (D)
A. MS,. n.p., n.d., pp. D3-D7, with 7 pp. of variants.
Hypotheses concerned with permissions and prohibitions
and with possibility and necessity. These pages are
part of MS. 3.
512. (SM)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
These pages are part of MS. 2.
513. (FL)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 27-98, incomplete and in some
disorder, with missing sections and many alternatives
and/or rejects.
The first part of the manuscript is concerned with logical
algebra. CSP's graphical method (pp. 52-78), with a
note that "my cumbrous General Algebra with all
its faults, seems preferable." Pages 78 ff. present
another algebraic system which is labelled the "Algebra
of Dyadic Relatives" and which "seems to
have fascinated Professor Schr^der much more than it
has me." The Algebra of Triadic Logic is mentioned
("But I have never succeeded in perfecting it").
* 514. [Fragments on Existential Graphs]
A. MS., n.p., [1909], 53 pp.
515. On the First Principles of Logical Algebra (First
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-34, with 25 pp. of variants.
Indecomposable transformations. Rules of transformation,
with commutation and association developed from these
rules. Implication; contradiction and excluded middle;
aggregation and composition. Ethics of terminology
applied to the case of Boole's creation of logical
algebra. Transitive relations; incompossibility; identity
and lines of identity. Propositions and signs; universal,
particular, individual propositions; subject of propositions.
Among the variants, the following topics occur: lines
of identity; individual, definite, and singular terms;
rules for existential graphs. Also the initial discussion
of categoriology in connection with logical terms.
516. On the Basic Rules of Logical Transformation
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-51, plus 45 pp. of variants.
First principles of Boolean algebra as extended by CSP
to the logic of relatives with a view toward developing
certain other notations. The system of symbols employed
is that of existential graphs.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-85, with 81 pp. of variants.
Part I. A reference to CSP's "New Elements of Mathematics,"
for which no publisher could be found, and mention
of the loss of CSP's power of writing about logic in
a mathematical way, which, in point of fact, he no
longer admires. Part II. On definition, postulate,
axiom, corollary, theorem; signs, interpretants, entelechy;
theory and practice; real relations and reactions;
judgment and proposition; judgment and assertion; belief,
affirmation, and judgment; doctrine of signs. Criticism
of nominalism. The nature of "law"; event
and fact; internal and external causes. Law signifies
more than mere uniformity; it involves real connections.
An improvement upon the traditional doctrine of causation.
Symbols unable to exert force, but do govern things
(for they are laws). A symbol signifies what it does,
as in the feeling of "having been in a present
situation before" - a case of accident, not of
inherent necessity. Symbols as having grades of directness
to the limit of being their own significations, and
as having the power to reproduce themselves and to
cause real facts. Reality as the limit of the endless
series of symbols. Symbols and language, with language
unable to provide a basis for logic. "How the
constitution of the human mind may compel men to think
is not the question; and the appeal to language appears
to me to be no better than an unsatisfactory method
of ascertaining psychological facts that are of no
relevancy to logic. But if such appeal is to be made
(and logicians generally do make it, in particular
their doctrine of the copula appears to rest solely
upon this) it would seem that they ought to survey
human languages generally and not confine themselves
to the small and extremely peculiar group of Aryan
518. [The Regenerated Logic]
A. MS., G-1896-6a, pp. 1-29, 17-21, 25-28.
This is the manuscript of the "The Regenerated
Logic" (Monist, Vol. 7, pp. 19-40, 1896) which
was reprinted as 3.425-455.
519. Studies in Logical Algebra
A. MS., notebook, n.p., May 20-25, 1885.
520. [Schroeder's Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-27, incomplete; 41-44; plus
5 pp. of variants.
521. Schroeder's Logic of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-33, with 19 pp. of variants.
* 522. Notes on Schroeder's Logic of Relatives
A. MS., small red notebook, n.p., n.d.; and 1 p. continuing
the comparison of CSP's symbolism with Schroeder's
begun on pp. 38-41 of the notebook.
523. Notes on Schroeder's 3rd Volume
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
524. [Schroeder and the Logic of Relations]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-9.
* 525. [Fragment on Schroeder]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., p. 10.
* 526. Logic of Relatives. No. 2
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4; plus pp. 2-4 of Paper I.
Papers I and II are part of a series announced by the
Pike County Press, Milford, Pa., 1895-96, but never
* 527. On the Algebra of Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp. of a manuscript draft; 12
pp. of a typed draft (corrected by CSP); a reprint
of "On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to
the Philosophy of Notation" (G-1885-3); and 2
pp. of fragments.
Reprint of an article for the American Journal of Mathematics,
Vol. 7, No. 2, 1885. Published again as 3.359-403,
except 369n (p. 230), with an undated marginal note,
528. On the Algebra of Logic
Reprint, G-1880-8.
Reprint of an article for the American Journal of Mathematics,
Vol. 3, 1880. Published again as 3.154-251, except
154n1 and 200n* (p. 128), with an editor's marginal
corrections and with the revisions of 1880, c.1882,
and undated.
* 529. Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives,
resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions
of Boole's Calculus of Logic
Reprints, G-1870-1.
Two reprints from Memoirs of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences (communicated January 26, 1870).
One reprint is annotated by CSP; the other contains
marginal notes, not by CSP. Published again as 3.45-149,
except 45n*, with revisions from CSP's own copy.
530. A Proposed Logical Notation (Notation)
A. MS., n.p., [C.1903], pp. 1-45; 44-62, 12-32, 12-26;
plus 44 pp. of shorter sections as well as fragments.
Ethics of terminology. The history of logical terms
and notations, and CSP's recommendation of "the
best algebraical signs for logic." On the Stoic
division of hypothetical propositions. CSP's division
of hypothetical propositions. Graphs, algebra of dyadic
relations, linear associative algebra, nonions.
* 531. Brief Account of the Principles of the Logic
of Relative Terms
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 13 pp. (fragmentary).
Explanation of the three kinds of logical terms: absolute,
simple relative (dyadic), and conjugative (triadic
or higher). The logical copula.
532. The Logic of Relatives, Qualitative and Quantitative
A. MS., n.p., [c1885], 13 pp. and 7 pp. of two drafts;
plus 7 pp. of fragments. Two drafts distinguishable,
the shorter of which has the title "The Logic
of Relations, Qualitative and Quantitative." Algebraic
notation explained, and principal rules of transformation,
with proofs, provided. Its advantage over the Boolean
algebra consists in the fact that it can do everything
the Boolean algebra does without employing any superfluous
533. On the Formal Classification of Relations
A. MS., n.p., [1880's], 13 pp. (fragmentary).
Different starts on the same problem of formal classification.
The classification of relatives with respect to single
elements, pairs of elements, continuum of elements,
and infinity of elements.
534. The Logic of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
The classification of relations with respect to the
two broad classes of logical and real. Under logical
relations, CSP distinguishes four classes: incompossibility,
identity, otherness, coexistence. Under real relations,
he distinguishes the following: aliorelations, concurrencies,
anti-aliorelations, anti-concurrencies, variform relations.
535. [A Boolean Algebra with One Constant]
A. MS., G-c.1880-1, 7 pp.
Published in entirety: 4.12-20.
* 536. Dual Relatives
A. MS., n.p., 1889, 17 pp.
Several attempts at the same paper. Distinction between
logical and real relations. The four principal logical
relations and the five classes of real relations. Boolean
algebra. Cf. MS. 533.
537. An Elementary Account of the Logic of Relatives
TS., n.p., n.d., 10 pp. of which some are duplicates.
538. Divisions and Nomenclature of Dyadic Relations
(Dy. Rel.)
A. MS., n.p., [C.1903], pp. 1, 3-6, 9-12, 15, 19, 21-23,
29-30, and variants. Earlier draft of MS. 539. See
539. Nomenclature and Divisions of Dyadic Relations
A. MS., n.p., [c.1903], pp. 106-135 (p. 134 missing).
Modal and existential dyadic relations. See G-1903-2c.
540. Nomenclature and Division of Triadic Relations,
as far as they are determined (Syllabus)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 134-155, plus 7 pp. of variants.
Provisional division of triadic relations into relations
of comparison, performance, and thought. The three
correlates of any triadic relation. Doctrine of signs:
classes of signs.
541. (Syllabus 7)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
542. (Class of Dyadic Rel.)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2-4.
543. [Triadic Relations]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 29-37 (3 folded sheets).
Reduction of tetradic relations. CSP maintains that
every relation higher than triads is resolvable into
a combination of triadic relations, and he conjectures
that Royce holds the position that every dyadic relation
is really a triadic one.
544. The Logic of Relations
A. M.S., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-9, plus 6 pp. of variants.
The three grades of clearness. Relations in their different
grades of clearness.
545. [Notes on the Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 10 pp.
546. Comments on Cayley's "Memoir on Abstract Geometry"
from the point of view of the Logic of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
547. Logic of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 18 pp.
An attempt to state the main results of the work of
Augustus De Morgan and A. B. Kempe. The remainder of
the paper is fragmentary but involves, in part, a statement
and proof of the principles of nonrelative logic; for
example, those of identity, modus ponens, and commutation.
548. Logic of Relatives
A. MS., notebook, n.p., n.d.
Association formulae. The external product of pairs.
The converse. Relations of combination of four terms.
Axioms of number. Relative of simple correspondence.
549. [Algebra of Logic]
A. MS., n.p., [C.1882-83], pp. 1-10.
Reference to a note by Mrs. Ladd-Franklin on the Constitution
of the Universe (JHU Studies in Logic, p. 61). Principle
of excluded middle. Cf. MS. 560.
550. [Algebra of Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Ascertaining by algebra whether the answer to any question,
as "Whether Elijah was caught up in heaven,"
is contained in what we already know.
551. A Problem in Testimony
TS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
The solution to a problem found in Boole's Laws of Thought.
CSP's solution is, in effect, the same as Boole's though
expressed differently.
552. [Relative and Non-relative Terms]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
553. [On the Algebra of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n. d., 33 pp.
Various pages for a proposed book on logic, mostly on
the algebra of relatives. Other topics covered are
logical graphs, induction, deduction, and the statistical
syllogism (probability).
554. [Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
555. [Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., [1892?], 18 pp.
556. [Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., sections of 12 pp., 8 pp., and 3
557. [Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 21 pp.
* 558. [Logic of Relatives]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 14-28.
559. [Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 121 pp.
Notational conventions. The introduction of superfluous
elements into algebra for purposes of balance and homogeneity.
Rules of algebraical procedure. The three laws of thought:
identity, contradiction, and excluded middle. Logic
and the uses of ordinary language. Aristotle's propositional
560. [Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-27, incomplete.
Principle of excluded middle. Reference to G-1880-8 and an attempt to
show that a logical algebra can be constructed without the special signs
as quantifiers. Cf. MS. 549
561. The Boolian Calculus
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Boolean algebra and the problem of continuity.
562. Note on the Boolian Algebra
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4.
563. [An Improvement on Boole's Treatment of the Function]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4.
564. Boolian Algebra. First Lecture
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 8 pp. (fragmentary).
Introductory remarks to a lecture on Boole with discussions
of improvements (by other logicians) of the Boolean
565. Chapter II. Interpretation of Logistic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 10 pp.
566. Chapter III. Development of the Boolian Notation
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
567. [A Note to "On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution
to the Philosophy of Notation" (G-1885-3)]
A. MS., C-1885-3 (c.1885), 47 pp., and a crumbling copy
(not in CSP's hand) on the same subject. See sup(2)G-1885-3.
Published in entirety as 3.403A-403M.
568. Chapter III. Development of the Notation, begun
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
569. [Algebraical. Rules. to which Sign -< is Subject]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6; 1-4, with a variant p.
* 570. Sketch of the Theory of Non-Associative Multiplication
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5, incomplete.
571. Logical Addition and Multiplication
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6.
572. [Non-Commutative Multiplication and other Topics]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 15 pp.
573. [Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 28 pp.
Algebra of the copula. Special modification of the Boolean
algebra. The faults of ordinary language as an instrument
of logic. Ordinary language is more pictorial than
diagrammatic, serving well the purposes of literature
but not of logic.
* 574. [Notes on Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 45 pp.
Negative and converse. Fundamental formulae of converse.
575. [Notes on Logical Algebra]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 50 pp.
These pages are devoted mainly to the copula of inclusion.
Brief comments on the uses of logical algebra and on
the alleged connection between logical algebra and
the doctrine of the quantification of the predicate.
576. Of the Copulas of Algebra
A. MS., n.p., April 27, 1871, 8 pp.
577. Algebra of the Copula
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 7 pp., representing four starts.
578. Algebra of the Copula
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
579. Algebra of the Copula
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 76 pp.
580. The Mathematics of Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
Various ways of expressing inclusion. CSP introduces
a new sign of inclusion: A B.
581. Notes on Logic
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1902.
On the demonstrative part of arithmetic; the formal
Boolean; haecceity.
582. Boolian Algebra
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
583. Notes on History of Algebraical and Logical Signs
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
584. Lectures on British Logicians. Lecture I. Early
Nominalism and Realism
A. MS., G-1869-2, pp. 1-14; 1-17 ("Lectures on
British Logicians"); 2 pp. ("List of British
The first of a series of fifteen lectures on "British
Logicians," given by CSP at Harvard during 1869-70
at the request of the President of Harvard. Published,
in part, as 1.28-29 and 1.30-34 (pp. 2-4 and 6-11 respectively).
Unpublished are CSP's reflections on the history of
logical controversies of the medieval period and other
reflections, mainly on Scotus Erigena (pp. 1, 5, 12-14).
Various definitions of "logic"; distinction
between psychological and logical questions; Alcuin;
Aristotle's "Organon" (pp. 1-17).
585. Ockam
A. MS., notebook, n.p. [1869]; plus another notebook
("Abstract of Occam's Summa Logices").
The history of logic. Nominalism and realism, with comments
on Francis Bacon and J. S. Mill.
* 586. Whewell
A. MS., notebook, n.p., [1869].
587. Notes for Lectures on Logic. To be given 1st Term.
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 6 pp.
Problem of meaning and truth. Meaning distinguished
both from the sign itself and from the thing signified.
The agreement of meaning and reality. How can two things
as incommensurable as meaning and reality be said to
588. Preface
A. MS., G-1883-7a, 6 pp.; plus 6 pp. of an earlier draft.
The preface is to the Johns Hopkins University Studies
in Logic.
589. The Critic of Arguments. III. Synthetical propositions
a priori
A. MS., G-1892-1b, 52 pp.
This is presumably the third paper of The Open Court
series of 1892 of which only the first two papers were
published in The Open Court. Published, in part, as
4.187n1 (pp. 5-8). Omitted from any publication: geometrical
propositions and the notion of synthetic propositions
a priori. CSP rejects the view that, while arithmetical
propositions are analytic, geometrical ones are synthetic.
Properties of number: Numbers are infinite, and the
Fermatian inference is applicable to the whole collection
of them. Counting.
590. The Critic of Arguments. III
A. MS., n.p., 1892, 23 pp., plus 16 pp. of another draft
and 6 pp. of variants.
Mathematical propositions a priori.
591. [Critic of Arguments. IV]
A. MS., n.p., 1892, 11 pp.
592. A Search for a Method. Essay I
Printed Article (annotated), G-1893-6 and G-1867-1b.
This is the printed article of 1867, "On the Natural
Classification of Arguments," together with photostats
of the missing pages and with additions and corrections
of 1893. 2.461-561 is the 1867 article with the additions
and corrections of 1893; that is, Essay I of "A
Search for a Method."
593. [A Search for a Method. Essay VI]
Printed Article, G-1893-6 and G-1868-2c, pp. 249-264.
This is the printed article of 1868, "Grounds of
Validity of the Laws of Logic," along with the
corrections found in the margins of the pages of the
article. 5.318-357 is the 1868 article with the corrections
of 1893; that is, Essay VI of "A Search for a
594. [A Search for a Method: Fragments]
A. MS., n.p., 1893, 131 pp.
One page has the title: "The Quest of a Method.
Essay I. The Natural Classifications of Arguments."
Among the topics found in these pages are questions
of terminology, the algebra of the copula, forms of
propositions, and the analysis of reasoning.
* 595. Short Logic
A. MS., G-c.1893-3, pp. 1-32, 33-38; plus 14 pp. of
Selections published as follows: 2.286-291 (pp. 6-13);
2.295-296 (pp. 14-16); 2.435-443 (pp. 23-29, with the
omission of p. 25); 7.555-558 (pp. 29-32). Unpublished
are remarks on elementary philology and the definition
of "logic," along with some historical footnotes.
596. Reason's Rules (RR)
A. MS., G-c.1902-3, pp. 1-47, with 11 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 5.538-545 (pp. 21-45). Omitted
is a dialogue between author and reader, with an aside
about the Hegelian dialectic. The various extra-firm
beliefs which the reader has about reasoning and belief
itself: the reader's logica utens. Doubt, its derivation
and the psychological uneasiness associated with it.
Doubt is always more or less conscious, but this is
not true of belief. That a man may be quite unaware
of his belief is illustrated by the Northern reaction
to the South's attack upon Fort Sumter. Cf. MS. 598.
597. Reason's Rules (RR)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1902], pp 1-6.
On what reasoning is.
598. Reason's Rules (RR)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1902], pp. 1-10, with 8 pp. of variants.
The initial or present beliefs of the reader. CSP pleads
for the adoption of the principle that what is beyond
control is beyond criticism or, more simply stated,
do not doubt what cannot be doubted. Examples of beliefs
which cannot be doubted: beliefs in what is before
the eyes, the existence of persons other than oneself,
memory. Cf. MS. 596.
599. Reason's Rules (RR)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1902], pp. 4-45, 31-42, and 8 pp. of
The nature of a sign. Propositions as the significations
of signs which represent that some icon is applicable
to that which is indicated by an index. The non-existence
of propositions: propositions as merely possible. How
truth and falsehood relate to propositions. Meaning
as the character of a sign. Meaning and value are related:
meaning as the value of a word (or the value of something
for us is what that something means to us). The reference
of meaning to the future.
600. (RR)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1902], 3 loose sheets, numbered 5,
35, and 36.
Critic of criticism.
601. (L)
A. MS., G-undated-13, later than the Minute Logic, but
before 1908, pp. 1-33, with g pp. of variants; pp.
10-31, with 7 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 7.49-52 (pp. 1-9). Unpublished:
the meaning of "dynamical"; the distinction
between relation and relationship; speculations on
the survival of the human race and on the possibility
of life - similar to human life - on other planets
(pp. 10-33). The classification of the sciences, based
upon the distinction between theoretical and practical
science (pp. 10-31).
602. On Classification of the Sciences (M)
A. MS., n.p., later than the Minute Logic, but before
1908, pp. 1-16.
The general classificatory scheme of the sciences. The
threefold nature of inquiry. The normative sciences
of esthetics, ethics, and logic. The nature of pratical
603. (N)
A. MS., G-undated-13 [1905-06?], pp. 1-47, with 10 pp.
of variants.
Published, in part, as 7.77-78 (pp. 20-29). Unpublished:
the place of logic among the sciences; the fact that
logic is a theoretical, not practical, science, even
in respect to its methodeutic division (pp. 1-19).
The relationship between logic and psychology, with
CSP's opposition to the "psychological logicians"
stated at some length (pp. 30-47).
604. Ch. I. Ways of Life (L)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5.
Three types of men: men of sentiment (e.g., artists),
practical men, and the unselfish seekers after truth.
605. Chapter II. On the Classification of the Sciences
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-17; plus pp. 1-2 ("Chapter
II. The First Division of Science") .
Distinction between theoretical and practical science.
The heuretic sciences.
606. Chapter III. The Nature of Logical Inquiry (Liij)
A. MS., n.p., [1905-06?], pp. 1-29, with 2 pp. of variants.
"Maiotic" method of Socrates. The Athenian
Schools and the emergence of Aristotle. Why the logical
treatises of Aristotle have been called the "Organon."
Discussion of the point of view that logic is a practical
science, with notes on the history of this point of
view. Aristotle's distinction between practical science
and art. Methodeutic is not a practical science.
607. Chapter III. The Nature of Logical Inquiry (Liij)
A. MS., n.p., [1905-06?], pp. 1-9.
Aristotle's distinction between practical science and
art. However, in spite of Aristotle's well-earned reputation
as a philosopher, he has no conception of logic as
a unitary study. Utilitarian tendencies in English
logicians from Thomas Wilson to John Venn.
608. Chapter III. The Nature of Logical Inquiry (Liii)
A. MS., n.p., [1905-06?], pp. 1-3.
Dedekind and Benjamin Peirce on the relationship between
logic and mathematics. Is logic mathematics?
609. Chapter I. What Logic is (Logic)
A. MS., n.p., September 23-28, 1908, pp. 1-23, plus
2 rejected pp.
The need for technical terminology. Local sign (after
Lotze's "Lokal-zeichen"). Comparison of Kant
and Leibniz as logicians. The first impressions of
sense are caused by real external objects. CSP thinks
of himself as a Berkeleyian.
610. Logic. Introduction (Logic. Introd.)
A. MS., n.p., October 24 - November 28, 1908, pp. 1-10,
plus 4 pp. dated October 22 and 24.
Introductory remarks to a textbook on logic, which will
be concerned with both theory and practice. A discussion
of literary and philosophical styles.
611. Chapter I. Common Ground (Logic)
A. MS., n.p., October 28-31, 1908, pp. 6-25.
That which is named by a noun is everything that could
possibly be said of it. Definition of "nothing"
as "that which is indistinct in being." Indefinite
descriptions. Logical departures from grammatical usage.
The term "phaneron" introduced. The nineteenth-century
German logicians.
612. Chapter I. Common Ground (Logic)
A. MS., n.p., November 2-15, 1908, pp. 6-32, 32, 32-38;
plus 19 pp. of variants. Phaneron. Definition of "determination."
Property of word "after." Meaning as the
general name of any sort of sign. Proper names.
613. Logic. Book I. Analysis of Thought. Chapter I.
Common Ground. (Logic I.i)
A. MS., n.p., November 16-18, 1908, pp. 1-4.
The basis of common understanding required before an
author's mind can act upon his reader's. Moral conduct:
conduct that is approved upon reflection.
614. Logic. Book I. Analysis of Thought. Ch. I. Common
Ground. (Logic I.i)
A. MS., n.p., November 17-20, 1908, pp. 1-12, 3, 5-6,
and variants.
The common ground between author and reader: the English
language and the familiar knowledge of the ordinary
truths of human life. The exercise of control over
our conduct: the most important business of life. The
modus operandi of control. Psychology and observation.
Not every observation about the human mind is a psychological
observation. Remarks on modern science.
615. Logic. Book I. Analysis of Thought. Chapter I.
Common Ground. (Logic I.i)
A. MS., n.p., November 28-December 1, 1908, pp. 1-29,
with 8 pp. of variants.
Definition of "logic," and the pitfalls encountered
on the way to a definition. Derivation of the term
"science." For CSP, science refers to the
collective and cooperative undertakings of men who
have devoted themselves to inquiries of a general kind.
Logic depends neither upon any special science nor
upon metaphysics. Logic presupposes a number of truths
derivable from ordinary experience or observation.
These truths, handed down from the prescientific age
as common sense, are not the truths of any special
science or of science in general. Remarks on classification
of the sciences.
616. An Appraisal of the Faculty of Reasoning (Reason)
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 1-11, with a rejected p. 9.
An attempt to answer the query: Assuming the existence
on another planet of a race of "high psychical
development," would that race be able to reason
as man does? Digressions on a defense of instinct and
on testing, by means of mathematical examples, the
reasoning power of superior minds apparently deficient
in mathematical aptitude.
617. (Reason)
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 4-18
Mathematics and reasoning. Enigma: the inability of
superior minds to grasp mathematical reasoning. Analysis
of logical operations involved in a simple piece of
mathematical reasoning. CSP notes which of these logical
operations the gifted but unmathematical mind cannot
perform. Exact reasoning and common sense. Should accuracy
of thought give way to sound instinct and wholesome
618. Introduction (Meaning Introd.)
A. MS., n.p., March 28-29, 1909, pp. 1-3, incomplete.
This is one of several attempts by CSP in 1909 to write
an introduction to a collection of his papers on pragmatism.
This introduction defines "science" in terms
of what it is that animates the true scientist; namely,
the dedicated search for truth for its own sake. CSP
rejects both the Aristotelian notion that science is
syllogistically demonstrated knowledge and the notion
that science is systematized knowledge. Reference to
Lady Welby's "significs."
619. Studies in Meaning (Meaning)
A. MS., G-1909-1, March 25-28, pp. 1-14, with 2 rejected
Only the first paragraph published, with minor editorial
changes, as 5.358n*. Autobiographical material: persons
with whom the Peirce family were acquainted; CSP and
his father; CSP's emotional instability; CSP's early
interest in chemistry and his discovery of Whately's
Logic at the age of 13; the study of Schiller's Aesthetische
Briefe, followed by a study of Kant's Critique of Pure
Reason and Prolegomena, out of which came CSP's lifelong
devotion to the study of logic. Members of the Metaphysical
* 620. Essays Toward the Interpretation of our Thoughts.
My Pragmatism (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., G-1909-1, April 6-May 24, 1909, pp. 1-51 (pp.
40-41 missing), with 45 pp. of variants.
Only the first sentence of the "Preface" published
(7.313n1). CSP's intellectual autobiography: the Metaphysical
Club and the influence of Chauncey Wright and Nicholas
St. John Green on his thinking. Abbot, who attended
but one meeting of the Metaphysical Club, heard CSP
on that occasion arguing in favor of Scholastic realism.
Half a generation later, Abbot, in a book entitled
"Scientific Theism" urged the same opinion.
CSP recalls the occasion of writing the 1877-78 articles
for the Popular Science Monthly. Pragmatism and pragmatisism
distinguished. The fallibility of human reasoning.
Sound reasoning and moral virtue. The plight of university
instruction in logic. Whewell and J. S. Mill. Biographical
notes on Duns Scotus and Ockham. Realism versus nominalism.
Nominalism, concludes CSP, leads to absolute sceptisism.
The meaning of "real"; the meaning of "universal."
621. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., May 24-September 1, 1909, pp. 21-36.6,
with 2 rejected pp.; plus pp. 37-42.
This manuscript continues p. 20 of MS. 620. The nominalism-realism
controversy. Auguste Comte and J. S. Mill.
622. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., May 26-June 3, 1909, pp. 34-70 (p. 50
missing), 42-43, 51, and fragments.
History of logic: Mill's nominalism; individualism as
only one particular variety of nominalism; Bolzano's
treatise on logic; Boole's logic; Augustus De Morgan;
and the logicians, A. B. Kempe and Josiah Royce.
623. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., G-1909-1, June 5-7, 1909, pp. 43-50.
Published, in part, as 1.27 (pp. 48-50). Unpublished:
an historical explanation of the popularity of nominalism
in CSP's day. The union of humanists and Ockhamists
in opposition to the position of Duns Scotus.
624. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., June 7, 1909, pp. 51-56, with a rejected
p. 53.
Essence of the method of science lies in hypotheses
whose predictions turn into verifications. Mill and
the false doctrine of nominalism. Law of the Uniformity
of Nature and Mill's attempt to justify it by induction.
Doctrine of chances.
625. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., June 12-24, 1909, pp. 51-58, 58-82, incomplete.
Mill and nominalism. What makes nominalism attractive?
Mill's contradictory position: he holds with Pearson
and Poincare, on the one side, and yet he stands with
Whately on induction, on the other side. The Uniformity
of Nature Principle. CSP regards inference as possible
only because of real connections in re. Characteristics
of mathematical reasoning.
626. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., June 12, 1909, pp. 52-56.
Alternate draft of pp. 52-56 of MS. 625.
627. (Meaning Pragmatism)
A. MS., n.p., June 14, 1909, pp. 59-65.
Probable continuation of pp. 51-58 of MS. 625.
628. Studies in the Meanings of our Thought. What is
the Aim of Thinking? considered in Two Chapters. Chapter
I. The Fixation of Belief (Meaning)
A. MS., n.p., March 1909, pp. 1-2, 2-5.
The aim of reasoning: "to find out, from the consideration
of matters and things already known, something else
that we had not before known." Good reasoning
gives true conclusions from true premises.
629. Studies in the Meanings of Our Thoughts. What is
the Aim of Thinking, considered in Two Chapters. Chapter
I. The Fixation of Belief (Meaning)
A. MS., n.p., March 1909, pp. 1-2.
The importance of studying logic. Brief comment on the
history of instruction in logic.
630. Studies of Meaning (Meaning)
A. MS., n.p., March 22-25, 1909, pp. 1, 3-6; plus an
alternative p. 2 and an unnumbered page.
Reference to the Popular Science Monthly articles of
1877-78 and the formulation of a principle called "pragmatism."
Disagreement with James who pressed the matter of pragmatism
"further than Mr. Peirce, who continues to acknowledge,
not the existence, but yet the reality of the Absolute,
as set forth, for example, by Royce." The Metaphysical
Club and some of its leading members. CSP's intellectual
development. The purpose (and the success) of CSP's
attempt to master several of the special sciences.
631. Preface (Meaning Preface to the Volume)
A .MS., n.p., August 24, 1909, pp. 1-4 (for p. 5, see
MS. 632).
CSP writes of his many undertakings in science, ranging
from chemistry to the history of science. He speaks
of his own natural powers of mind as "rather below
than above mediocrity," but mentions that his
three strongest points have been "self-criticism,
persistence, and logical analysis."
632. Preface (Meaning Preface to the Book)
A. MS., n.p., August 24-29, 1909, pp. 1-27, plus fragments.
CSP's estimation of his own mental powers. He speaks
of having heard "the most extravagant estimates
placed upon my mental powers." ". . . my
principal deficiency, which is that my brain is small.
This renders me incapable of thoroughly grasping together
any considerable number of details; and one consequence
is that I do not readily pass from one subject, or
occupation of thought, to another; whence my persistency."
Linguistic expression is not natural to CSP, who claims
never to think in words, but always in some kind of
diagram. His difficulties with foreign languages. "In
college, I received the most humiliating marks for
my themes.... My amicable teacher Professor Francis
James Child . . . thought I took no pains. But I did."
CSP attributes his awkwardness of linguistic expression
to his left-handedness, noting that he once wrote with
facility right-handed. To grasp what abstract thought
is about requires more than reading about doing something
- it requires actually doing it. The "literary"
habit - CSP's term for it - is ruinous.
633. Preface (Meaning Preface to the volume)
A. MS., n.p., September 4-6, 1909, pp. 1.1-1.8.
Logical and psychological analysis sharply separated,
without minimizing the importance of either. Logic
does not rest upon psychology, although it is true
to say that in the synthetical (methodeutic) part of
logic, certain psychological principles ought to be
considered. Logic does appeal, however, to mathematics,
phenomenology, and esthetics.
634. Preface (Meaning Preface to the Book)
A. MS., n.p., September 8-17, 1909, pp. 1-27, with 3
pp. rejected; plus p. 1 of an earlier draft, dated
September 7, 1909.
Criticism of the current psychological approach to logic.
Ultimate assurance of the truth of the conclusion of
any reasoning is faith in the governance of the universe
by an Active Reason. The distinction between object
of thought and the object thought about. The real object,
unlike the object of thought, is not subject to the
modifications of thought. Logic as general semiotic;
logic considers signs in general. Relationship among
object, sign, interpretant. Signs as substitutes for
objects and capable of interpretation through the mind.
Nothing is able to represent itself exclusively.
635. (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., September 19 - October 2, 1909, pp. 2-7.7,
8-8 2/3 (p. 8 following p. 7.1), 6-8 (p. 6 following
p. 5 of the first sequence).
Logic and psychology. Logic is not concerned with what
passes in consciousness, and no person's confidence
in an argument is any sure sign of the argument's validity.
Doctrine of chances serves to illustrate these points.
636. (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., September 22-30, 1909, pp. 6-31, plus
2 pp. of variants.
Whether there is any reason for absolute faith. Kant's
criticism of Aristotle (<ber die falsche Spitzfindigkeit
de vier syllogistischen Figuren") is deemed ludicrous.
Kant makes validity of inference dependent on the manner
in which facts are thought rather than on the facts
themselves. The relationship between logic and psychology.
The distinction between "assertion" and "urtheil."
637. (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., October 3-13, 1909, pp. 9-36, 27-30, 28-29,
Tendency to guess right (but not necessarily on the
first guess). Pure logic supports the general assertion
that a cautious presumption may be credited if no contrary
evidence is available. The discussion of such presumptions
is relegated to methodeutic. Criticism of Kant's criticism
of Aristotle (Kant's "<ber die falsche Spitzfindigkeit
der vier syllogistische Figuren"). Criticism of
Sigwart's views that existence is the only form of
reality, that any inference from thought to real objects
is invalid, and that we know immediately our own thought.
Unity of thought as consisting in the continuity of
the life of a growing idea. An introduction to CSP's
theory of signs which doesn't get beyond the elementary
distinctions of the theory. Iconic, indexical, and
symbolic signs.
638. (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., October 4-6, 1909, pp. 14-21.
Justification of retroduction. Pure logic encourages
inquiry based on hypotheses which we accept on impulse.
Practical and scientific retroduction.
639. Essays on Meaning. Preface (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., October 20, [1909], pp. 1-4.
Condemnation of present day logicians. The importance
of restoring logic as the foundation of a liberal education
(as was the case in medieval times).
640. Essays on Meaning. Preface (Meaning Preface)
A. MS., n.p., October 22-23, 1909, pp. 1-12 (with several
other pages fitting into the sequence).
The division of logic into three studies: universal
grammar, critic, and methodeutic. Mill's distinction
between connotation and denotation discussed. CSP's
opposition to the leading schools of logic of his day
that tie rationality to human consciousness by regarding
human consciousness as the author of rationality. For
CSP, there is no distinction more momentous than that
between "is" and "would be."
641. Significs and Logic (Significs and Logic)
A. MS., n.p., November 3-18, 1909, pp. 1-24 25/26, plus
4 pp. (November 2-23).
Purpose: analysis of the relations between semeiotic
(physiology of signs) and logic (theory of reasoning).
Meaning of "argument." Doctrine of chances.
Nominalism and realism. The meaning of the word "real."
CSP refers to his review of Frazer's edition of Berkeley,
in which he took the qualified realist position of
Duns Scotus. Here CSP comes out for an unqualified
version of realism. CSP regards himself as a disciple
of Berkeley, although he is opposed to Berkeley's denial
of matter as well as to his nominalism. The distinction
between God's reality and God's existence. God's reality,
apart from the question of God's existence, canont
be doubted by anyone who meditates upon the question.
Belief in God is a natural instinct. The nature of
God: God is both intelligible and incomprehensible.
All atheists are nominalists. Is nominalism consistent?
Substance and accident. Indefiniteness: The indefinite
is not subject to the principle of contradiction. Modal
logic. Analogy between modes of being and modes of
meaning. Biographical material: CSP writes of the conferences
in Paris of leading geodesists, and he recalls an incident
involving Sylvester.
642. Significs and Logic (Significs and Logic)
A. MS., n.p., November 25-28, 1909, pp. 8-25.
This manuscript continues the preceding one. The meaning
of "real." The distinction between the externality
and internality of fact supported by common sense.
Signification of reality compared with externality
of fact. Three kinds of modality. The three modes of
assertion of law, of actual fast, of freedom. Principle
of excluded middle does not apply to assertions of
law; principle of contradiction does not apply to assertions
of freedom. Both principles apply to assertions of
actual fast. Sophistries of nominalism. Some of Locke's
views present difficulties for CSP.
643. Studies of Logical Analysis, or Definition (Definition
1st notes)
A. MS., n.p., December 12-13, 1909, pp. 1-7, incomplete.
Purpose: discovery of the methods of dissecting the
meaning of a sign. Meanings and chemical substances.
The notion of valence, or attachment (the "pegs"
of CSP's existential graphs). The difference between
various attachments of a concept and the valences of
carbon: The attachments are unlike each other; the
valences are not qualitatively different. Is it the
case that we always think in signs? Signs and ideas.
644. On Definition or The Analysis of Meaning (Definition:
2nd Draught)
A. MS., n.p., December 21, 1909, 1 p.
What it means to say that anything is dependent. What
it means to say that any predicate is essentially true.
Importance of the notion of "would be" for
645. How to Define (Definition: 3rd Draught)
A. MS., n.p., December 22 - January 12, 1910, pp. 1-26,
with a variant p. 20.
Three studies distinguished (phaneroscopy, logic, and
psychology) and their order of dependence established.
Feeling, volition, and thought. In regard to feeling,
Hume is in error, for he is committed to the view that
vividness is an element of a sensequality. The three
modes of separating the elements of a thought-object
are precision, dissociation, and discrimination. Volition
and purpose. Resemblances as residing in the interpretation
of secondary feelings. CSP's essential conservatism.
He warns, however, that self-criticism, carried too
far, leads to exaggerated distrust.
646. (Definition: 4th Draught)
A. MS., n.p., January 13 - February 13, 1910, pp. 7-58,
with 16 pp. of variants.
Syntax of thought. Traditional as opposed to the modern
logic of relatives. An inconsistenty noted in Aristotle's
conception of a universal proposition. CSP s algebra
of logic: Positive and negative terms are distinguished,
with "positiveness" defined.
647. Definition (Definition: 5th Draught, or new, or
new draught, or new work)
A. MS., n.p., February 16-26, 1910, pp. 1-26, with 22
pp. of variants.
Three grades of clearness of apprehension. Application
of the pragmatic maxim to the notion of probability.
Laplace's conception of probability. CSP's distinction
between fact and occurrence: A fact is as much of the
real universe as can be represented in a proposition;
an occurrence is a slice of the universe. The failure
of both Laplace and Mill to adhere to this distinction.
Distinction between sciential probability and ignorantial
probability. Laplacean theory of probability confuses
the two.
648. Definition
A. MS., n.p., February 27-March 22, 1910, pp. 8-58,
58-60, plus 10 pp. of variants.
Page 8 of this manuscript continues p. 7 of MS. 647,
and is a later draft of that manuscript. Laplace's
definition of "probability." Distinction
between fact and occurrence, with Laplace attributing
probability to occurrences rather than facts. Probability
and states of mind. Background and history of the nominalist-realist
controversy. Key figures in the controversy. Scotists
and Ockhamists. Humanism and nominalism. Prantl's ignorance
of Scholastic logic, especially in his Geschichte der
Logik. The first question to ask of a logician is whether
he is a nominalist or a realist. Eleatic doctrines
and nominalism. Epicurean theory of induction. The
plight of original minds in America.
649. On Definition and Classification (Definition: 6th
A. MS., G-1910-1, May 27-April 12, 1910, pp. 1-40, with
3 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 1.312 (pp. 12-14). Unpublished:
discussion of the three grades of clearness; an analysis
of the idea of a straight line; on acquiring useful
habits; the bearing of ultimate desires on the art
of conduct. CSP notes that man's real self, or true
nature, is revealed in how a man would act, not in
haste, but after due deliberation. Pleasure and pain
are signs of satisfaction and dissatisfaction; they
are not the satisfactions and dissatisfactions themselves.
Anesthetics and the question whether pain is at all
necessary. The theological problem of evil. Faculty
psychology and the distinctions among knowing, willing,
and feeling.
650. Diversions of Definitions (Essays Definitions)
A. MS., n.p., July 20-August 5, 1910, pp. 1-46, 9-13,
40, 44-45.
Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Cardinal numbers, not
partes orationis, but orationes integrae. System of
existential graphs. Profundity of medieval Scholasticism.
The three parts of the soul, with faculty psychology
regarded as substantially true. Feeling (Firstness).
Brute-will (Secondness). Reasoning (Thirdness).
651. Essays toward the Full Comprehension of Reasonings
A. MS., n.p., July 1910, pp. 1-11, incomplete.
An attempt to devise a plan for the improvement of reasoning,
beginning with the distinction between weak arguments
and unsound ones. All sound arguments are either necessary
or probable. Necessary reasoning is deductive; probable
reasoning can be either inductive or retroductive.
652. Essays toward the Full Comprehension of Reasonings
(Essays Preface)
A. MS., n.p., July 12-17, 1910, pp. 1-27, 16-19.
Purpose: improving the reader's power of reasoning.
Criticism of German logic. Distinction between weak
and unsound arguments. Necessary and probable reasoning.
Probable reasoning as either inductive or retroductive.
The three orders of induction are quantitative, qualitative
and crude (simple enumeration). Qualitative induction
mistaken for retroduction. Brief comments on the history
of astronomy. CSP regards Kepler's investigation of
the motions of the planets as the greatest feat of
inductive reasoning ever accomplished. Fallibilism
and the propositions of mathematics, logic, and ethics;
fallibilism and common sense.
653. Exercises in Definition, or Analysis of Concepts
(Essays and Concept Analysis)
A. MS., n.p., July 20, 1910, 1 p.
654. Essays (Essays 1st Pref.)
A. MS., n.p., August 17-19, 1910, pp. 1-7, 2-3.
Note: This manuscript was meant to serve as a "Preface,"
with MS. 632 serving as the "Introduction."
Comments on Arnauld's L'art de penser and on the Port
Royal Logic. All reasoning consists in interpreting
signs; all thought is in signs. System of existential
graphs: the simplest system capable of expressing exactly
every possible assertion. Definition of "sign."
655. Quest of Quest (QQ)
A. MS., n.p., August 26-September 7, 1910, pp. 1-37.
An inquiry into the question of what makes inquiry successful.
On terminology. Requirements for studying philosophy
are mastery of Euclid's Elements and mastery of common
Greek, medieval Latin, English and German. Definition
of "science." The distinction between descriptive
and explanatory science. The classification of the
sciences. The division of the theoretical sciences
into mathematics, philosophy, and idioscopy; the division
of philosophy into phaneroscopy, normative science,
and metaphysics. Truth and reality. Similarity of CSP's
and James's viewpoints accounted for by the common
acceptance of cognitionism, a position which derives
from their teacher Chauncey Wright. But CSP questions
James on the notion of the satisfactory. Remarks by
CSP on his special talent and what it is that motivates
656. (Q/Q)
A. MS., n.p., September 9-10, 1910, pp. 1-7.
Note: Q/Q is the first revision of QQ (MS. 655). Terminological
questions in connection with science and philosophy.
The importance of definition for both philosophy and
657. Preface (QQ Preface)
A. MS., n.p., September 16, 1910, pp. 1-6.
The author of a new book ought to give an account of
himself. CSP writes of the size of his brain "a
triffe under" average and his belief that it
is unusually convoluted. He acknowledges that he is
"ill adapted" for the everyday world, strong
in whatever is abstract but lacking in everyday gumption.
658. The Ground Plan of Reason (G)
A. MS., n.p., October 1-3, 1910, pp. 1-6.
Man shares with the lower animals the capacity to feel.
How, then, shall we describe feeling? The question
is left unanswered.
659. The Rationale of Reason (G')
A. MS., n.p., October 7-22, 1910, pp. 1-41.
Feeling and effort. Faculty psychology and the division
of the soul into three parts: feeling, volition, and
cognition. Meaning of "faculty" as habitual
possibility. Meaning of "person" as any animal
that has command of some syntactical language. Problems
of terminology. The law of time. Meaning of "real.
660. On the Foundation of Ampliative Reasoning (AR)
A. MS., n.p., October 24-28, 1910, pp. 1-23, incomplete.
Explicative and ampliative reasoning. Laplace and Mill
on induction. Distinction between uniformity (what
does happen) and law (what was compelled to happen).
Criticism of Laplace's treatment of probability. CSP's
views correspond to those of Venn, but derived independently.
The notion of "equally possible." (Cf. "objective
probability" in Venn, Logic of Chance, 1866.)
CSP gives 1864 as the year he arrived at his conception
of probability.
661. (AR1)
A. MS., n.p., November 3-13, 1910, pp. 11-15.2, 15-19,
15-111, 110-111, 112-114.
What it means to say that all explicative reasoning
is necessary and all necessary reasoning explicative.
Logical critic and comments on the Aristotelian logic.
Fallibilism and propositions about the meanings of
662. (ARM)
A. MS., n.p., November 14-17, 1910, pp. 1-12, 4-7.
Mathematical reasoning illustrated.
663. The Rationale of Reasoning (ARN)
A. MS., n.p., November 17-19g, 1910, pp. 1-17, incomplete;
plus p. l of another start.
'The need for stricter rules of nomenclature. Meaning
of the word "real." The three modes of reality
are would-be's, existents, and can-be's. Berkeley's
confusion of "being perceived" with "capable
of being perceived." Tendency as denoting a real
664. The Rationale of Reasoning (AR)
A. MS., n.p., November 22-30, 1910, pp. 1-21, with 7
pp. of variants.
Problems of terminology. Definitions of "breadth"
and "depth," both of which presuppose the
definition of "proposition." Proposition
and assertion. Positive truth and reality. Kant's distinction
between knowledge drawn from experience and knowledge
that begins in experience. Verbal knowledge.
665. The Rationale of Reasoning (AR)
A. MS., n.p., December 2-3, 1910, pp. 1-5, incomplete.
Conjunction. The origin of the term "premiss,"
with a reference to Sir James Murray's article in the
Oxford Dictionary.
666. (AR)
A. MS., n.p., December 2-3, 1910, pp. 2-3, 5-6.
Earlier draft of MS. 665.
667. The Rationale of Reasoning (AR)
A. MS., n.p., December 8-12, 1910, pp. 1-11, with 3
pp. of variants.
Meaning of "reasoning," with reasoning regarded
as essentially an interpretation of signs. Common sense
and the soundness of reasoning. Meaning of "knowledge."
Nature of probability.
668. (AR)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-18, 20 (possibly of another
Inference and reasoning. Whether any judgment can be
absolutely certain. Degrees of belief. Descartes' "Cogito
ergo sum." A digression on the failure of people
of wealth to support the science of reasoning.
669. Assurance Through Reasoning (A Thr R)
A. MS., n.p., May 25-June 2, 1911, pp. 1-22, with 2
pp. of variants.
Necessary and probable deduction. Existential graphs:
syntax and permissions.
670. Assurance Through Reasoning (A Thru R)
A. MS., n.p., June 7-17, 1911, pp. 1-32, with 4 pp.
of variants.
Necessary and probable deduction. Syntax of existential
graphs. Essential nature of a sign.
671. First Introduction
A. MS., n.p., [c.1911], pp. 1-20; 4-13 of another draft.
The powers of the mind are feeling, causing an action,
taking on and abandoning habits. Habit explained in
terms of the reality of a general fact about possible
conduct; that is, in terms of the reality of would-be's.
CSP lists philosophers who are opposed to his realism.
Negation and contradiction.
672. Second Essay. On the Essence of Reasoning and its
Chief Varieties (II)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1911], pp. 1-6.
These pages were to supersede the 6th article of the
Popular Science Monthly series of 1878, of which the
first two articles were to appear as Part I and Part
II of the "First Essay." These pages concern
the false dichotomy of reason and instinct as well
as the question whether animals reason. CSP thinks
animals do reason, and offers two illustrations.
673. A Sketch of Logical Critic
A. MS., G-c.1911-1, pp. 1-47, with 16 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 6.177-184 (pp. 21-44). Omitted:
an explanation of logical critic and a definition of
"reasoning." The parallel between the exercise
of logical self-criticism and the exercise of moral
self-criticism. Logical instinct. The triad of normative
sciences. The dependence of logic upon ethics, and
both upon esthetics. How habits are created. Comte's
classification of the sciences. CSP's threefold division
of the sciences: heuretic, tagmatic, and practical.
674. A Sketch of Logical Critic
A. MS., n.p., [c.1911], pp. 1-15, with 6 pp. of variants.
On "criticism." Liberal education. Law of
habit: CSP's hypothesis, held since 1880, that the
law of habit in conjunction with events absolutely
uncaused (except by a creative act of God) is all that
is required to explain the universe in all its details.
675. A Sketch of Logical Critic
A. MS., n.p., [c.1911], pp. 1-28, 12-20, and 30 pp.
of variants.
"Logical critic" explained. Syllogistic recollection;
unthought thought, belief and reality; belief as essentially
a satisfaction, but not necessarily pleasant. The classification
of the sciences and the place of logical critic among
the sciences. The normative sciences; esthetics; logic
as the science of symbols. The doctrine of signs and
the division of signs into icons, indices, and symbols.
676. A Sketch of Logical Critics
A. MS., n.p., [c.1911], pp. 1 -6.
The meaning of "critics" and "logical
critics." Definition of "sign."
677. A Sketch of Logical Critic
A. MS., n.p., [C.1911], pp. 1-5, plus 2 pp. of two other
attempts to begin the essay.
Explanation of "critic." Art and science.
The classification of the sciences.
678. The Art of Reasoning Elucidated
A. MS., n.p., "late in 1910" (p. 26), pp.
1-29, 14-35, with 2 pp. of variants.
Proposal to accomplish seven things in this essay, ranging
from a discussion of the different kinds of reasoning
to an application of reasoning to the pressing problems
of the day. Love of truth as a prerequisite for reasoning
well; lover of truth versus lover of knowledge; the
three passions for wide knowledge, deep knowledge,
and accurate knowledge equated with love of learning,
love of knowledge, and love of scientific economy (pp.
1-29). Method of reasoning as man's (as opposed to
woman's) way to truth; thinking as "talking"
with oneself; the principles of contradiction and excluded
middle; real and ratiocinative modality (pp. 14-35).
679. The Art of Reasoning Elucidated
A. MS., n.p., [1910], pp. 1-12, unfinished, with a variant
p. 11.
An earlier draft of MS. 678. CSP proposes to do seven
things in this essay, but the essay breaks off at this
680. Analysis of the Trustworthiness of the Different
Kinds of Reasonings
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 1-26, incomplete, with 18 pp.
of variants.
Essay is directed toward boys between the ages of twelve
and eighteen who think. The mind-body distinction.
The three classes of psychical, physical, and psychophysical.
The three elements in all psychical phenomena. Analysis
of the state of awareness in terms of its three ingredients.
Consciousness of contrast and awareness of change.
Triadic distinction of actual fast, may be, and would
be. History of the principles of contradiction and
excluded middle. Reality of can-be's and would-be's
as well as actual facts and existing things. Would-be's
related to dispositions and habits.
681. A Study of How to Reason Safely and Efficiently
A. MS., n.p., 1913, pp. 1-47, with a variant p. 7.
Reasoning and sensation. Mixed and unmixed sensations.
Esthetic quality attached to reasoning well. The notion
of "elegance" in mathematics. Volition and
attention. Awareness of acquiring a habit is the third
mode of consciousness. What "habit" means.
Reasoning as the process of consciously acquiring a
belief from previous ones. In defense of trichotomists.
CSP records that he does not know and has never inquired
whether there is any connection between his own trichotomy
and the Divine Trinity, but maintains there is nothing
mysterious about his trichotomy. What "real"
means. Long footnote on Prantl's Geschichte der Logik
im Abendlande.
682. An Essay toward Improving Our Reasoning in Security
and in Uberty
A. MS., n.p., [c.1913], pp. 1-53, with 10 pp. of variants.
Defense of final causes. Ratiocination and instinct.
CSP is guided by the following maxim: Define all mental
characters as far as possible in terms of their outward
manifestations. This maxim is roughly equivalent to
the rule of pragmatism. It can be said to aid security
but not uberty of reasoning. "Yet the maxim of
Pragmatism does not bestow a single smile upon beauty,
upon moral virtue, or upon abstract truth, the three
things that alone raise Humanity above Animality."
The science of psychology is of no help in laying the
foundations of a sane philosophy of reasoning, and
precisely why CSP believes this to be so.
683. [An Essay toward Improving Our Reasoning in Security
and in Uberty]
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 4-38, 12-28, and 16 pp. of variants.
Another version of MS. 682. Mathematical and necessary
reasoning. Preference for the word "uberty"
over "fruitfulness." The necessity for technical
terminology. CSP's ignorance of esthetics, with Schiller's
Aesthetische Briefe mentioned as the only book he has
read on the subject. But CSP writes of his keen but
uncultivated sense of beauty. To illustrate this, he
notes works of literature he admires. He also notes
that there is little of the artist in him, his own
literary style testifying to that. The history of scientific
investigation of the problems of ethics. Sir Edward
Herbert, Hobbes, Cumberland. The meaning of the word
"real." Modalities.
684. A Study of Reasoning in its Security and its Uberty
A. MS., n.p., August 26-31, 1913, pp. 1-13 (p. 8 missing),
with 6 pp. of variants.
CSP planned to send copies to Royce, Dewey, Whitehead,
and "even to the supercilious Bradley." Reasoning
as a branch of endeavor, with an explanation of what
is meant by "branch." A long digression on
685. The Art of Reasoning Regarded from the Point of
View of A. D. 1913. Book I. The Foundations of the
Art. Introduction.
A. MS., n.p., 1913, pp. 1-29 (continuous in spite of
two p. 28s).
Mathematics is a prerequisite for the study of logic.
History of mathematics, especially counting. The notion
of "elegance," with true elegance regarded
as a variety of economy. The duties and methods of
the historian. Was Boethius the author of the geometry
and the theological metaphysics attributed to him?
686. Reflexions upon Reasoning
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 1-9, with a variant p. 7.
"Reality," "state of things," "actuality,"
and "reasoning" defined. Reality is that
aspect of the being of anything which is independent
of the thing's being represented. The trustworthiness
of immediate knowledge (sense perception) testifies
only to this or that single state of things. Reasoning
testifies to the truth that lies beyond our ken. CSP
wonders what the eternal habits are, beyond those which
involve the tridimensionality of space and the general
mutability of time. Satisfactory and unsatisfactory
687. Guessing (guessing)
A. MS., G-c.1907-2, pp. 1-35; plus pp. 2-16 of an earlier
draft and 3 pp. of variants.
Published, with deletions, as 7.36-48. The manuscript
was published in The Hound and Horn 2 (April-June,
1929) 267-282. Omitted from Collected Papers were pp.
8-22 (for a partial description of which see 7.40n15)
and pp. 32-33 (the completion of a personal anecdote).
Nature of pure science: questions of pure science handled
differently from practical questions. For practical
matters cultivate instincts! (Anecdote told in support
of this advice.) Decimal and secundal systems of enumeration.
688. Guessing
A. MS., G-c.1907-2, pp. 1-22 (pp. 3-9; 16-18 missing);
plus pp. 1-2 (rejected) of another start.
Only the first two sentences of p. 1 published: 7.36n13.
This is apparently an earlier draft of MS. 690. Moreover
it appears that pp. 3-9 were lifted from here and incorporated
in MS. 690. This is not the case, however, with pp.
16-18, which are still missing. Personal anecdote (same
as in MS. 687).
689. Surmises About Guessing (Guesses)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4.
CSP gets only as far as introducing himself to his reader.
690. On the Logic of drawing History from Ancient Documents
especially from Testimonies (Logic of History)
A. MS., G-1901-4, pp. 1-263 (continuous although there
are no pp. 35, 137, 191), variant p. 15, a typed copy
(with marginal corrections by CSP) and a lengthy (6
pp.) "Note on Collections" inserted at p.
Published as 7.164-255, with the exception of 7.182n7,
which is from the Lowell Lectures of 1903 (Lecture
VIII), and 7.220n18, which is from MS. 691.
691. On the Logic of drawing History from Ancient Documents
especially from Testimonies (Logic of History)
A. MS., G-1901-4, 221 pp., fragmentary, with pp. running
as high as p. 238. Published, in part, as 7.220n18
(pp. 93-95, with one deletion). CSP added following
note: "These pages are to be used in the chapter
of the Logic treating Deductive Reasoning. But the
theory needs completion." See MS. 1344 for what
appears to be an abstract of this logic.
692. The Proper Treatment of Hypotheses: a Preliminary
Chapter, toward an Examination of Hume's Argument against
Miracles, in its Logic and in its History (Hist. Test.)
A. MS., n.p., 1901, pp. 1-38, 29-40, and 13 pp. of variants.
Opposition to the dualism of reason and instinct. Dogs
can reason on occasions, with an example from CSP's
experience. Rudimentary sense of logic (logica utens)
and the sophisticated sense of logic (logica docens).
Attack on modern books on logic. Precepts and hypotheses.
The three stages in the life of a hypothesis, each
stage governed by entirely different logical principles.
Abduction, deduction, and induction.
* 693. Reason's Conscience: A Practical Treatise on
the Theory of Discovery; Wherein logic is conceived
as Semeiotic
A. MS., six notebooks, n.p., n.d., pp. 2-442 (even numbers
mostly, but text is consecutive), including a rewritten
Notebook I (pp. 2-80). Purpose of book: improving the
reasoning power of students. Pedagogy. Reason and instinct.
Interrelations of the branches of science; ladder of
the sciences, beginning with the science of discovery
and ending with practical science. Notebook II (pp.
82-164). Continues the discussion of the branches of
science begun in Notebook I, concentrating on phenomenology,
normative science, metaphysics, general physics, and
general psychology. The dependence of logic upon the
other normative sciences and upon phenomenology and
mathematics. The relationship of logic to metaphysics
and to psychology. Sound reasoning leads to the maximum
of expectation and the minimum of surprise. Notebook
III (pp. 166-248). Continues the discussion of sound
reasoning specifically and the relationship between
logic and psychology generally. The laws of thought.
Language and linguistics. The ontological argument.
Mathematics and logic; the teaching of mathematics;
instructions for understanding Euclidean geometry.
Note-book IV (pp. 250-322). Continuation of the instructions
for understanding Euclid. Discussion of existential
graphs, with a note by CSP that this discussion was
rewritten in Notebook V. Notebook V (pp. 278-370).
The nature of mathematics. The manner in which two
branches of science may support each other. CSP's speculations
on the possibility of a phenomenology of esthetics,
an esthetics of ethics, an ethics of logic, etc. Notebook
VI (pp. 372-442). Continuation of the discussion of
the usefulness of one science to another. The descriptive
and classificatory sciences. The problem of knowledge:
perceptual knowledge; individuality and classes; unity,
singularity, and individuality distinguished; expectations.
694. The Rules of Right Reasoning (Rules of RR or RRR)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5.
Introductory. Study of the right methods of reasoning
has occupied CSP for forty-five years. Notes deficiencies
as a writer. His hopes of writing a great work on logic
have given way to his hope of writing a shorter, less
perfect version. CSP offers his plan of simplification.
695. A Practical Treatise on Logic and Methodology
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 18 pp. of several attempts, none
of which go beyond a few pages.
Purpose: establishing maxims for estimating validity
and strength of arguments. Explanation of the use of
the terms "logic" and "methodology."
The function of reason. Genuine doubt and genuine investigation.
696. Practical Maxims of Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 27 pp., of which 4 pp. are in Zina
Fay Peirce's hand.
Deduction, induction, and hypothesis as practical considerations.
Beware of the syllogism: everything can be explained,
with the syllogism merely making our knowledge more
distinct. With regard to the ontological argument,
every definition implies existence of its object. Random
697. Lessons on Practical Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
Concerning the definition of "logic." The
investigation of consequences constitutes logic, with
material and formal consequences distinguished. Suggestions
of possible topics for a course in practical logic.
698. [Maxims of Reasoning]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2-3, 5.
Maxim III: "The object of reasoning is to settle
questions." Maxim IV: "Things are not just
as we choose to think them."
699. [Logical and Mathematical Exercises]
A. MS. and TS., n.p., n.d., 13 pp.
Illustrations of logical doctrine.
700. [Quiz]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
701. [Logical Puzzles]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
702 [Logical Exercises]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
703. Note (Notes on Art. III)
A. MS., G-1910-2, August 11-15, pp. 1-30 (with p. 5
missing); 6, 8-10 of another draft; and pp. 1-2 ("Notes
to CSP's Third Paper in the Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1878,
Published in entirety as 2.661-668 and as 2.645n1. Article
III refers to the third in the Popular Science Monthly
series of 1877-78.
704. Notes to be added to C. S. Peirce's Third Article
in Pop. Sc. Monthly (Notes No III)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3.
This is a footnote to be inserted on p. 604, line 3,
after the word "evident." General laws in
chemistry; Vant Hoff's general law of mass-action.
705. Notes on the List of Postulates of Dr. Huntington's
#2 (On Postulates)
A. MS., G-c.1904-1, pp. 1-11, 10-12, 10-11.
Published as 4.324-330 (pp. 1-11).
706. [The Concept of Probability]
A. MS., n.p., January 23-31, 1909, pp. 1-31, with 3
pp. of variants.
Remarks on the history of the concept of probability,
noting incidentally that the Greeks had no idea of
such a concept. Pascal's method of treating probability.
Science is raised to a higher level by the "Doctrine
of Chances."
* 707. Note to Sylvester's Papers Vol. I p. 92
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 folded sheet.
System of dyadic monosynthemes of the 6th order.
708. Reply to Mr. Kempe (K)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-9, 5-7, and 5 pp. of another
This is a reply to a short article in the Monist of
1897 by A. B. Kempe, which was itself, in part at least,
a reply to CSP's article in the Monist (January 1897).
See 3.468.
709. Note on Kempe's Paper in Vol. XXI of the Proceedings
of the London Mathematical Society
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp 1-6, plus 3 pp.
See MSS. 710-714 for further discussion of Kempe's paper.
710. Notes on Kempe's Paper
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2, plus 7 pp.
711 . Notes on Kempe's Paper
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
712. (Kempe)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
713. (Kempe)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
In praise of Kempe's mathematical powers and native
instinct for doing logic, but critical of "his
sad want of training" in logic. Specific criticism
714. Notes on Kempe's Paper on Mathematical Forms
A. MS., n.p., January 15, 1889, 12 pp.
715. Kempe Translated into English
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
716. [Fragment on Thirdness and Generality]
A. MS., G-c.1895-3, 3 pp.
Published in entirety as 1.340-342.
*717 Chapter II. The Categories
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 8 pp. (text is consecutive); plus
24 pp. (fragmentary).
Probably from the period of the Grand Logic. Assertions
about systems of more than three subjects can be reduced
to triadic assertions at most. The whole endeavor to
deny the irreducibility of triadic facts is termed
"nominalism." The realism-nominalism controversy.
Nature of signs. Categoriology. Continuity and continuous
718. [On Continuous Series]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
An attempt to show that the whole series of numbers,
rational and irrational, does not constitute a continuous
719. Chapter I. Certain Fundamental Conceptions
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
Use of term(s) ens (entia). Recourse to Scholastic usage.
The first two principles of logic: (1) something or
other is true of every ens, and (2) for everything
which is true of an ens, something must be true of
a pair of entia of which that is one.
720. Logic. Chapter I.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp.
The end of logic is to form a table of categories. Proper
method of deducing the categories. Qualities, relations,
representations distinguished.
721. Chapter I. One, Two, Three
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5, plus 7 pp.
Logic begins with the analysis of the meaning of certain
words of which the first is "is" (copula).
Ens (entia) in Scholasticism. CSP then turns to the
conceptions of one, two, and three before tackling
the conception of independent being, but he gets only
as far as a consideration of quality.
722. Chapter I. Fundamental Notions
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Ens (entia) given the foremost place among logical terms.
Its Scholastic usage.
723. A System of Logic. Chapter I. Syllogism
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6.
The historic origin of logic is the desire to test inferences.
One should begin the study of logic with the syllogism;
terms and propositions should be studied afterwards.
Remarks on Aristotle's definition of "logic"
and on Duns Scotus' views of logic.
724. Logic. Chapter I. Terms
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp. and 2 pp. of an earlier draft.
Representations, symbols, and logic. Two terms are related
to each other with regard to extension, comprehension,
and implication.
725. On Logical Extension and Comprehension
A. MS., notebook, n.p., n.d.
CSP comments on his own article of November 13, 1867
(G-1867-1e) and adds a 6th section entitled "Of
Natural Classification," an attempt to say precisely
what a natural class is.
726. An Unpsychological View of Logic to which are appended
some applications of the theory to Psychology and other
A. MS., n.p., [1865?], 76 pp.
An early work primarily on the intension and extension
of terms which was superseded by "Upon Logical
Comprehension and Extension" (G-1867-1e). Definition
of "logic." Connotation, denotation, and
information. The relationship of comprehension, extension,
and implication summed up in the formula: Extension
x comprehension = implication. Forms of induction and
727. [Notes on Intension and Extension]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
728. Chapter 2. First Division of Symbols in Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Logic is a classificatory science. Its study should
be preceded by a study of the science of classification.
729. Chapter II.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
Logic as a classificatory science. Kinds of representation.
730. Logic. Chapter 3.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
Symbols regarded as terms, propositions, and arguments.
731. Chapter II. Extension, Comprehension, Implication
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp., plus 4 pp. of an earlier
732. lntroduction
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-16.
Impressions; precision, discrimination, dissociation;
substance; accident; Being; quality, relation, representation;
ground, correlate, interpretant; formal objects. A
note concerning a nameless philosopher of the 12th
century appears on the verso of one of the pages.
733. Logic. Chapter I
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
Every conception is a hypothesis (supposition). Abstraction
as separation in conception as opposed to separation
in fact and in imagination. Conception of Being: Being
distinguished from Dasein.
734. Logic. Chapter 2. Formal Logic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 53 pp.
Explanation of some of the basic terms of formal logic.
The objects of logic are symbols; the business of logic
is the classification of symbols. Logic itself is a
symbol. Symbols: terms, propositions, and arguments.
The syllogism.
735. Logic. The Theory of Reasoning. Part I. Exact Logic.
Introduction. What is Logic (EL) A. MS., n.p., n.d.,
pp. 1-2, 1-5, 1-13, with a title page and a table of
contents. Logic is the theory of reasoning and, as
such, it is not a branch of psychology (pp. 1-2). Reasoning
and common sense (reasoning from the initial propositions
of common sense); the relationship between hope and
truth (pp. 1-5). A sect of philosophy concerned with
deducing the rules of reasoning by mathematics (the
achievements of this sect include CSP's contribution
of the logic of continuity); Mill's logic; Sigwart
and Kant; Hegel's importance to German philosophy;
reasoning and signs (pp. 1-13).
736. Qualitative Logic
A. MS., G-undated-11 [1893?], 1 p. (table of contents);
pp. 1-11 (preface); pp. 1-10, 2-4, 1-8 ("Chapter
I. The Association of Ideas"); pp. 1-6, 1-3 ("Chapter
II. The Simple Consequences"); pp. 1-11, 1-8,
and a variant p. 6 ("Chapter III. The Modus Ponens");
pp. 1-48, with 24 pp. of variants ("Chapter IV.
The Syllogism" and "The Traditional Syllogistic");
pp. 1-8 ("Chapter V. The Dilemma"); pp. 1-5
("Chapter V. Dilemmatic Reasoning"); pp.
1-6, 1-2 ("Chapter VI. Logical Extension and Comprehension");
pp. 1-22, with 60 pp. of variants ("Chapter VI.
The Logical Algebra of Boole"); 1 p. ("Chapter
VI. Logical Algebra and Logic of Relatives");
plus 35 pp. of fragments.
Published, in part, as 7.451-457 (Chapter 1, pp. 1-10)
and 7.458-462 (Chapter II, pp. 1-5).
737. Memoir #4. Algebra of Copula
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp.
738. [On the Quantified Predicate]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
CSP rejects the thesis that the copula of a proposition
expresses primarily the identity relation, noting arguments
in its favor, especially Hamilton's.
*739. [Thought and Feeling]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 30-32.
These pages may be part of a proposed book in logic.
Division of the operations of the understanding into
simple apprehension, judgment, and reasoning. Distinction
between objective and subjective intensity of feeling.
Combination of feelings which, in some cases, is strongly
suggestive of thought.
740. Appendix No. 2
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 43 pp.
The hypothetic and sensational character of simple conceptions:
The Kantian position on space and time is analyzed.
Difference in time is a quantitative, continuous, commutative
ground of disquiparance; difference in space is a quantitative,
continuous, noncommutative ground of disquiparance.
741. [Sheets from a Notebook on Logic]
A. MS., n.p., [c.1860-c.1867], 75 pp.
It is possible to distinguish the following: "On
the Figures and Moods of Logic" (c.1860): induction
as the middle road between a priori and a posteriori
reasoning; the figures of the different kinds of inferences
(7 pp. of an early draft of a work on the Aristotelian
syllogism). "Induction": Aristotle's views
on induction; objection to Hamilton's "logical"
induction; the denotation of subjects and the connotation
of predicates (Sept. 1864, 2 pp.). "Consideration
of the 3rd Argument in favor of the [quantification
of the] predicate" (1867, 1 p.). "On the
Conversion of Quantity" (c.1867, 2 pp.). "Further
Arguments for a Quantified Predicate considered"
(c.1867, 1 p.). "Analogy between Logic and Algebra"
(c.1865, 1 p.). "Problem. To apply algebra to
logic": a numerical interpretation of Boolean
concepts, e.g., a + b = 2 S a and b are two facts (c.1866,
4 pp.). "Propositions of Disquiparance" (c.1866,
2 pp.). "Doctrine of Conversion" (C.1860,
4 pp.). "Quality is the only Quantity belonging
to the Predicate": the distinction between extension
and intension (c.1866, 2 pp. and 4 pp.). "Extension,
Intension, etc." (c.1867, 8 pp.). "The Course
of Expression": the concrete expression of an
idea requires a mode of presentation (c.1867, 2 pp.).
"Quantity of the Figures" (c.1867, 2 pp.).
"Notation: Considerations of the Advantages of
Sir W. H.'s Analytic intended to show that mine has
the same" (c.1867, 4 pp.). "Associative Principle"
(c.1867, 11 pp., of which seven are in the hand of
Zina Fay Peirce). The remainder are fragments and include,
among other topics, notes on the syllogism and on the
relation of extension, intension, and information.
742. Preliminary Sketch of Logic
A. MS., small notebook, n.p., [c.1865].
Argument; leading principle; copula; term.
743. The Rules of Logic logically Deduced
A. MS., n.p., June 23, 1860, 8 pp.
Propositions collate conceptions. Collation is comparison,
and a conclusion is a comparison drawn from two comparisons.
Problematical, apodictic, and assertive propositions.
The application of geometry to logical doctrines.
744. Of the Distinction between a priori and a posteriori
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 10 pp., plus a folded page with
the title: "Distinction between a priori and a
Arguments in the first, second, and third figures are
respectively a priori, a posteriori, and inductive.
Table showing logical character of every mood. Logically
a priori conclusions are universal, affirmative, categorical,
apodictic. Logically inductive conclusions are particular,
infinite, hypothetical, assertorial. Logically a posteriori
conclusions are singular, negative, disjunctive, problematical
745. [Plan for Sixty Lectures on Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-25, with 17 pp. of other attempts
to state the substance of the lectures.
Brief descriptions of the subjects of each lecture.
The subject matter ranges widely from the physiological
and psychological bases of logic (first lecture) to
anthropomorphic science, physiognomy, art, and natural
theology (sixtieth lecture).
746. [Introductory Remarks to a Course in Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp.
Historical notes on Aristotle and the Stoics. CSP attempts
to answer the question: Is logic a science? His conclusion
is that logic is the science that analyzes method.
747. [Fragments on Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 46 pp.
These fragments may belong to the Johns Hopkins period.
Among the 46 pp. are 7 pp. on the logic of relatives,
one page of which reads: "Chapter IV. The Logic
of Plural Relatives." The remaining pages concern
the derivation of the word "logic," kinds
of inferences, statistical deductions, probability.
*748. Logic: and the Methods of Science. Book I. Formal
Logic. Chapter I. The Modus Ponens TS. (corrected),
n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2 and 14 pp. of several drafts.
748a. Logic. Chapter I. Of thinking as Cerebration
TS. (corrected), n.p., n.d., pp. 1, 1-7, 1-9, 1-2, 3,
748b. [Outline and First Chapter of a Book on Probability]
TS. (corrected), n.p., n.d., 1 p. ("Plan and Object
of this Work"), 1 p. ("Table of Contents"),
pp. 1-8 ("Part I. Descriptions. Chapter I. The
Question in Probability").
748c. [Draft of "The Observational Element in Mathematics"]
TS., n.p., n.d., pp. 4-5 and 3 unnumbered pages.
748d. The Settlement of Opinion
TS., n.p., n.d., pp. 9-10, variant of 5.377.
749. [What logic is]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 10 pp.
Is logic a science or an art? Does logic have a practical
aim? If so, what is that aim? The various schools
of logic (transcendental, seientific, etc.).
750. Logic I.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2, incomplete.
The essence of the distinction between good and bad
reasoning does not lie, as Sigwart believes, in a
difference of feeling. It is a matter of fact.
751. [Lecture on Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4.
Part of a lecture series. The independence of logic
from psychology. Logic and artificial languages. Deduction,
induction, and retroduction.
752. [Reasoning]
A. MS., n.p., March 15, 1914, 3 pp. and 1 p.
One of the last of CSP's manuscripts, it deals with
the three orders of reasoning (deduction, induction,
and retroduction) and with the limits of CSP's confidence
in science.
753. [Reasoning] A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 3-7 and a
variant p. 5.
Draft of G-1907-1. Presumably for a lecture on the three
kinds of reasoning. Examples of induction. Lutoslawski's
and CSP's researches on Plato.
754. Second Talk to the Phil. Club [and] Second Talk.
On Deduction
A. MS., n.p., April 12, 1907, 2 folded sheets.
On the three kinds of reasoning (deduction, induction,
retroduction). Method for the discovery of methods.
Corollarial reasoning. Hypotheses of pure mathematics.
The adventitious character of CSP's logical gift.
755. [On the Three Kinds of Reasoning]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-19, 9-23, with variants.
Drafts of beginning of CSP's "Little Book on Religion,"
c.1911: natural gift of understanding, common sense
and self-deception, belief and conduct.
756. Retroduction (Retr)
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 1-9, 1-5.
The three kinds or stages of inquiry illustrated.
757. What is Reasoning
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 14 pp.; plus 2 copies of 2 pp. each
(not in CSP's hand) and a TS. of 7 pp. An elementary
exposition of necessary and probable reasoning.
758. (Aristotle 9, Aristotle 10)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp., incomplete.
A lecture on inference, with all elementary inferences
divided into three classes. Is the division into three
classes natural?
759. (B)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3.
On the modes of necessary inference.
760. [Necessary Reasoning]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
761. Examples of Probable Reasoning
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
Possibly a test question. The reader is asked to draw
a conclusion (probable) from a set of four facts presented
to him.
762. [Plan for a Work on Probability]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p. (plan); 1 p. of what may be
the start of the proposed work; pp. 7-15 (not in CSP's
763. The Doctrine of Chances
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3; 1-2 (New).
Introductory comments only. Ancient inquiries into the
nature of probability.
* 764. [Probability and Induction]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 99 pp.
The topics of these fragments range widely from CSP's
comment on his habit of thinking in the syntax of existential
graphs to discussions of probability, orders of induction
(crude, quantitative, qualitative), the divisions of
deduction as corollarial and theorematic; introduction
of the term "adduction," with a note that
the adductions of Socrates were of a crude order. Also
notes on the history of logic (Aristotle, Bacon, English
logicians) and reflections on the meaning of "pragmatism,"
and its connection with signs and habits. In regard
to the origins of the word "pragmatism,"
CSP writes: "It was about 1870 - I don't think
it could have been as late as 1872 - that I invented
the word...."
765. Lecture II
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 folded sheet.
On the theory of induction. Hamilton and Mansel. Aristotle's
notion of induction .
766. Synopsis of the Discussion of the Ground of Induction
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3, incomplete.
Criticism of the view that the probability of inductive
conclusions is calculated by inverse probabilities.
CSP takes the position that "in inductive reasoning
the fact stated in the conclusion does not follow from
the facts stated in the premises with any definite
probability, but that from the manner in which the
facts stated in the premises have come to our knowledge
it follows that in assigning to a certain ratio of
frequency the value concluded we shall be following
a rule of conduct which must operate to our advantage
in the long run."
767. [Fragments on Induction and Abduction]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
768. Statistical Deduction
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
769. Logic of Science
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 24 pp. of several starts.
Definition of "logic." Marks of the 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd orders. The mark of representation is of the
3rd order.
770. The Logic of Science
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6, with variants.
The meaning of "logic of science." Absurdity
of a common sense logic, with accompanying remarks
on common sense in general. Intimate connection between
reasoning and morality. On the richness of various
languages, with special praise for Greek.
771. Essays on the Rationale of Science
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3; 1-3; 1-3, and a variant
p. 2 and an unnumbered page. Autobiographical note
concerning the publication of the Popular Science articles
of 1877-78.
772. [Physical Laws]
A. MS., n.p., [c.1873], pp- 2-7.
Draft of N-1873-1. Scientific theories and inductive
processes. The way in which physicists provide definitions
in terms of mass, space, and time. Law of nature is
a general relation connecting measures of different
773. Third Lecture on Methodeutic
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 folded sheet.
CSP opens his lecture with an apology for the lecture
of the previous evening and with a proof he failed
to provide on that occasion. Theoric deduction as creative
(its object is not an existing thing, but an ens rationis
which is just as real). Object and interpretant of
a sign. Three grades of induction.
774. Ideas, Stray or Stolen, about scientific writing.
No. 1 (Rh. Sc.)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-16.
Semeiotics. Speculative rhetoric. A universal art of
rhetoric acknowledged as an ens in posse, Ordinary
rhetoric should be modified by way of special studies.
These studies yield the various rhetorics of fine arts,
speech and language, science. The rhetoric of science
is subdivided into rhetorics of communication of discoveries,
scientific digests, and applications of science for
special purposes.
775. Jottings on the Language of Science. No. 1 or Ideas,
stray or stolen, about scientific writing. No. 1 (Rh.
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-14.
Earlier draft of MS. 774.
776. The Rhetoric of Scientific Communications (Rhetoric
of Sci or Rh of Sci)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6, 4-5.
The problem of communicating discoveries. Scientific
terminology. The best types of titles for scientific
777. Plan of an Essay on the Rhetoric of Scientific
Communication in two parts of ten of these Ms. pages
each. Part I. General. Part II. Special
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
Semeiotics. Universal rhetoric.
778. [Late Fragments on Logic and Science]
A. MS., n.p., [c. 1909], pp. 5-15.
From a rambling lecture touching on the kinds of reasoning,
the classification of the sciences, nominalism and
realism in medieval logic, and the lecturer's scorn
for contemporary philosophy and ". . . the stupid
and utterly antiscientific doctrine that a law of nature
is nothing but a fabrication of the human mind."
779. [Syllogism]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 8 pp. of fragments.
Aristotle and the history of logic.
780. Table of Syllogisms
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp. (not in CSP's hand, with the
exception of a single correction).
MSS. 780-782 may be parts of an examination.
781. Classification of Universals
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp. (not in CSP's hand).
782. Table of Contraposition
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p. (not in CSP's hand)
783 [On the Syllogism]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
Possibly an early draft of "Classification of Arguments."
784. Two Fallacies
A. MS., n.p., April 20, 1901, pp. 1-5
CSP notes that Mrs. Ladd-Franklin's method of testing
syllogisms, based on the inconsistency of three propositions,
is very similar to the method he used for the moods
of the fourth figure (but which he rejected) in his
paper: "On the Natural Classification of Arguments"
(see G-1867-1b).
785. Notes (to 1867 paper Vol. 3)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 25 pp.
See G-1867-1a.
786. Notes on Mrs. Franklin's Article "Syllogism"
A. MS., n .p ., n.d., pp. 1-18.
787. That Categorical and Hypothetical Propositions are one
in essence, with some connected matters
A. MS., G-c.1895-1, pp. 1-49 (pp. 6-9 missing).
Published in Collected Papers in the following order:
2.332-339, 2.278-280, 1.564-567 (c.1899), 2-340-356.
788. Propositions of the 0 order, Propositions of the
1st order, Syllogisms of 0-0 order, Syllogisms of the
0-1 order, Syllogisms of the 1-1 order
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6.
789. [Elements of a Proposition]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp. and 6 pp. (Universe).
"Universe" of a proposition is defined as
"a series of possibilities to which the proposition
refers but whose limits cannot be described in general
terms but can only be indicated in some other way."
A proposition may relate to several such universes.
790. [Fragment on Hypothetical Propositions]
A. MS., G-undated- 17, 1 p.
Published in entirety as 8.380n4,
791. #5 Analysis of the Proposition
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
792. On the Logical Nature of the Proposition (Dicisign)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-2, with a rejected p. 2.
Notes confusion of proposition with statement, assertion,
physical act of judging, and an act of assent. CSP
proposes to state his own theory of propositions, and
then he launches into a discussion of signs.
793. [On Signs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4, 10-14; plus 9 pp. of variants
and 1 p. (fragment).
An attempt to define "sign" as a medium for
the communication of form. Sign as essentially triadic.
Application of existential graphs to signs. Speculative
grammar, critic, and methodeutic. On p. 14 verso is
the beginning of a letter to "Professor James."
794. Sections of Roget's Thesaurus containing words
meaning signs
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1p.
795. [Classification of Signs on the Basis of Idea,
Token, and Type]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
796. The Art of Reasoning. Chapter I. What is a Sign?
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Introduction of terms: quality, relations, focus, ratio,
a relate, reagents, terms, signification, representamen.
797. [Fragments on Signs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp. (but not all from the same
798. [On Signs]
A. MS., G-c.1897-3, 5 pp.
Published as 2.227-229 and 2.444n1.
799. [Ten Classes of Signs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
800. P of L
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2-6, 10; plus l p.
On the classification of signs.
801. Logic: Regarded as a Study of the General Nature
of Signs (Logic)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-4.
The transition from feeling to knowing. Definition of
"sign." Calculations on the verso of one
of the pages.
* 802. Teleological Logic
A. MS., n.p., begun May 14, 1865, 4 pp., incomplete.
Logic as the semeiotic science of representations. Division
of the sciences into science of things, representations,
and forms. Kinds of representations: signs, symbols,
and copies.
803. [Logic and Signs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-5.
* 804. [Assertion and Signs]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 22, 24, 29, 33.
* 805. [The Essential Nature of Assertions]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 18-20
806. Of Modality
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
The verso of one of the pages contains a chart, dated
July 12, 1908, and labelled "Divisions of Signs."
* 807. [Necessary Modality]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 16-20.
Religious instinct and the evolution of the universe.
Note on the relation of mathematical abilities and
808. Formal Division(s) of Dyadic Relations
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
809. #12. Division of Formal Science
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
The nine prescindible references and the nine formal
810. [On the Formal Principles of Deductive Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp. and 4 pp.
An attempt to recapitulate the principles of the logic
of relatives. The nature of a sign, or representation.
811. [Printed Pages of "On the Natural Classification
of Arguments"]
Printed pages (annotated), G-1867-1b (1893).
These pages from The Proceedings of the American Academy
(1867) contain CSP's revisions of 1893. See sup(1)G1867-1b.
Published, again, as 2.461-516, with the revisions
of 1893.
* 812. Logico-Mathematical Glosses
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 8 pp. and pp. 8-9.
Boolean algebra. Sundry misconceptions about mathematical
(pp. 8-9).
813. [Logic and Mathematics]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
Material on existential graphs.
814. Achilles and the Tortoise
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6.
815. [Achilles and the Tortoise]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2-6.
816. [On Five Grades of Originality in Logic, with Illustrations
from the History of Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 6 pp.
Comments on Royce as logician and metaphysician, especially
in connection with Royce's memoir, "The Relation
of the Principles of Logic to the Foundations of Geometry."
817. [Various Fragments on Indicative Words, Hypothetical
Propositions, Truth and Satisfaction]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
818. Mr. Bertrand Russell's Paradox
A. MS., n.p., late, 5 pp., unfinished.
819. The Conception of Infinity
A. MS., n p., [c-1880], 5 pp.
De Morgan's syllogism of transposed quantity, and the
inappropriateness of one of De Morgan's examples. Fermatian
inference and the collections to which it does and
does not apply.
820. [Fermatian Inference]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-6.
821. Some Unmanageable Problems
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 7 pp.
Notes on Cantor's "Beitro/ooge zur Begrundung der
transfiniten Mengenlehre" (Mathematische Annalen
of 1895).
822. [Hamilton and Mansel]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Laws of reasoning. Mansel's definitions of "absolute"
and "infinite."
823. [Critic of Arguments]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp., consecutive but incomplete.
An evaluation (and appreciation) of Benjamin Peirce's
powers of analysis. An examination of Mansel's views
on logic.
824. Triadic Monosynthemes of Six Monads
A. MS., notebook, n.p., n.d.
The notebook also contains a list of names (of students?)
and an estimate of their abilities, but this part of
the notebook is not in CSP's hand. Drafts of two letters
which were in the notebook have been removed and placed
with CSP's correspondence. One of these drafts was
to B. E. Smith and the other to F. C. S. Schiller.
825. (FRL)
A. MS., G-c.1899-1, 3 pp.
Published in entirety as 1.135-40.
826. Some Reveries of a Dotard
A. MS., n.p., late, pp. 1-5.
Logic as the science which distinguishes bad from sound
reasoning. The sense of obligation in reasoning. Reflections
on psychophysics. Fallibilism.
827. [Logic and the Doctrine of "Anti-cock-sure-ism"]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 4 pp.
Inexactitude of physical laws, e.g., law of gravitation.
828. Logic (Li)
A. MS., n.p., November 2, 1910, pp. 1-3.
An analysis of doubt as neither ignorance nor consciousness
of ignorance. Doubt is treated as an emotion.
829. [Absolute Certainty]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 sheets, numbered 2 and 3, incomplete.
CSP's inability to discover a single truth which seems
free of doubt. Discussion of the propositions "I
feel a prick" and "Twice two is four."
830. [Reasoning and Belief]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp., incomplete; plus 1 p. of
a rejected draft.
831. [Reasoning and Instinct]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2-29, incomplete.
The fine gradations between subconscious or instinctive
mind and conscious, controlled reason. Logical machines
are not strictly reasoning machines because they lack
the ability of self-criticism and the ability to correct
defects which may crop up. Three kinds of reasoning:
inductive, deductive, hypothetical. Quasi-inferences.
832. [Reason and Instinct]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.
Reason as inferior to instinct. Comments on the work
of Zeller and other German logicians and historical
833. [Veracity]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.
Signs, truth, and veracity. Perfect veracity distinct
from cognizable veracity.
834. [First, Second, and Third Degrees of Knowledge]
A. MS, n.p., n.d., 1 p.
835. [Three Grades of Clearness of Thought]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 9-17, incomplete.
Absurdity of the doctrine of simple concepts.
836. [Fragments on the Normative Sciences]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 5 pp.
837. [Various Topics in Logic]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 27 pp.
Necessary reasoning, hypothesis, the syllogism, the
logic of relatives, and the relationship between logic
and evolution.
838. [Fragments on the Justification of Reasoning]
A. MS., n.p., late, 9 pp.
The fragments, all concerned with the same problem,
are not from the same work. Two of the fragments are
dated: April 10, 1911 and February 22, 1912.
* 839. [Fragments]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 199 pp.
Existential graphs, the logic of relatives, logical
critic, theory of signs, hypothesis and induction,
belief and reasoning, generalization, rationale of
science, and classification are some of the topics
found here. One page is dated September 22, 1860; the
remainder are undated and apparently cover several
periods of CSP's career.
840. [Fragment]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p.
"Logic is a sort of tree of knowledge of good and
evil which costs the loss of paradise to him who tastes
of its fruit."