336. Logic viewed as Semeiotics. Introduction. Number 2. Phaneroscopy
A. MS., notebook, G-c.1904-2.
Published, in part: 1.285-287; 1.304 (pp. 8-22). Unpublished (pp. 1-8): Definition of "phaneron" as "anything that can come before the mind in any sense whatever" and an explanation of what it means to say "before the mind."

337. Logic viewed as Semiotic. Introduction. Number 2. Phaneroscopy
A. MS., notebook, n.p., n.d.
Distinction between "manifest" and "evident." CSP claims the privilege of creating a new word, "phaneron," which is defined as "whatever is through-out its entirety open to assured observation."

338. Phanerology
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 p., unfinished Definition of "phaneron."