1334. [Adirondack Summer School Lectures]
A. MS., two notebooks, G-1905-5.
Notebook I (pp. 1-48) published, in part, as 1.284 (pp. 35-36). Unpublished: the classification of both men and the sciences in terms of prattospude (discovery for the sake of doing), taxospude (discovery for the sake of applying knowledge), heurospude (discovery for the sake of discovery). The three divisions of heurospude or pure science become mathematics, philosophy, and idioscopy. The dependence of the special sciences on philosophy: CSP's disagreement with the empirical philosophers, e.g., Comte and his followers, who make philosophy dependent upon the special sciences. The principles of common sense are indubitable; it is impossible to be consistently dissatisfied with them. The normative sciences. Esthetics, or axiagastics, treats of the ultimate aim, or the sammum bonum. The relationship of ethics to esthetics. Ethics as the science of self-control has the double task of describing the operation of self-control (but not in psychological terms) and determining the conditions to which conduct must conform in order to be right. The second of the two tasks belongs to critical ethics which is distinguished from casuistry by reason of its avoidance of specific cases. Logic as an application of ethics to the realm of thought and as a science of signs. Logic is more than the theory of the relation of symbols to their object; it stands as the general theory of signs of all kinds. Notebook II (pp. 49-59): doctrine of signs (continued). The branches of logic: stecheology, logical critic, and methodeutic. Tritocenoscopy and taxospude.

1335. The Categories studied with reference to the English Language
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 3 pp.; plus another 3 pp. of an outline for the general classification of the sciences.
The sciences are most successfully classified on the basis of their logical dependence upon each other and their degree of specialization. Mathematics is highest on the scale of generality.

1336. Philosophy in the Light of the Logic of Relatives
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-13, unfinished.
Classification of the sciences. Some of the ways in which CSP's classification differs from Comte's. The relationship between metaphysics and logic, on the one hand, and between metaphysics and psychics, on the other.

1337. History of Science from Copernicus to Newton
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 9 pp., unfinished. The classification of the sciences. The division of the sciences into physics and psychics.

1338. (Monist)
A. MS., n.p., [c.1905-06], pp. 1-41, unfinished or incomplete, with pp. 18-19 missing and with fragments (possibly from another draft).
The entire manuscript, with the exception of some clearly marked pages concerned with Wundt on the versos, deals with the classification of the sciences. CSP sets out to clarify his Monist article of April 1905 (G-1905-1a).

1339. A Suggested Classification of the Sciences
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-13; 1-6.
Some of the ways in which CSP's scheme differs from other schemes. CSP's point of departure is Comte. Division of science into its theoretical and practical parts. CSP calls for criticism, especially from taxonomists.

1340. [An Outline of the Classification of the Sciences]
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 double page (2 pp.); plus 2 pp. of an earlier attempt.

1341. Chapter I. Of the Classification of the Sciences (I)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-19, with a discarded p. 7.
Traditional classifications of the sciences: Plato's, Capella's, the Seven Liberal Arts of the Roman Schools, Schemes of the Medieval University, Bacon's.

1342. Chapter II. Of the Place of Logic among the Sciences (II)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 1-3, with 3 pp. of variants; pp. 2-3, with one discarded page, of another attempt.
Logic is a science. Before science can be characterized as "serious inquiry" (not systematized knowledge), several well-known facts must be digested, e.g., that we all have beliefs, that we are under a compulsion to believe what we do believe, etc.

1343. Of the Classification of the Sciences. Second Paper. Of the Practical Sciences (Classification of the Sci)
A. MS., G-c.1902-5, pp. 1-103, unfinished; plus 90 pp. of other drafts.
Published, in part, in the following order: 7.53-57, 7.381n19, and 7.58 (pages 4-10, 21, 23, 75-76). Omitted: a discussion of different systems of classifying the sciences. Every natural classification is based on the purpose or quasi-purpose of the objects classified. Purpose has its root in desire. And every desire is a phase of instinct. A good classification of the instincts affords a key to purposes in general and to scientific purposes in particular. Elaborate classification of instincts.

1344. Abstract of Logic-Book. Introduction. Section 1. The Classification of the Sciences (Abstract)
A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 4-29, 4, 11, 20-21, with 4 other discarded pp. and 2 pp. (pp. X and 3) the title of which is "Abstract of a Memoir 'On the Logic of Drawing History from Ancient Documents, especially from Testimonies'" (Abstract).

1345. On the Classification of the Sciences
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 36 pp.; plus 3 pp. ("Synopsis of Logic. Chapter I. The Place of Philosophy among the Sciences") and 4 pp. ("Chapter I. Of the Place of Philosophy among the Sciences").
Threefold division of mathematics, empirics and pragmatics. Mathematics as the study of ideal forms or constructions; empirics as the study of phenomena for the purpose of correlating their forms with those studied by mathematics; pragmatics as the study of how we ought to behave in light of the truths of experience derived from empirics. The subdivision of empirics into philos-ophy, nomology, and episcopy. The subdivision of pragmatics into ethics, arts, and policy.

1346. [On the Classification of the Sciences]
A. MS., notebook, n.p., n.d.
Brief notes on the classification of the sciences.

* 1347. [Fragments on Classification]
A. MS., n.p., 1892 and n.d., 22 pp.
One page is dated February 13, 1892. But all the pages are concerned with classification, especially the classification of the sciences. Some of these pages may be notes or worksheets for CSP's projected Thesaurus.